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Go win yourself 600 np!

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All the dailys in one small box for quick and easy access:











*MC Donald's Daily Giveaway

*COLTZAN'S SHRINE *SPEED: Every fifth minute of the hour (example: 5:05)

*DEFENSE: Every tenth minute of the hour (example: 5:10)

*STRENGTH: Every thirty minutes of the hour (example: 5:30)

*LIFE (Hit Points) : Every hour of the day (example: 5:00)

*LEVEL: Every two hours of the day! (example: 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 NST)

*DOUBLOONS: Every 55 seconds past the hour

*BURNT FOOD: 11:00 - 12:00 NST

*NEOPETS FRUIT MACHINEThis is an awesome thing, most people get neopoints and a baggus or teacha fruit. If you are really lucky, you could get a petpet and thousands of np! (Once I got 10,000np and a fire muffin!)
*TOMBOLAThis is great! You can win bottled faeries, codestones, np, and little trinkets.
*GIANT OMELETEYou can get one free omelete each day!
*HEALING SPRINGSYou can get potions, hit points, have your pets fed, and have your pets cured of an illness.
*GIANT JELLYYou can get one free jelly every day!
*ADVENT CALENDERONLY IN DECEMBER! Visit it every day to get np and free gifts.

*SNOWAGERThe times he sleep are: 6-7am, 2-3pm, 10-11pm. NST

You could walk away with a prize (plushie, scratchcard, etc.), or you could get blasted with ice. It is worth the minor risk however!

*THE RAINBOW FOUNTAINI'm not exactly sure what this does... You need to complete a Rainbow Faerie Quest to activate the fountain, however the quest is random:(
*TURMACULUSThe turmaculus is like the snowager in that is can only be used at certain times (i don't know when...). He is like a Coltzan's Shrine for your petpets! He can raise their HP, give them strength, raise it a level, etc.

BEWARE HOWEVER! He might eat your petpet! Also, if you stop playing with your petpet, it goes back to level one!

Play lots of games, make lots of NP, save some, collect your intrest, and have fun! :)

Give Away Times

Balthazar's Mega Faerie Giveaway Bonanza - 7 AM

The Health Frog Giveaway - 7 AM Daily

Muntando Fruit - Around 10:45, Monday - AM or PM

Chocolate Giveaway - 5:50 PM on Sunday

Give Away's always take place at the Neopian Money Tree but you have to be quick.

The igloo garage sale always has cheap items when it is in stock...

Shop Wizard Secrets

Ever wondered why your prices are low but no one seems to buy your items?

It's because the shop wizard searches shops by the first character of your username.

These are the different sections:

a i q y 1 9

b j r z 2

c k s 3

d l t 4

e m u 5

f n v 6

g o w _ 7

h p x 0 8

Usually, F N V 6 is searched most often and C K S 3 is searched the least often.

So basically, if you want to be a successful shop owner, your username should start with a F, N, V or 6!