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Wshington Map
Glitch#5 pictures
Glitch#6 pictures
Glitch#7 pictures
Glitch#8 pictures

Glitch #5
Ok got to point A (see map) from there drive to
point red, (which is a wall) if you hit it rite you
will either fly over the wall or go threw it!!
You can also get another car to push you threw or some
big truck (either one works)
(See Glitch #5 pictures)
(see Washington map)

Glitch #6
Ok you need a semi/bus or fire truck to push you
through (nickame is hidden highway)
You will go to point blue were you will get rite
beside the wall (the far wall), then a bus or semi
will come and push you threw once your in, you will
see a highway divider and lines on it!! You will then
hit the line closet to the drop off(when you hit this
line don’t wobble and get some speed!!) If you did it
rite you will the end up on a highway were you can
drive to the end, if you go half way and you turn off
on the left you will go into a grass area!!
(see map)
(see glitch #6 pictures)

Glitch #7
Ok you need a car to push you through!! You will go to
point black (The mall) on the map, You will go and see
a little cubbie area that you can fit in then you will
get your friend to push you in!!
(see map)
(See Glitch #7 picture)

Glitch #8
Ok you will go to point A
Once you get there follow the brown line
You will hit this wall at point Yellow, and once you
hit it you will fly over the Houses and land on a
tall grass hill!!
(get a lot of speed!!!)
(see washington map)
(See Glitch#8 pictures)