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Name: Keith PearsonE-mail:
City: Cwm, Ebbw ValeCountry: Gwent NP23 7TE
Homepage: www.keithpearson.comDate: 2-Jun-2002 20:09:50

I was very enlightened by your web site. I am 59
years old and only last week I read an article
about Asperger's. This made me look at myself
and my life history and now I think that a
diagnosis of Asperger's could explain most of
the problems that have affected me all my life. 
Another factor is that one of my grandchildren is
autistic ( quite a severe case). I also had a
paternal granfather who displayed many
characteristics, such as obsessive timekeeping,
self-imposssed schedules, embroidering tapestries
for exactly one hour every night, etc, and his
job was an aircraft draughtsman. I also have a
first cousin with "unusual"  behaviour, such as
obsessive tidyness and cleanliness (when young 
he would not let his mother make his bed or tidy
his room because she was not, to him, capable of
doing it properly. There are other paternal-side
relatives who are "eccentric".

I am now trying to analalyse my behaviour in
terms of my possibly having Asperger's. I have
found it very hard to form lasting relationships,
but I have been lucky in finding a wife who has
put up with me for 25 years (my first wife left}
Also I am not on good terms with my daughter,
who is from the first marriage. I have learnt over the
years to copy and imitate "humans" so I can
fit in better but it is difficult. 

I started talking very early, in sentences at 1
year and walkig by 9 months. I have never fitted
in but I got by at school by being very clever,
except at maths, at which I always came bottom,
but I came top in physics. I could not do games
because of poor co-ordination, also I could not
see the sense in sports. My spelling was always 
good and I could usually spell any word by shutting my eyes and spelling it quickly; if I think I might make a mistake. I used to read dictionaries and
encyclopedias. I am an amazingly fast reader, but
it's done me no good. They don't believe I've
read the thing they just showed me and think I'm
rude. I didn't like fiction, and I hated
circuses, clowns and the Wizard of Oz. I would
not wear wool, only corduroy trousers, any others
must be lined. I would not drink milk at school,
and even the thought of using a straw makes me
sick. I would only use a certain size spoon.
I would not do, or did not like, a lot of
things that "all boys" liked. I liked, and
still like, anything mechanical, history,
painting. I mean exactly what I say when I
speak, and tend to assume others do as well. I
have been accused of being rigid, cold, and 
unemotional. I spent 16 years drinking and 
stopped 26 years ago, thanks to AA. I think
this was an attempt to join the real world, but
it did'nt work. I had several suicide
attempts while drinking. Under alcohol I would
copy normal emotional responses and then
over-exagerate them.  

I am very strict on language, and often feel the
need to correct others. I cannot understand 
books or films about things that are impossible -
I just do not see the point! I do not like eye
contact and close proximity "Sincere" people
with firm handshakes and eye to eye stares
frighten me. So do crowds and noisy people. I am
brilliant at passing exams but I fall down on the
job interviews. I am not afraid to speak to alot
of people, but frightened  of one to one, I have
been told I am very funny, and have had small
audiences laughing, but I could not see what that
it was funny.

Can anyone advise me on whether to ask my GP for
a referral? I know it's a bit late , but if I
do  have Asperger's, then it will help me a lot
if I can think that it wasn't all my fault, (or
my upbringing)

Name: Daniel SharptonE-mail:
City: Tulsa, OKlahomaCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 23-May-2002 20:25:30

Very interesting reading, we just found out 
today that my 10 yr. old daughter may have AS.

Name: Karen RatcliffeE-mail:
City: ReginaCountry: Canada
Homepage: Date: 23-May-2002 16:14:22

at last there is information which can be readily
accessed and does not have the junk mail
associated with web-sites.

I have a cousin who needs assistance because her
child has been diagnosed.  My older brother is
also diagnosed.  

Name: yvonneE-mail:
City: chelmsfordCountry: England
Homepage: Date: 21-May-2002 09:10:53

I am 35 years old and have a 9 year old with Atypical 
autism/Aspergers. I am also about to go through 
assessment and all I want to say is your story 
is almost identical to mine. At the 
moment I am going through many different 
emotions and this web site has helped. Thank you.

Name: DawnraeE-mail:
City: CaldwellCountry: USA
Homepage: Date: 20-May-2002 22:25:14

Kevin, I was both saddened and encouraged while 
visiting your site. I am a mother of 5, 2 of my 
boys have AS. It is my hope that having been 
diagnosed early they won't encounter as many 
roadblocks as you have. Thank you for sharing 
your story. God Bless.

Name: Linda WilliamsE-mail:
City: SouthamptonCountry: England
Homepage: www.seas.0catch.comDate: 17-May-2002 16:42:10

What a lovely site. Very informative and 
personal. I shall put a link to it on our group 
page, and our website soon. We are fighting the 
education system to try to help children with AS 
in mainstream schools, and sites like yours make 
us more determined than ever to succeed. 

Name: Nancy ViensE-mail:
City: Denton, TXCountry: USA
Homepage: --Date: 15-May-2002 18:31:22

You should be very proud of your Web site.  You 
have done a fine job of explaining your life 
experiences.  I have an adult friend who has all 
the symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome, but has 
never been diagnosed.  He is in his 50s.  I 
wonder if he knew what he has, whether or not he 
could do much about it at this late date. 

Name: PaulE-mail: RICK2454@HOTMAIL.COM
City: PAIGNTONCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: 11-May-2002 10:47:54

Hi Kevin
just thought i would like to drop you a quick e 
mail to congratulate you on your great website. 
i have a son called sam who has been diagnosed 
with Aspergers Syndrome and your website has 
answered a few questions the so called experts 
could not. Thanks again. Best wishes Paul

Name: Aimee AustinE-mail:
City: Overland Park, KansasCountry: United States
Homepage: Date: 11-May-2002 04:13:00

Hi Kevin!

I think this sight is very informative and I 
visit it often. It has helped me out a great 
deal with my daughter who has AS. 
I have shared your story with many teachers and parents of Autistic and Asperger children. We all strongly encourage ALL Education Authorities to train their teachers about Autism and Asperger's Syndrome as an Asperger child in a
classroom with a narrow minded teacher is a recipe for disaster. Take care Aimee

Name: NepE-mail: Nep@.surf3.Net
City: KentCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: 10-May-2002 20:13:17

Haven't finished wading through just yet, but 
will come back when I have more time.  Just read 
your 'Explanation' page.  I understand how you 
feel about the late diagnosis totally.  I'm 33 
and have only just got a referral recently.  Who 
knows if and when I'll get a diagnosis.  Good 
site. Take care.

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