Vote for Our Story Contest

Read the different stories and poems below that were submitted by our members for the guild contest. (Note that they are NOT put in order of my personal preference, they are put in the order that they were submitted.) Then, vote for your favorite using the guestbook below. The names of the authors are not mentioned here so that voting is kept fair. Also, to keep the voting as a secret ballot, please write your voting number in place of your name. please register your voting number today. Your voting number is a three digit letter and number combination that you put into the guestbook in place of your name. Simply choose a combo and neomail friendly_faeries33 or kittens3355 with your number. Below, you may only vote once and you must enter a valid voting number or the vote will be excluded in the count. Thank you for voting!

The results are in!!! You voted and now we have a winner. Congrats to brokenteddy__ for winning the June-August STC! She recieves a bottled faerie :) Check out the Guild Magazine, Faerie Fantasy to see the winning poem and the other stories or poems that were it's competition!

The Ball
With a ball
he broke the window of my heart
and smashed it into pieces.
Its sharp, jagged edges
tore my soul away
and it will never come back.
Like a ball
he rolled out of my life.

No Friend at All
Why am I the one to judge?
You’re not the type of person who would hold a grudge.

All I did was be myself.
But to you I was small, smaller than an elf.

I was useless. I was a bore.
I was hurt. My heart you tore.

To tell you how I felt, I didn’t have the guts.
The pain got worse, like big paper cuts.

Friends forever was all I wanted.
But fate turned backwards and me it taunted.

Bluebirds sweetly sing
Colorful flowers open
Spring is on its way