Faerie Fantasy

Our Magazine


While skipping along a long dirt path through a dense yet cheerful forest your joy causes you to hum out a melody. It never seems to fail! Whenever you make the journey by foot to visit the guild excitement washes over you bringing laughter to your lips. Today, as you make the usual trip to Faerie Whisperings, you hear a soft rustling in the field of purple flowers to your right. "I'm going to be late to the meeting..." you think as you bite your lip. Sprinting full force into the field, you trip on a jutting bolder and send your air faerie backpack sailing into the air. "Humph!" you mutter as you brush off the dirt that now caked your hair, face, and clothes. "Late and dirty! What a day!" Your eyes begin to glitter, "Wait a minute...what on earth..." Bending you pick up a battered looking scroll. As you slowly open the scroll you hear giggling and quickly glance up. Ah ha! The sorce of the noise, your trouble, and your discovery. There before you stands, well almost stands, tiffa33 rocking in laughter! Frustrated and angry, you scowl at her and demand, "Why did you distract me and cause me to trip?" Swiftly comes the reply, "I wanted to show you our newsletter and start it off with a big bang! Read on my wonderful member and be sure to make it to the guild afterwards! Everyone's waiting!


By: tiffa33 (Faerie Queen)

On December 6th, 2003 my newly met neofriend _mandapanda3271098_ suggested that we create a guild together. She asked me to created the account on my user name tiffa33. Both of us were new to the idea of owning a guild and we had absolutely no idea where to start! I also had no idea that I was able to give her admin powers through the guild. Since I was reluctant to give her my password to my tiffa33 account, we decided to demolish the guild and create a separate account only for our guild. This way, we could both know the password and work on the guild together. Out of our decision, the account friendly_faeries33 was created and the guild Faerie Whisperings was recreated on December 9th, 2003. When I had originally created the guild on my tiffa33 account, we did have some members join, and thankfully all of our original members (except for one) rejoined when it was moved. I even remember how cute it was when Californiacandy247, one of our oldest members, thought that friendly_faeries33 had stolen the guild from tiffa33! Indeed, we have had some fun times!

The week of December 8th to December 12th we held our first contest…a 50%-50% Raffle. Tambola Key Rings were for sale in the guild shop as Raffle tickets and when a member purchased a ticket their name was entered into the competition. A total of 8 tickets were sold, raising 3200np. Half of this went to the winner (_mandapanda3271098_) and the other half went to the guild. The following week, _mandapanda3271098_ thought of doing a shop-a-holic type of contest where members received prizes for purchasing lots of items from our guild shop. Unfortunately, neopets had by then created the new rule where only purchase over 1000np were displayed in the sales history. Because of this rule, we could not keep track of purchases and the contest failed.

The week before Christmas, I decided that doing Secret Santa with the guild would be fun. This contest failed because not even one person submitted their name! Seeing that I needed some sort of alternative, I decided upon the wish list contest. Those members who submitted their Christmas wish had it granted by the guild if it was about 2000np. The funniest thing about this contest was that only two people entered, and both ended up leaving the guild within a week!

I don’t recall the exact date, but _mandapanda3271098_ decided to leave our guild. She joined a different neofriend’s guild in order to help the friend gain membership. I was deeply hurt, and she felt bad about it, so she soon after rejoined the guild. Feeling a bit forgiving, I allowed _mandapanda3271098_ to once again co-own the guild. This lasted for a while, but (according to her) I started to take over the guild and make decisions without asking her opinion. And I must admit, she was right. I loved the guild so much that I started making all sorts of changes to improve it. I added contests, advertised on chat boards, and made guild decisions quickly without wasting time neomailing her. She left the guild a second and final time.

I am now the sole owner of the guild and I love it! I don’t have to discuss anything over with anyone else, and I don’t have to worry about having arguments with a co-owner. Of course, I always keep my mind open to the ideas of our members, and quite a few of our members have given me good ideas. Just before _mandapanda3271098_ left, she sent me a neomail loaded with ideas; “1)Guild teams: we could divide the guild members in to teams like snow faerie, fire faerie, water faerie and other ones that u like. 2)Member of the month(MOTM):the members could neomail votes to friendly_faeries33 and at the end of the month we can award the member with a prize 3)The Find It Contest: we can pick something on our guilds website and it will have to be hard and who ever finds it first wins. 4)Name that item:(this is like mystery pic but instead of the picture we will put the description of the item and who ever tells us the item first will win. 5)Referral Contest: at the end of the week we will ask the new members that come that week how did they find out about us and if it is a member in our guild we will give the member who told another member about us a point and at the end of the week we count up the points and 4 example if they brought 5 members to our guild we will give them 5 prizes. P.S. Neomail me back and tell me what ideas u like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D” As you may see, I used a couple of her ideas with some revisions. Since, by that time, December was almost over, I waited until January to start the member of the month. I never did the guild team idea because I was worried that by doing it we would create a feud and break up the guild. Ideas three and four sounded good, but I wasn’t sure what would be hard enough to choose. But those ideas sparked the creativity in me, and that was when I decided to post random events on the guild website. And, of course, we do now have a guild referral program, however I just didn’t it her way because it would have been too expensive.

