Faerie Whisperings Quests

So you think you can handle one of my quests...eh?

  • You must start with quest one and go in order,
  • if you fail a quest, you will be sent back to the first quest...
  • You are given a time limit for each quest
  • But don't worry, it will be reasonable
  • The first few quests are simple little things...with small little prizes.
  • But each quest gets a little harder...with better prizes...
  • Each completed quest gives you a certain number of points
  • There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies.

    if you're ready to begin, then simply neomail friendly_faeries33 for the url to the first quest!

    Neomail friendly_faeries33
    Subject: Quest; Message: # quest you are on!

  • NOTE! When friendly_faeries33 replies to your neomail, she will write something
    like Quest1_Apple_Pie. What you have to do is place the Quest1_Apple_Pie
    at the end of the url. Like this:


    See how the italized part gets added to the origional url? for every
    quest, place your neomailed ending after this url:


    (PS: Apple pie is not the first quest so don't bother getting one:)

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