

July 19, 2005
Kiki's Conundrum contest is up so try it out by clicking "Contests (Bi-Weekly)" under the dropdown menu below! Also, lots of other summer contests are up, like Guess It, Word Scramble, and Better Then You so give them a try! I'll be hooking up my scanner at some point this summer, then I'll be able to create the high score trophies which I've already hand-drawn with pretty faeries. Of course, finding the artwork I drew about a year ago when I first thought of the trophies, will be hard...
July 6, 2005
Kiki's Conundrum contest is up so try it out by clicking "Contests (Bi-Weekly)" under the dropdown menu below! :)
June 29th, 2005
Avatar Page Updated...
June 22nd, 2005
Survivor Updated...
June 6th, 2005
Start writing stories for the June-August Story Telling Contest! Submit you stories or poems to bumblebri55@msn.com.
April 25, 2005
New layout up!!! Hope you like it =]. Oh! And you can still vote for STC.
April 10, 2005
Hey guys! Just a reminder to vote for Member of the Month, and for the Story Telling Contest if you haven't done so already! And also, we really want more people to participate in Survivor. Wouldn't it be fun to get free stuff EVERY DAY?
Bri and I (kreefur) are also working on getting drop-down menus on EVERY page of the guild webbie. Stay tuned!
March 4, 2005
Hey Everyone! New Background up for March and Brokenteddy__'s working on a new picture for our main page. Plus Brokenteddy & Kittens are working on updating all the pages and adding new slide out menus! Keep checking back for new updates:)
Feb 14th, 2005
Jan 23rd, 2005
Hey Guys! Token Counter has been updated. Let me know if you are missing any tokens.
November 28th, 2004
December is almost here! New today is our Faerie Whisperings Christmas Tree! I'll make a little blinkie to go below that links to the tree. Under the drop-down menu go to Christmas Tree 2004 to see the page I'm working on currently. Anyone can create ornaments, presents, and snowflakes for the tree! Just attach your name to the ornament in some creative way so that everyone knows you made it! On other news, the Murder Mystery is temporarily suspended while I work on creating more clues.
November 3rd, 2004
New Murder Mystery Clues will be revealed on Fridays & Sundays only due to my busy busy schedule. Sorry! lolz, hold your breath for the suspense! Inbetween I'll be making your clues...
November 3rd, 2004
Today is 1/2 price day!
October 31st, 2004
New page! Check out Helpful_pixi!
October 31st, 2004
Mwahahaha! Today is the first day of the Murder Mystery!!
October 2nd, 2004
Hiya guys! Don't forget the contests are going to be up for the first week of every month from now until summer. They are currently up, so what are you wating for? GO PARTICIPATE!!!
September 9th, 2004
MURDER MYSTERY, Muhahahaha! I've started the graphics for the storybook. To see the book so far, select "Murder Mystery Storybook" from the drop-down menu below.
September 8th, 2004
MURDER MYSTERY, Muhahahaha! The guild is having a murder mystery contest! I'm going to be writing the murder mystery and then I'll reveal a new clue everyday until someone solves it! Every guild member is a suspect, except one guild member is the victim and another is the killer. It is up to you to figure out who did it and how it was done! Each guild member needs to write me a creative character description for the mystery. Please view the guild's website page "Murder Mystery" under the drop-down menu for details on how to write your character description. There is also an example provided for you to read. It would be greatly appreciated if I could have your description for the end of September since I need still write the mystery and then create the website graphics for it! Thanks a bunch! Oh, and by the way...each of these is 3 guild tokens, 5 if you write an excellent description!
September 3rd, 2004
Hi guys! I've added how to get the Do Not Eat Carrot Avatar to the avatars page. Also, yesterday I updated the token counter, tokens explained page, and the members page. In about two minutes I'll also be adding the new members to our birthday calender.
  • Don't forget you can get a token buy donating a codestone to our guild avatar help trades, just send it to (faerie_whisperer333).
  • August 26th, 2004
    Hey guys! I'm working on making a high score table for the mystery pic contest. I really want people to participate more! You get 50np for participating and 400np if you win, so when the next mp comes, please participate! oh yeah...i'll probably start making trophies too =)
    August 26th, 2004
    I just finished making the Word Scramble High Scores page for the High Score Tables Page.
  • Also, don't forget to do the contests for this week!
  • Right now I'm going to go make a blinkie for the high scores page...
  • August 10th, 2004
    Hiya! Don't forget to participate in the guild contests! Mystery pic won't be up 'cause kreefur is on vacation, but everything else is available. Guess it is up now:) Um...to get to the contests go to the contest and events page. Use the dropdown menu to access all of the contests you'd like. Have fun!
    August 7st, 2004
    Guess What!?! New page to the guild webbie! Added today: High Score Tables Page. It is still being worked on, but check it out anyways!
  • Also, I added a little more to the Quests page. Don't forget to do the guild quests and get your name onto the High Score Table!
  • August 2nd, 2004
    Hey guys! hmmm just wanted to let you know that there is a new graphics page in the goodies page! It's called 'giant words,' go check it out!
    August 1st, 2004
    Hiya! Being a sizzling August summertime, I figured I'd do something funky to the webbie. Hope you like it! There is music, just give it a sec! Kreefur created the August layout picture;)
    August 1st, 2004
    Hi guys! Just a reminder to check out
    the newbie page i just finished making!
    (Even if you're not a newbie:)

    *_* Feel like talking?!?