"Outward Appearances"

By Jo Gamm Witt
Copyright 2022

It shouldn’t matter what we look like, and yes, that’s true. And yet we as humans tend to focus a lot on outward appearances.

This morning I was recalling back to when I was attending college in Kirksville, MO, about how the locals seemed to thumb their noses at the college students. I had especially noticed that while shopping. So one day I decided to dress professionally to go shopping, and wow, such an incredible difference as to how I was treated. Thereafter I would commonly dress professionally to go shopping. And yet, how sad is that?

Years ago I had watched the movie “Working Girl,” about how a secretary was mistaken to be a manager, and so then she started dressing differently and conducting herself differently and fooled a lot of people for awhile, thinking she worked in a much higher level position than what she had. That movie changed how I dressed for work, realizing that people made judgements based on how one dresses and deciding what image I wanted to convey. I also have heard the phrase, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

Even though we as humans tend to make judgements about people based on outward appearances, the bible tells us that God doesn’t judge outward appearances; he judges the heart. I think that’s a worthy goal for all of us to aspire to.

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