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Michael Moore pisses people off.

More evan: How can anyone truly support Michael Moore after his act of dipshitedness at the Academy Awards broadcast? He lost the support of a good deal of the general population for his views, which he pushes harder than a mother delivering triplets (which doesn't seem much of a stretch if you look at him) in his movie "Bowling for Columbine," in which he harasses an Alzheimer's ridden Charlton Heston among other people in an almost bizarre attempt to prove that the United State's warlike nature is the cause for the Columbine shootings. My friend introduced the concept of the movie to me like this: "Yeah, its really interesting, Michael Moore points out that on the day of the Columbine shootings, that was the day we dropped the most bombs on Kosovo ever!" What she was getting at was that because Klebold and Harris knew the United States was at war, that must have been the reason they shot up their schoolmates and teachers. It couldn't have been neglectful parenting, being picked on, and being the people who consistently got the living shit beaten out of them by people and they were angry little freaks who took Insane Clown Posse lyrics literally and took out their frustrations with home made bombs and guns. It doesn't occur to Mr. Moore apparently, that the parents might have taken some interest in that their children were beating the shit out of a bag of glass bottles to make shrapnel for bombs, a method I don't believe the United States Army uses. And one more thing to Mr. Moore. Did it really have to be that they saw violence on T.V. and tried to emulate that? I'm honestly surprised that the big liberal piece of shit Michael Moore would criticize the bombing of Kosovo by Bill Clinton, in that the two are both liberals. Clinton isn't as much of a dying heart, tree hugging, give peace a chance, I hate violence, I love communism democrat as Moore is, but still, the two are in the same boat politically. But back to the point I was making. Michael, is there no such thing anymore as just being totally fucked in the head? Is there no more insanity? Couldn't the kids have a serious mental problem? Did they truly have to be under influence of horrible, horrible LIFE SAVING war? I understand that Michael's personal agenda calls for anti war protesting, but even he can't deny that a short lived war is a better thing than the ethnic cleansing that was going on prior to that. Although, Mikey might be able to argue that. After all, he thinks that the United States isn't at all interested in finding Osama Bin Laden, and when he puts his bullshit spin on it, it almost sounds feasible. But then, so does liberalism. Just goes to show you can't believe what you're told by big fat lumps of shit that spend their lives preaching about the evils of capitalistic over-indulging, but weigh 400 fucking pounds.