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Hey hey hiya!!! This is ~CrIsS~ speakin, how's u doin? I LOVE JIM CARREY!!!!!!!!!

Herez some lines that he said in a bunch of his movies. But guys, PLEEEZE don't copy me!! Jim Carrey is my idol and I love him so much, I even have an autographed PICTURE OF HIM for crying out loud. So please don't take this content cuz I made this up and I want to be the only one who has this about Jim Carrey. Thanxabunch.

The Mask

Time to P-A-R-T-why? because i gotta!!!

They call me Cuban Feet, I'm the kind of the rumba beat, when I shake my miracas I go chic-chicy-boom, chick-chicy boom.

Aren't you due back at the lab to get your BOLTS tightened??

Dumb and Dumber You are one pathetic looser.

Wait...I think I just....Yeah, I just got an idea.

ACE VENTURA (My favoritest movie in the world!) Alrighty then!!



Do NOT go in there...Whew!!!!

I can't do it captain, I don't have the POWER

Come to me my fury friends. *opera sing*

Ace Ventura 2-When nature calls

Well if you were me, then I'd be you, and I'd use your body to get to the top, you can't stop me no matter who you are! Looser!


The Grinch

One man's waste is another man's pulperi

How DARE you enter the Grinch's lair!?

Now, you're, DOOMED!!!!

I'm a psycho! Danger! Danger!!

Tick Toc, Tick toc, counting down the Christmas clock, old young, big small, raaaahhhhhh!!!! Blast this Christmas music, it's joyful and triumphant

What do ya want?! I mean.. The Grinch, oh no!!

I simply realized you weren't properly packaged my dear, hold still!! Max pick out a bow. Can I use your finger for a second?

Am I eating because I'm bored?
