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Hola! I've seen a few movies recently. I had to update this page really bad, so here u go.

I saw JUST MARRIED. I liked this movie, I mean it had comedy, and it made you forget that it's a chic flick. Come to think of it, it wasn't much on the chic-flickity side in my oppinion. It had lots of funny parts in it for you guyz who's gf is gonna drag you into it, so don't worry. I give it a 95. WOOHOO jk lol.

I saw HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN TEN DAYS. I liked this movie too, Matthew McHaunahay or HOWEVER you spell that crazy name. It was very "cute" and had the ideal ending. I'm not going to give anything away, but I recommend you seeing it. I give it a 89 woohoo rock on. I saw LORD OF RINGS TWIN TOWERS. And I was very impressed. I think it had everything I expected. Some critics didn't like it, because they said there was too much animation bla bla bla. Well duh! If you read the books of course you need mystical creatures. For example, you need Treebeard. ANd of course he has to be animated it's not like you're gonna have a guy dressed as a tree right? So yeah there's tons of animation, but I thought it was controlled to a point where you just saw what u needed, no extra junk. The war scenes were tight and the last scene in the movie was thirty minutes of nothing but war! It was awesome. And there wasn't much blood that I saw. Just tons of slashing and shootings arrows and stuff. I give that movie a 97.5.

I saw DRUMLINE. IT was so tight! The people who played were so wicked it made we want to learn how to play lol. It was good all the way. It was sort of a long movie, longer than what I thought. It was also a BET movie, so I wasn't really expecting much, but it was better than I anticipated. Nick Cannon wasn't just a funny guy who came off of a Nickelodeon show, he also was able to play serious scenes. That's really good. I give that movie an 88.9.

Ok, I saw Serving Sarah with Chandler Bing from friends. I forgot what his real name is. It wasn't too good. I found it dull. The only reason why it was fun was because the group of people that I went with were all hyped up cuz we came from a wedding and we had the theatre to ourselves so we were acting wild and making fun of the movie. I didn't like it at all, and I found it to be a waste of money. I know that sounds harsh, but the truth hurts.

I saw the move The Transporter. This was a cool movie! I don't know what the main actor's name is, but it's about this guy who's job is to transport people or things to wherever they tell him to. I recomend seeing it if you like action, violence, and kung-fu! Lol.

I saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It's so hard to find a good family movie to see in the theatres these days, and HERE'S ONE! It was totally clean, and I found it to be funny. I would see it if you want a cute family day or even an innocent date with your boy/girlfriend. I don't know if guyz would like it more or not, but it wasn't really a chic-flick.

Ok, the highlight of my new movie viewing is Signs. I am a huge Mel Gibson fan. I love him to death and I hope to meet him one day but anyways he did a great job in this movie. Usually horror films are a great way to introduce new actors. That's what made this movie so special. Also, it didn't have any blood in it. That made it open for a lot more people to see it. Just because there wasn't gore, doesn't mean it's not good. It was a very mellow horror movie but it's still good. The director is a genius. I highly suggest you see that movie. It's a good one.

Another movie I saw was Austin Powers, Goldmember. Ok, I like Austin. Actually, Dr.Evil is funnier in my oppinion. But, this one wasn't as funny as the other ones. I didn't think it was funny. Every time there was a funny part, it was hillarious, but the rest was dull or dumb. I mean, if you are a HUGE Austin Powers fan, go ahead and see it. But if not, then I would wait till it's for rental or at the dollar theatre.

As most of you know, Lord of the Rings is out on video. I saw that the day it came out and I loved it. So go and buy it cuz it's worth it.

An old movie I saw was White Squall. That was pretty good. It's about a crew of boys who chose to go on a tour around the world on a boat instead of go to college. They took classes on the boat, but got to see different countries at the same time. I thought it was very good and they cast did a great job.

A good movie is Duce's Wild. It has Matt Dillan in it. EEE!!! I love him he always looks cute. And of course, he's good in this movie. If yall don't know, it takes place in around the 50's, and it's about two gangs who hold grudges against each other and fight for land and respect. I suggest you see it. For a warning, it is rated R only because of heavy language. I suggest you see that movie.
