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Internet journals piss people off.

Internet journals..Whoever came up with this bullshit needs a cookie. Suddenly we have nothing better to do than post information about our meaningless lives on the internet where just about anyone can read them? Great idea. Here's a newsflash. NOBODY GIVES A DAMN. That's right. NOBODY WANTS TO READ ABOUT YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND WHAT FUN YOU HAD AT THE ZOO. On, our previous host (they can go to hell), there's some loser named SmoothSailing. This bitch has at least 3 hours worth of HTML plugged into her cute little xanga journal. An excerpt from one of her posts.."Should I keep posting on life in ancient rome?"..This stupid bitch has already covered marriage, every day life, executions, burial, royalty..the works. And she has the nerve to ask if she should post more. HELL NO! She's also got a picture of her fat ass up there, with the face blanked out with a big red circle with a white question mark in the middle. Somebody must have told her that I'm out to get her. Yeah, that's right, that stupid bitch better hide behind her little red circle. This was the most popular journal on Xanga. What does that say about mankind? How stupid are we? I find it hard to believe that someone has several thousand hits on an internet journal. How many people could possibly care? I sure as hell don't. As far as I'm concerned, an EMP needs to go off above the servers and wipe out their collection of internet journals. And did I mention that Xanga has a premium service? That's right. For a low monthly price, you can post more shitty pictures of things you care about. You guessed it. SmoothSailing is a premium subscriber. Why the HELL would anyone pay money to have a better webjournal service? It just boggles my mind. People amaze me. There surely isn't a cap on human stupidity.