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Wshington Map
Glitch#19 pictures
Glitch#20 pictures
Glitch#21 pictures
Glitch#22 pictures

Glitch #19
Ok go to point blue on the map, you will get to a
brown building, once you are there go around the back
and you will see a entance(see Glitch #20 pictures for
details)Go in the first position of the first
picture,once you are in that potition reverse and
you will start going into the other position of the
second picture, now once you are in that position u
must back up gainst the wall, then hold A and
accelarate and turn right all at the
same time,once you see your front end goin ina bit let
go of those buttons and revers fully and you should go
through the wall into the building!! This may take a
few tries!!
(See Washington map)
(See Glitch #19 Pictures)

Glitch #20
Ok you no the Glitch #3 (train tracks) this will get
you back there but with a bus.
Ok you will go to the red on the map(See Glitch #21
pictures for better details)
Take a look at the pictures and go in to the same
position they show, then once in that’s
Position hold A, Acceleration and turn right
all at the same time, hold all that once you start
really poping in then let go of those and fully
accelarate in. then you will be in the hiden train
tracks, with a bus.
(See map)
(See Glitch #20 pictures for full details)

Glitch #21
Ok go to the mall(see maps) when you get there you
will go to this little indent in the builing up the
stairs(See Glitch #21 pictures for full details)
Once you get in that little cube hole just press
A,accelaration and turn left or right
all at the same time, once you are about half way in
you will let go of those buttons and just accelerate
(See Washington map)
(See Glitch #21 pictures for full details)

Glitch 22
Ok go to point green on the map, when you get there
get in the position of picture B, when in that
position,Hold the A button, Accelerate, and turn right,
all at the same time, once you are half way in let go
of the buttons but the acceleration and you will drive
rite through the wall!