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Scottish Highers & A Level English Study Guides

Welcome to English Study Guides As every student knows; a methodical approach to English Exams calls for having the right study material.
For this reason, as a practising teacher I have researched and compiled these very essential guides to ensure success in any Literature exams. The following study guides are available from E-Bay or from me by e-mail.

Quizmaster English A Level Revision Quiz ON CD-ROM

The High Fliers Complete Quiz for A/AS English and Scottish Highers on CD ROM

This quiz is specially designed for those students who want to aim high in Eng Lit !

The quiz has been carefully researched to fill a much needed gap for students who aren’t sure of the difference between a metaphor and a muse or a persona from a phantasmagoria.

Compiled from notes, consulted from heavyweight books; these Quizzes have been prepared by a practising teacher and are configured to cover the following areas of study, with 50 questions each area, totalling 250 questions on 177 pages:

Essay planning & writing

Textual analysis

The novel



Each discipline has 50 essential questions in multiple-choice format and can be checked with their respective correct answers and correlated with the grading system.

The benefits of this type of diagnostic testing are that one knows exactly one’s weak areas and revises those components accordingly. The questions generally show a short summary of a particular facet before the student attempts them.

Comprehensive Guide to A Level English On CD-ROM

These are a complete series of guides.

I have re-written from notes over the past years as a teacher of English. Model answers and model essay layouts help the student.Word documents, suitably illustrated. Available on CD only: total 228 pages.

1 Preparing for Study A guide: how to use the free resources on the web. Total 3pages.

2 Essay Planning A detailed guide, outlining with template - approaches in essay preparation. Total pages 19.

3 Essay Writing These particular notes are essential for the student who wished to attain a high standard of writing. Total pages 28.

4 Introduction to the novel A very comprehensive guide that will help the student to understand the basic precepts of literary appreciation Total pages 51

5 Introduction to Drama This handy guide is not to be taken lightly and calls for serious thought about the various types and meanings of drama. Total pages 48

6 Selected Vocabulary with relevance to Literary Study. An indispensable guide in an A to Z format that will give you the edge in those essential words necessary to compose a literature paper Total pages 13pages

7 General Literary Terms This guide will give the student a broad sweep over the tricky ground of literature; explaining terms, which have direct relevance to literature. Total Pages 16

8 An introduction to Poetry Covers the essential aspects of approaching poetry(with glossary of terms) 25 pages

9 Drama terminology Very much similar to the one above(5)giving coverage of drama. Total pages 19

10 Special literary terms A more advanced guide to those essential terms for term papers.

Classics and Postmodern