
Here contests are mentioned and thoroughly described:)

6/1/05 through 9/31/05 June-August STC!
June 1st-June 30th: write stories or poems for our Story telling contest. July 1st: your stories or poems are due. E-mail them to July 10th: start voting for the STC, & on August 6th the voting is closed. August 7th: winner of STC will recieve their prize & on August 14th the top 6 STC entries will be placed in Guild Magazine, Faerie Fantasy. Prize: Bottled Faerie
7/1/05 through 7/31/05 July MOTM
Vote for the member of the month for July! Start voting on July 1st once you have a registered voting combonation. Neomail friendly_faeries33 if you have not registered your voting combo yet. Voting closes and member is awarded a small prize on July 15th.Small prize
4/1/05 Until it ends Survivor
April 1st was our guild's survivor game. Prize: treasure chest full of exciting items
AlwaysSecret Faeries
We are creating a secret faeries gallery. Create a picture of a faerie, or simply take one off of google or something and write a story about her:)Each entry receives 3 guild tokens
AlwaysNewbie Packs
Are you active? Been a member for a week? Do you have at least 10 guild tokens? If so, you qualify for a newbie pack! Newbie packs include a codestone, and two mystery items:)