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Hi everybody, guess what? It is February 23rd and today is my first birthday (I know a bit late with the webpage, Daddy has been lazy lately). WOW, a whole years old, and what a day Mommy and Daddy had for me. A nice cake and plenty of new toys to play with. So thanks to everybody who bought such nice things for me and especially a big thanks to Mommy and Daddy for making the day so special for me. Just think, I thought that my birthday would be cancelled because of the big blizzrd, but nope, it came afterall. And the storm was good for a reason. Daddy's school stayed home on my birthday because of all the snow, so Daddy was home to celebrate my birthday with me and Mommy...YEAH!!!!!

And as ya might have known, with my Mommy and Daddy, I have tons of pictures to show you, so sit back and enjoy. I hope you like them

Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me.....Happy Birthday dear Brianna, Happy Birthday to me.....

This first lot of pictures are of me before lunch. I am walking around in my nice new outfit and just take a look at the is sooooo pretty!!!!

These pictures are of me waiting for my yummy birday cake and a ton of them are of me eating my first birthday cake....look at the mess that I am in. You would have at least thought that Mommy and Daddy would clean me up, but all they did was stand back, laugh like crazy and take all these pictures. But I'll get them back...I will.... Oh, by the way, the funny looking yellow doll, it is a stuffed animal that sings Happy Birthday to you. It is sooo funny because it giggles.

These pictures are of me playing with all my new toys. I got a dollhouse, a nice pink chair, another kind of chair that I'm not saying what's gross, new clothes, two Wiggles CDs and look its, I can't believe it.....IT'S DOROTHY THE DINOSAUR. YEAH!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh, what a very tiring day, all kinds of good food, Daddy being home and tons of new things to play with, I am so tired, maybe I'll just have a .....quick........nap ....... zzzzzzzzzzz

I hoped you liked all the pictures of my 1st birthday .... so remember, stay tuned ... for more Brianna pics ... same Brianna time ... same Brianna webpage...and as always remember ... I LOVE YOU!!!!