The website was created not long after the guild was relocated. (Sometime in December). It started out with just the little snow faerie blog that is now on the homepage, along with a contest page. I next added the member page and the neopets help page. Soon after, I started learning how to create banners and within no time, the goodies page was added! At first the banners page didn’t have any codeboxes—adding those was quite the challenge. I spent a lot of time searching sites and asking questions on the chat boards before I finally discovered how to create them.

I have always been an inventing type of person, and also a researcher. I wanted to get the guild to become good—even better than other guilds. Often, I would check out different guilds and see what some of their most unique features were—and then, steal them (sort of…). On my heavens_child33 account, I am a member of the guild Illusen’s Glade. It was from this guild that I stole the idea of a goodies page and the idea of creating a website. They also have a description of each council member…from this idea I then created the members page—a description and picture for every member in our guild. From another guild, I honestly don’t remember who, I saw the idea of a message board. For this, I asked permission before using the idea. The owner of that guild also was the person who taught me how to create banners, and how to upload images. On another day, I was looking through shops when I came across something unique that got me thinking. Someone had a little map in their shop and it was a treasure hunt game. It cost 100 np to play and you chose one of the boxes and neomailed the girl with your choice. The possibility was of a nice prize. From this game, I got the idea of the guild survivor game and started composing what it should be. Originally, I was going to put a member’s name behind each square and then vote for which square to look at and thus vote off. While brainstorming with kittens3355, we came up with our current version of the game. We started the game on January 26th, 2004 and right now (Feb 8th) only four members remain! It has been fun and we have been working out the kinks along the way. Kittens3355 has taken over the management of the game since my time has been limited lately. We have both decided to hold the game three times a year. So maybe May 1st we will start the 2nd guild survivor game.

Well, in two short months our guild has certainly grown! Thanks everyone for adding life to our guild!



Winning Story: Kiki's Conundrum

By: tiffa33

Eyes wide with panic, her breath coming out in short gasps, Kiki ran for all she was worth. Had she been given even a moment to think, she would have criticized herself for taking such a chance. However, with her pursuers not very far behind, she continued sprinting and silently rejoiced at every hour she’d spent on her treadmill. With the grace of a leopard, she vaulted herself over a fence and scurried down the street. Just ahead she saw her home, oh how wonderful it would be to just jump inside and slam the doors shut…No! she told herself. Then they would know where she lived and who she was…it just wouldn’t do. She sprinted down a few allies and turned corners as often as possible until finally they’d lost her trail….As her body quivered and gasped for air, she slowly sank down on her sofa and lifted a hand to her throbbing temple. Promptly, she passed out…


It had been one hell of a party, Aroara silently mused to herself. Her sister Lexi sure knew how to jazz things up. The house with its 18 rooms certainly held enough room for their endless list of guests. Of course, everyone from the guild had been there…Lexi had made sure of it. Yes, she’s even gotten a kick out of deciding who would sleep where for their two day New Years with the guild Party. Aroara couldn’t, of course, part with her beautiful tiger bed, just as Lexi refused to give up her royal oak wood bed. Naturally, it had been necessary for Aroara to give up her tiger sofa to Kiki due to the number of guests and the limited number of rooms. Nichole had enjoyed the luxury of the bamboo bedroom while Joye had slept in the exotic coconut bedroom. A kauvara sofa provided Lil_Cutie_Baby a plush surface to sleep upon just as a luxurious red sofa provided Roarrrry the same comfort just down the hall. A mystic peace fell upon China as she crawled into the zen bed. Just across the room she saw Capara pass out upon the zen sofa. Laughter threatened to escape from her lips as she remembered the sight of Capara dancing away with everyone else. Aroara’s mind shifted to the present for a moment as she heard Lexi muttering to herself and frantically cleaning up the disaster remaining from the party….Maybe it was a good time to go for a walk through their gardens.


