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If you are reading this and fall victim to such people in school or elsewhere, AS, Autistic, GLD, NT or anything else, keep a diary of any events that may occur in School against you that are bad so it will be used as evidence when it comes to light.

Bring a Mobile phone, MP3 player or Dictaphone into school and tape-record covertly any threats or abuse you may receive, so the school you attend can't dismiss you as being a liar or a tell tale. Record any incidents on your mobile phone. Tell your parents straight away. That is the first thing you need to do. It isn't a case of being a "grass". If the bullies say "Tell on us and you will get some more" or "Tell on us and it will get worse", ignore them. They need to be stopped and such behaviour needs to be stamped out immediately. For your sake, and at times, theirs.

Bullying is taken much more seriously nowadays than when I was in Primary or Secondary School. Back then, the attitude was often that bullying was a part of growing up and an accepted part of life.

When dealing with bullies, if you have AS, or even if you don't, be assertive rather than either aggressive or frightened. Even if you feel fear, as difficult as it is, don't show it and don't let them see it. Stay calm at all times, because bullies get their sick and warped kicks in seeing their victim or victims showing any kind of fear. People with AS should be, if diagnosed, taught self-assertiveness as part of their social skills training. Say if someone ever threatened to smash my face in, I wouldn't say "Come on then" or threaten to do the same to them. I would try to avoid a confrontation if I could, but I wouldn't cower or stutter or say "Please.. please... don't.. I will do anything for you" or say "I didn't see it like that". I never have done that, and I am not going to start now. If you panic or are full of fear, you can't think rationally or straight. How can you play an instrument well, or play soccer, or if an actor, remember your lines, or drive a car, or have sex, if you are full of fear?

You may ask if I am a brilliant fighter or an "Hard-man". No, not particularly. I can handle myself and look after myself in a fight but I am not a "hard-man" or invincible. I could be beaten in a fight just like anyone else. I don't like violence and am not a violent person, as I don't believe it solves anything, but there is only so much one can take, be it verbal or physical abuse.

Whilst it is a bullying tactic to isolate you from any friends that you have, but do try to, as hard as it is, make friends with at least one NT who is OK within your class, who could back you up if anything occurs, as a witness. Stick with them at all times. Bullies may be discouraged if this happens or at least it will be harder for them to try their "Isolate and rule" tactics on you.

If a bully or a group of bullies attack you, it would be wise to ensure that such an incident occurs near a Teacher so it can be proved that they started it and therefore your school doesn't suspend or expel you for retaliating or so they can't come out with a cock and bull story that you have caused or provoked the trouble. Try to avoid violence, but there is only so much that anyone can take. Everybody has a breaking point, and don't feel scared or bad about resorting to this action if the bully has asked for it or deserves it or has pushed you to a point when and where you can't take anymore.

If the worst does comes to the worst and you have to get into a confrontation with a school bully or bullies, ensure you fight one of them alone, rather than when they are together. Learn the basics of martial arts in case this does happen and before you enrol at a Secondary School just as a precaution. One of the best tactics of self-defence, if you have to use it, is to head butt the bully straight on the nose with your forehead, or kick them between the legs or grab one leg and knock the other away so the bully goes down and start laying into the bully or dive on him and keep punching the bully, full whack, on the nose, and show them no mercy.

If you are a parent and your child has AS and is being bullied, and the school refuses to do anything about it, or acts too weakly, talk to the School Governors, or the people who run the Education Authority and tell them of your predicament.

I did NOT design this website to glorify or make saints out of people with AS or Autism or anyone else but in my view and from what I have seen and read people with either Autism or Asperger's Syndrome are rarely bullies. They are usually the VICTIMS, despite the bully blaming the victim or other people for their actions. If they ever are bullies though, I will condemn them just as much as I would condemn NT or psychopathic bullies.

To sum up, if you are a victim of bullying, whether you are NT, Autistic, AS or whatever, don't blame yourself and certainly don't try to commit suicide. Remember, the fault always lies with the bully, or bullies not you or whoever else they single out. It is they who are warped and twisted in their thinking and reasoning. They think they have a right to bully you or someone else. They don't. They might blame you for being a victim. Don't accept that nonsense. Don't let your reasoning become as warped as theirs. You have a right to a good education, and to live in a school without worrying that today is going to be the day you are going to be bullied. You should not, and must not, feel as if you are walking around on eggshells because of a bully or bullies.

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