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Ok, I have a lot of hobbies.

1)Music. I love to listen to music, i would die without it

2)Dancing. Sounds retarded but omgsh is it fun

3)The internet. My whole life is based on the internet and the computer.

4)Reading. I know, not many teens are into reading, but I love to read adventure fiction books, where you can picture in your mind what the book describes. That is why I also like books with no pictures!

5)Writing. I love to write totally bizarre things down and then use them in a jampacked book of fairytale and adventure.

6)Horseback riding. That is so much fun! From the job I have, I can ride horses and clean them, and I love to ride, it's so relaxing and yet exciting at the same time.

7)Animals. Yes, I love animals, they totally rock except for spiders they scare me.

8)Football. I'm known as a tomboy cuz I love to play tackle football.

9)Basketball.I'm addicted to playing it and i LUV the lakers. GO KOBE!!

10)Running. I have good endurance, and so I can run long distances quick and without stopping. It's so much fun!

11)Friends. Friends are something that nobody can live without. They all have their own personality and that is what makes them fun to hang out with.

12)MOVIES!! My mom and I are fanatics, we watch movies every day, even the old ones. GO JIM CARREY!!!!
