Advertise for the Guild!

  • Anytime you feel like advertising for the guild, you can post these on the message boards =)
  • You are also welcome to create an advertisement for this page ^-^
  • Remember, you get a token for creating one and 5 for refering new members!

    -Scroll Down-

    Ad 1: By angelfire846

    ×So YoU'rE gUiLdLeSs, Eh? yOu'Re In lUcK!!!! fAeRiE wHiSpErInGs HaS aN oPeNiNg JuSt FoR yOu!! HeRe'S wHaT wE hAvE tO oFfEr!!
    *19 CoOl aNd AcTiVe MeMbErS*
    *a GrEaT wEbBiE wItH oVeR 40 dIfFeReNt PaGeS*
    *4 eXtReMeLy AcTiVe GuIlD cOuNcIl MeMbErS*
    *SeCrEt AvAtAr HeLp*
    *ItEmS yOu CaN bOrRoW fOr SeCrEt AvAtArs*
    *MaNy DiFfErEnT GuIlD bAnNeRs, BlInKiEs AnD bLoGs*
    *CuStOm & anImAtEd GuIlD LaYoUt*
    *AnD mUcH, mUcH mOrE*
    So CoMe On OvEr AnD cHeCk Us OuT×

    Ad 2: By friendly_faeries33

    *19 active members
    *Over 300,000np in bank
    *Newbie Pax
    *Avatar help&items
    *Custom layouts
    *Token reward system
    *Guild Goodies-banners/blinkies/blogs
    *7 bi-weekly summer contests w/ good prizes
    *Helpful links resource on webbie
    *Ever-growing webbie
    *Game Room
    *Guild Quests
    *High Score Tables
    *don't join unless you plan on being active;)

    Ad 3: By brokenteddy__

    :PJoin Faerie Whisperings!:P
    >19 great members
    >very cool guild website
    >over 300,000np in guild bank
    >guild games
    >guild graphics
    >bi-weekly contests-great prizes
    >tri-monthly guild magazine
    and much MUCH more!*star*

    Ad 4: By Kittens3355

    ~*~Faerie Whisperings~*~
    *19 active members
    *Over 300,000np in bank
    *Newbie Pax
    *Avatar help&items
    *Custom layouts
    *Token reward system
    *Guild Goodies-banners/blinkies/blogs
    *7 bi-weekly summer contests w/ good prizes
    *Ever-growing webbie
    *don't join unless you plan on being active;)

    <bgsound src="" loop="infinite">