Guild Survivor Game

Welcome to the Island of Lost Desire...hahaha!!!

"Aye Aye Mates! Welcome to me humble island. Make yourselves ye may be here for a while...."

The Game: Below is a map of the island. EVERYDAY, you must select one box (if you don't, you are voted off of the island). When you dig or scuba dive in each plot of the island many mysterious things can be uncovered....

You might uncover food, an item or two, perhaps even a codestone!!! Ah, but be weary, you may also uncover a death notice, immediately sending you off of the island. You may discover traps,poison, or dangerous animals which cause certain death. It is a dangerous island, but with luck, you will remain the last one alive...Oh yes, the last one alive receives a treasure chest full of exciting items!!! Are you a survivor?!?

Choose the square you wish to explore for today and neomail kittens3355 (only if you are a guild member) to discover your fate.

HOW YOUR FATE IS DETERMINED...I have created a deck of cards with different things (good, extremely good, bad, and deadly) on them. I've drawn a picture of the map you see below placed a grid upon it. Each day I will suffle the cards and place them on the squares. When someone choses a square, that card and three other random ones are shuffled and replaced. This is to prevent cheating (not that any of OUR members would do such a thing...)and so goes the game.

So commence the challenge...