Slowly, Kiki opened her eyes. It took a moment for her vision to focus, and few moments longer for her to remember…oh yes! She had been at Lexi and Aroara’s party, in fact that is where all the trouble had begun.

Most guests arrived at 6:30pm in time for a 7:00pm dinner…and what a meal! They’d eaten all sorts of gourmet foods, including some delicious acara ice cream surprise! PrinUni had brought some great party cd’s and Lexi saw to it that the music could be heard in every room. The music was irresistible…it jumped under your skin and danced through your veins. Not a guest was found who wasn’t dancing!

When feet, paws, and hooves where sore from dancing, the ball dropped signifying the beginning of 2004. Sitting alone in her living room, Kiki smiled as she now recalled some the New Year’s resolutions her friends had shared… “help out fellow neopians” “be more active in my guild” “make enough np to by a paintbrush” “play more games” …there had certainly been an entertaining list. But however entertaining, it wasn’t long before everyone began climbing into their beds.

As the vibrant hues of the morning sunrise splashed across the sky, everyone enjoyed a lavish breakfast. After swiping the crumbs off of the table, Capara had suggested a friendly game of Cheat.


Aroara shook her head with a sigh as she too recalled that game of Cheat. Macarena_Dancer, Treaclex, Kiki, and Capara had played. Aroara smiled now as recalled how Kiki had played her cards as if she’d been born in Vegas. And not only was Kiki good she was also very vocal. Whenever she caught Capara cheating, which was rather frequent, the whole room knew it. The humiliation must have grinded upon her nerves because it wasn’t long before Capara snapped and a fight broke out. After knocking Capara out, Kiki ran for it! What she hadn’t planned on was that Agent 00 Hog, Branston, Brucey B., and Spectre had been there keeping an eye on Capara. Just then, Kiki’s door bell rang, jolting her back to reality. Wearily, she peaked through a window and smiled when she spotted Aroara’s flaming red convertible parked in the driveway.

“Just thought I’d come check up on you…it didn’t look too good when you bolted out of our house….” Aroara said with concern as she stepped into Kiki’s simple home. Kiki shook her head and said, almost to herself, “I wonder why it had to end that way….” Aroara took only a moment to consider Kiki’s question before she responded, “In life, we must be careful about the words we chose and we must be careful not to say things that will hurt others….”

Fire Faerie

By: pinkish_generation

The Fire faerie's bolt of fire wonders in the palm of her hands. To others the flame is burning hot and blisters your skin. To her, it is cold as ice and light as a feather. "Can she handle it?" people say. They gossip about her, make fun of her. "What's wrong with her?" "She's just showing off her so called magic powers!" She gets laughed at...just because of nothing! But the fire faerie is strong, she is confident. She doesn't care about what other people think of her, just as long as she knows that she's not like that.

Many people around the world get picked on, even bullied. Fire faerie says "Stand up for yourself, be confident, don't be scared, be yourself!"

Air Faerie

By: kreefur

As the sleepy sun rises, the air faerie desperately wakes up and stretches.

Like a cuddled baby crouched in a ball, she soon gets the power to get up.

Out comes her body, slowly like a baby tree growing.

Her beautiful wings spread out, like a cotton ball when you stretch it.

Her wings are softer then a baby's bottom.

Her hair is like the sun so bright and shiny.

Her eyes like pretty diamonds, sparkling for the moonlight.

She flies into the cold winter air, spreading love and joy to those who hate. She spreads friendliness to those alone, she spreads comfort to the depressed.

But a tear comes out of her diamond eyes, she can't explain it.

Her quivery voice suddenly says, "My job is not done, there's something i have to do to change the world."

Fact: You can make a difference.


By: Wendy358

Once upon a time, there were three faeries. The first faerie's name was Numerre, the second faerie's name was Sheela, and the third faerie's name was Glady. They had three paths to choose on a road that forked out into the unknown. Numerre decided to follow the path on the left. Sheela figured that if Numerre took the path on the left, she should take the path on the right. So there was one path left for Glady, the path was called Faerie Whisperings. While the other two faeries were in agony and torment on their paths, on the Faerie Whisperings path, Glady was, GLAD!

The Best Guild Ever

By: mareeyet

Faerie Whisperings is a wonderful guild

It just keeps on being build, build, build!

The contests are great, there really fun too

The prizes are rare, it's not just a shoe!

It even has a website, isn't that surprising?

Is it more surprising then people colliding?

It has many great members, they're having lots of fun,

More fun then playing in the sun!

It's because of this guild that make us happy,

It makes us happy in a snappy!