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Class Art

Course Outline


......to assist students in developing positive attitudes towards physical activity and a desire for life long participation and maintenance
......to have a strong emphasis on learning through participation in a variety of physical activities
......to assist students in experiencing a wide variety of activities and the development of basic skills and knowledge in each
......to provide students with opportunities to develop personal and social skills and attitudes that contribute to a healthy lifestyle and positive self-esteem
......to develop knowledge an understanding of the principles that influence the acquisition and performance of physical skills and examine the relationships between physical activity, lifestyle and well being, the students will:
1.......Acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; in alternate environments, dance, games and individual activities.
2.......Understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity.
3.......Interact positively with others.
4.......Assume personal responsibility to lead an active way of life in a safe and positive manner.
Program Dimensions:

......The program consists activities which can be justified under the Ontario Curriculum. These activities include: cooperative and challenge games, golf, disco dance, scooter activities, basketball, educational gymnastics, badminton, track and field, and ultimate frisbee. Also throughout the year students will be involved in a wide variety of fitness stations and activities, running and student choice days.
Grading & Assessment:

......Students will be graded according to the knowledge and skill concepts outlined in the Ontario Curriculum.
............Active Participation........................................................45%
............Movement Skills..............................................................25%
............Understanding of Concepts and Communication of......30% ............Required Knowledge
......Students will be assessed using a plethora of assessment tools including: daily observations, anecdotal, checklists, self-assessments, peer assessments, rubrics, fitness assessments and journaling, projects, presentations, routines, formative, summative and through authentic means.
Student Attire:

......Students are expected to always change into appropriate athletic apparel for physical education class. In grade eight students are expected to wear an athletic (sneaker) shoe, a white or red shirt (school colours) and a dark pair of shorts. Students are also encouraged to consider bringing a hat, sunscreen and a bottle of water for September, May and June and a windbreaker, sweat top and nylon pants for fall and spring weather. Also, students are encouraged to keep a deodorant stick at school or in their backpack. Finally, jewelry can be considered dangerous for some activities and should always be removed.
......NOTE: Those students who do not have a change of clothes are still expected to participate in the class and in activities in which their regular school attire will allow. A record of appropriate attire is kept and is included on the report card as part of the students Learning Skills evaluation.

Medical Notification/Excuses:

......When at school, students are expected to participate in all physical education activities. If a student is unable to participate due to health related reasons a NOTE, signed by the parent or physician, is REQUIRED. In the note please explain and verify the childs condition and the time the child is expected to miss. If a child is unable to participate for an extended period of time (more than two weeks) an alternate health or physical education assignment must be completed to ensure that the student can be fairly evaluated and is still learning expected outcomes.


......Safety is the recognition that all physical activity involves an element of risk and implies an obligation on the part of all participants to minimize that risk. Expectations will be reviewed at the beginning of the year, while safety precautions and activity expectations will be outlined and displayed for each unit. Each child is responsible for following safety and activity expectations. Listening in class, assisting peers and viewing safety guidelines posted on the wall will assist each child in having the safest experience possible.

Site Created By: Ryan

Class Art