Secret Faeries

Did you know that there are secret faeries that know one knows about? ....Well, okay, not really...but we have created some (-_-) and so can you! So get creative! Create a picture of a faerie and write a story about her! This is our gallery!

Ice Fairy Queen Image & Story by:

Tiffany L. Cashman (tiffa33)

Long ago, when Kaia was the most cheerful of sorts, her palace was constantly filled with laughter. However, day by day, an vile green monster grew within her heart. As she went about her daily activities jealously grew within her over the beauty of her friend the air faerie. Within days her heart was so consumned of envy that it began to lose its cheerful heat.

Fiora, the wise faerie queen, took notice of Kaia's metamorphasis. Taking a crystal septor, she sprinkled a special dust upon Kaia's lips. Kaia was instantly transformed into the Ice Faerie Queen. Her place turned to ice and an explosion of her breath froze all close-by objects. Crystals formed as quickly as the tears trickled down her face. All alone. She was all alone in her frozen palace.

A few faithful friends came to visit, but upon receiving an icy embrace, they were transformed to ice sculptures. Soon, it became that everyone feared this frosty queen and no one dared to visit her.

Fiora took pity upon Kaia, and decided it was time to end her solitude. Taking up her septor, she changed the spell she had cast upon Kaia; she made it so that Kaia could now control her powers and only freeze those items that she wanted to freeze.

Kaia thanked Fiora, but she knew it was useless. Who would want to visit her now? Everyone had heard the tales of frozen fairies. Who would bother to visit her now? Cold tears spilled down her cheeks, and sobs racked her body.

Seeing her obvious pain, Fiora decided to create the perfect companion for Kaia. That day, Fiora traveled through the gardens where the common faeries could be found. She carefully watched each faerie go about his or her business, keeping her eyes open for the perfect one.

After three days of searching, she saw the perfect faerie. He was a young and handsome lad named Owen. Discretely, she summoned him into her presence. Owen, upon seeing Fiora, quickly droped to one knee and bowed. "For what do I, a common faerie, owe your presence, your majesty?" he inquired.

"Arise, Owen, for I have business to discuss with you," gentlely, she cupped her hand under his chin and lifted him, "How would you like to become an anointed faerie?"

"Oh! Your Majesty! Could I possibly be comprehending you?" Owen exclaimed with joy.

A small smile escaped Fiora's lips. "Yes. Do you know Kaia, the Ice Fairy Queen?" Instantly the joy left Owen's face and was replaced with fear. "She is a lonely, tortured soal in need of a companion. Owen, Kaia isn't the terrible fairy most have told her to be. She made a simple mistake and paid greatly for it. But with time, she has grown kinder and has now gained control over her powers."

"But Majesty, what does this have to do with me? Surely you do not think a queen as beautiful as Kaia will want to be associated with a common faerie such as myself..." Owen responded.

"Ah! You forget who I am, Owen." Quickly she produced her crystal septor. "Would you object to becoming the Snow Faerie King?" Reading the growing excitement in Owen's face, Fiora quickly sprinkled her magical dust upon his lips.

Spinning in a circle, Owen examined his new look. "Oh Majesty, thank you! Thank you a million times!" With dignity, Fiora nodded her head.

"Now, come, it is time."

Kaia had been reading an enchanting book when her door chimes rang sweetly and clear. Lifting herself off of the crystal bench, she walked to the door and opened it. There stood the most handsome faerie she had seen in ages! She bid him to enter, thus beginning a promising relationship.

After a year of friendship and then dating, Kaia and Owen were wed in the middle of the most beautiful blizzard they could conjure. Three years later, Snowbell created cracks in the ice place's walls with her wails. The ice fairy princess was born.

Fairys never age in appearance, only in years. Kaia, who is as radiant as ever, now likes to relax and find places of solitude. Her heart has been greatly softened by both her husband and daughter, however, when Fiora asked her if she would like to be returned to normal, Kaia decided to remain the ice faerie queen.

Kaia is very difficult to find. Some say the only two people who can ever find are her husband and daughter. Since her husband is a very busy king, any adventurer who wishes to find Kaia is wise to first find her daughter Snowbell.

Stella, The Fairy of Wishes

Image & Story by:

Tiffany L. Cashman (tiffa33)

There once was a very special young girl named Lucy. You will soon discover why, but not quite yet. Lucy was extremely beautiful, but not very lucky. She had big green eyes and shiny blonde pigtales that swished as she skipped to school. But Lucy had a very poor family and they could barely afford to feed her everyday. One day, her mother became very sick and it appeared as though she might die. Lucy was heartbroken; her family was all that she had in life. As her mother lay on the bed, barely breathing, Lucy cried and cried. Just above Lucy's head hoovered the a very kind air faerie. Feeling quite sorry for Lucy's situation, the air faerie flew to the healing springs and sprinkled some magic into Lucy's tears. As each of Lucy's tears fell upon her mother's face, healing slowly began to take place. But the air faerie knew that a healed mother wouldn't solve Lucy's problems. So, taking a handful of Lucy's tears, a tiny bit of star dust, a chunk of kreludor, two sprinkles of hope, and a kiss of magic, the air faerie flew to Fyora the Faerie Queen to request permission for her plan. Fyora listened intently as the air faerie outlined her plan, with a nod and a twinkle in her eye, Fyora gathered up the materials, and created Stella, the fairy of wishes and dreams. Then, using some magic of her own, Fyora created a gorgeous pink star for Stella to live upon.

As Lucy looked out of her window, she saw the beautiful pink star and gasped with delight. In awe at her luck, Lucy quickly uttered a wish upon the pink star. It came true two years later, when Lucy entered a beauty contest and won enough money to help support her family for a few years. From above, Stella looked down at Lucy and smiled at the little girl who caused her creation.