Newbie Page

So you’re new to the guild? Awesome! I’m so glad you have joined and I hope you grow to love the guild as much as I do.

Being new has to be overwhelming and I’m sure you are wondering, “What do I do now?” Well, to help you out I’ve created this page to explain everything.

As a new member, I need 4 things from you. First of all, I need your birthday. We have a birthday calendar and if you remind me the day before your birthday I will give you a present. Secondly, you need to send me a description of yourself along with the url ( of a picture you like for the members page of our website. If you know what kind of picture you want, such as a light faerie or a hasee or a cat, just let me know and I’ll find one for you.

The fourth thing I need from you is a 3-digit voting combo. It can be all letters, all numbers, or a mix of both. Some examples are x22, YYY, 333, J7S. Why? You need this voting number to vote for the story telling contest and the member of the month.

  • How do I vote for the story telling contest(stc) or the member of the month(motm)?

    Click the links above and use your registered voting number to vote.

  • What is the token counter and how do I get tokens?

    Tokens are given out to guild members as a reward for doing great things. The token counter keeps track of how many tokens you have. If your wondering how you got your tokens, view the Tokens Explained Page for a detailed list of how you got each one. Guess what!?! You already have at least one token because everyone gets one for joining! To see how to earn more tokens view the Earning Tokens Page.

  • What contests can I participate in and how do I know when they start and end?

    Every 3 months we hold a story telling contest. You may submit an unlimited number of stories and poems by neomailing them to friendly_faeries33 each month. 1st place receives a bottled faerie and a trophy. 2nd place receives a book. The top six entries get a spot in our monthly magazine call the Faerie Fantasy.

    Every 2 weeks in summer, (June-September) several of different contests are run. The Contests and Events Page the Message Board and the Calendar are great places to see what contests are going on and when every contest begins and ends. Every contest has a different prize and a page on the website to describe how to do it. Look on the drop down menu for the list of contests.

  • Can I create a contest for the guild or host one?

    Absolutely yes! Just neomail me with your idea or desire to host one. You get tokens too!

  • Does the guild have games I can play?

    Yes! Recently we’ve added a Game Room and some of the games even give you prizes. Every now and then a new game will be added so keep checking back.

  • How about avatars? Does the guild have a page explaining how to get secret avatars? Does the guild loan any avatar items?

    Yes we do! You can learn how to obtain secret avatars by going to the Avatars Page.

    We also loan items for avatars. You may borrow the Mad About Orange set, the Dung set, the Evil Blue Fuzzle, a Mirror, or the Fire Paw by visiting faerie_whisperer333’s trades.

  • When do I get my newbie pack and what is in it?

    You must be a member for at least a week and get 10 guild tokens before you get you newbie pack. A newbie pack has a codestone and 2 other items in it.

  • I noticed something about a guild money tree…Can you please explain that?

    Sure! Twice a week you are allowed to visit Faerie_Whisperer333’s shop and select an item. Neomail her and she will send it to you for free.

  • How does the money tree get donations?

    From guild members. You donations are greatly appreciated! Just send your items to Faerie_Whisperer333 and she will add them to the money tree.

  • What about banners and advertisements?

    I’m so glad you asked! The website’s Goodie Page has pages of banners to choose from that you can put in your shop. There is also a page that has different advertisements. If you want to create banners or adds, please do so and let me know so I can add them and give you tokens. Also you get three tokens for having a banner in your shop.

  • I noticed other things on the goodie page, what are they?

    Besides banners, we also have blinkies and blogs. You can create some for our collection too! Tokens are rewarded for each blinkie or blog.

  • Speaking of creating…do we have an art gallery?

    Yes indeed! Submit any originalwork of art of yours and we will gladly add it to our gallery. Care to browse?

  • I want to make my shop look nice with some graphics, a background and some music. Can the guild help me?

    Yes we can do that and more! Our Helpful Links Page is your source for links to backgrounds, music codes, animations, blinkies, blogs, doll makers, neohtml, graphics, tutorials, and so much more!

  • What is the guild magazine?

    The guild magazine, called Faerie Fantasy, is a monthly online magazine where we put the stories and poems our guild members have created. Yours could be there!

  • Does the guild give out trophies and awards?

    Yes! We have awards for winning the story telling contest, 2nd place, and awards for the member of the month or winning the Survivor Game. Also I’ve been drawing trophies for the guild contests, like guess it and mystery pic. Very soon these will be added.

  • You mentioned a guild survivor game. What is that?

    It is awesome! We play the game 2-3 times a year because it lasts about 2 months. Everyone can play for free. Read the story of the game and then check out the directions. Once you’ve done that check out the previous games or the current game

  • What is the Faerie Whisperings Boutique?

    It is a gallery designed like a store. Visit the boutique or view the rules for creating items. Remember you receive 5 tokens for each item you create.

  • How do I move up in rank?

    As you may have noticed, as a new member you start off as a ‘Gentle Breeze’. You advance to the rank ‘Faerie Dust’ once you get 10 tokens. (Remember at 10 tokens you also get you newbie pack) At 50 tokens you advance to ‘Faerie Song’ and at 100 tokens you become the ultimate guild member, ‘Lovely Faerie’.

  • Aren’t there 5 ranks? How come you only mentioned 4?

    Because the top rank is for our future sub-council if we create one. Currently it is ‘Faerie Queen’ for my tiffa33 account.

  • What is the guild mall?

    It is a list of all of the guild members’ shops. By joining your shop gets advertised here.

  • Who works on the website?

    Originally it was just me, tiffa33 but I’ve recently added kreefur and kittens3355 as staff. You can read about them at the Meet the Staff Page.

  • Is there anything else I should know?

    This is a guild to help you guysJThere are so many contests and ways to get prizes so take advantage of them! At the wishing well you may neomail me a wish that could come true. Coming soon is the wishing well. Know the snowager? Well our ice faerie queen is just like the snowager except when she is awake you get a prize.

  • Something has happened! What does that mean?

    Sometimes I will put random events on the guild website to promote the guild. If you are the first to see it you get what it says!

  • What’s the deal with these secret faeries?

    It is another guild gallery. You can create a faerie and make a story for her. Then she gets added to the Secret Faeries Page. You also get tokens for this.

  • Whoa! This is confusing…what are guild quests?

    They are just like illusen’s quests. You neomail me saying you want to do quest 1 and I neomail you back the url of the first quest. You are given a time limit, but it is reasonable. On that page it will tell you to get an item. Once you have gotten the item send it to friendly_faeries33 and you have completed your quest. Upon completing your quest you will receive pts, an item, and maybe even a trophy. Sometimes surprises are thrown in, you may get a token or a special animation for you.

  • What do you mean by earning pts?

    Well for every contest and for most games we now have a high score table and there are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. These places will get trophies. Currently, I am working on creating these trophies. I hope this page explained everything you need to know about…if not neomail me and I will help you out.

    Thanks for joining Faerie Whisperings!