Faerie Queen Doll Pool

Our guild has started a faerie queen doll pool. Once we get enough to buy the doll, anyone who contibutes at LEAST 30,000np gets to borrow the doll. For those who are generous, you may contribute more than just 30,000np.
WHY? In order to get the avie:

Check my trades to donate:

Click here to go to the guild's trades


Kittens3355 ->10,000np

Angelfire846 ->10,000np

Kreefur ->10,000np

Kittens3355 ->10,000np

Winterqueen68 ->15,000np

Tiffa33 ->25,000np

Heavens_child33 ->25,000np

Friendly_faeries33 ->25,000np

Pet-pet Raffle Fundraiser ->5,000np

TOTAL: 135,000np/900,000np