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** Rei's And Stakey's Fanfiction**

Rei slowly crawled out of bed as the window shades were pulled down by Pippin. "Goodness. Morning already! ITS TOO EARLY!!!" With that, she plopped back down on the bed and fell asleep taking her dog with her.

Her phone rang and who was on the line but a very tied up, impatient Stakey. She was trying to hold onto her squirmy ferret and make sure Rei was awake for their venture to the theme park that day. She had already called and arranged for her boyfriend Jesse (wow i'm so imaginative today!) to come over and was hoping Rei hadn't forgotten to wake up (and also call her visitor).

Rei pratically jumped out of her nice soft covers and fell to the floor making Pippin jump. She quickly reached for the phone and in a rather groggy voice answered, " Hello? I don't want Pizza- so don't bother calling. THE CUSTOMERS DO THE CALLING!!!" She was about to hang up the phone when a sudden thought came to her mind. " On second thought. I am rather hungry. I would like a cheese pizza. No meat. " Of course, she was still half asleep at the time.

"REI!!!" Stakey cried into the phone, "GET UP!! We're leaving in an hour and I don't have any pizza!" she hung up and pouted at the phone. The doorbell rang and she darted toward her bedroom exit then smashed into the door. A little dizzy, she opened it and ran down the hall, shoving her sister aside to get there first. "HI JESSE!!!!!!" she screamed and dragged him to her room before anyone else had a chance to greet him.

Jesse smiled at Stakey after sitting down on the floor. " Well, I suppose you noticed I am here? " He was still a little dizzy by Stakey flying him down the hall-way to her room. He started to gaze at the wall while saying, " Hey, there's me... and there's me again... and there's me... hi me! ", everytime he passed a dream- street poster or picture, which was several times.

She blushed, wondering why she still had her Dream Street posters up. Jesse was too busy staring at himself until Brooklyn came up and bit him on the nose. "AAHHH!!! RABIES!! Oh it's just you, Brook." he said happily and hugged the ferret. She even hugged back. Stakey glared since neither of them hugged her (much).

Rei suddenly barges in the room in a pink spagetti strap shirt and cute wittle shorts holding Elijah Wood's hand. " We're ready when you are!" She snuggled up to Elijah ( who wasn't much taller than she was ) See Elijah! I'm not the only one who gets obsessed! Sure your face and others are all around my room. Heck, my entire room is a shrine- but look! Look at Stakey's room!" Rei pointed to the posters on the wall and the ferret stuff on the floor

Stakey stifled a giggle, watching Jesse try to hold onto Brooklyn for longer than 5 seconds. "Hey guys!" he greeted, balancing the ferret on his head. Stakey put Brooklyn away in the cage and grabbed her purse. "Ready too!" she said happily, standing up and waiting for Jesse. He got up too and followed Rei and Elijah out the door. Stakey slumped. "How unromantic.." she muttered and lagged behind.

Rei let the guys walk ahead and walked next to Stakey. " Whats wrong? You seem, I dunno- down." She looked at Stakey then at the guys in front of them, already talking. " Something bothering you?"

"Oh um.." Stakey lowered her voice. "Jesse's acting weird. It's like, the only things that interest him are.. anything but me.." she said in a whisper just loud enough for Rei to hear. "Elijah, I gotta talk to you.." Jesse said, "You know how Stakey and I are going out now? Well um, I don't really know what to do. All my other girlfriends just kind of went with their friends and ignored me.. but Stakey doesn't do that. What do I do, man?"

Elijah gazed out into the sky. " Oh, what? Oooh... what kinda girlfriend does that? Hmm... what would Frodo do. Oh I got it! Sit all sad in a cave and Gandalf will come and guide you. " With that, he nodded and continued walking. A few feet behind them Rei nodded. " Well, perhaps he is shy... or doesn't know what to actually do. He may not know how comfortable you feel around him or something. Heck if I know!" She shook her head and continued walking.

Stakey sighed. "You don't think he knows what to do?" she asked sadly. "Sit in a cave?" Jesse asked confusedly. He shrugged and they sat out on the driveway waiting for the bus to come. "Now or never," Jesse thought to himself. He scooted closer to Stacie and put his hand on top of hers, in an attempt to hold hands. She looked at her hand, then up at him and smiled. She started to lean in for a hug when the bus came. -.-

Rei smiled at the kawaii couple and got on the bus, scouting out two seats across from eachother. She spotted them and ran over announcing to the entire bus, that those were hers. A few seconds into the past...Elijah smiled at the kawaii little couple and followed Rei onto the bus.

Stakey slumped down, falling on the concrete driveway. Jesse smiled and helped her up, then climbed on the bus and sat across from Rei & Elijah. He put an arm around her in a secure little 'hug', then went back to holding her hand for a while. Stakey looked over at Rei who was resting comfortably on her boyfriend and wondered why Jesse was such a sucky boyfriend.

Rei leaned against Elijah's shoulder. " So, what were you talking about with Jesse?" Elijah turned around and made sure that Stakey and Jesse weren't listening or watching and said quietly, " Jesse doesn't know what to do with Stakey. He says that all of his other girl-friends just ignored him... and well... Stakey appears to not do that. So, he doesn't really know what to do around her." Rei gasped and sat up. " Well, Stakey feels un-loved becuase he isn't paying any attention to her... its just a mis-understanding! Elijah!" They both said together, " Operation: MatchMaker." Then they laughed and Rei rested her head on his shoulder again smiling.

Stakey sighed, wondering why she and Jesse were sitting in the same bus seat, almost a foot away from each other. All she wanted was this stupid bus to hurry them off to the roller coasters and food and games so maybe Jesse would cheer up and get a little giddy (LOL!). She figured either he didn't like her all that much or he wasn't in a happy mood. She took out a slip of paper and wrote Rei a quick note:
Rei, I don't know what to do here. Do you think Jesse's mad at me? Did he seem unhappy earlier too? I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong? Help...
She threw it at Rei's head.

The piece of paper came hurtling at Rei's head, eventually making its destination point. " OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!? " Rei shouted to the bus but then quickly shut up and read the letter, pulling out a pen from her purse.
I was right Stakey! He DOESN'T know what to do. Elijah-Honey said that Jesse said that all of his past girl-friends I mean, girls that are friends... heh heh... just ignored him... so he doesn't really know what to do.
She then, chunked the piece of paper back.

Stakey ducked as the paper came flying at her and Jesse. She picked it up and wrote back:
Oh.. so.. what do I do then? I'm confused! He doesn't have ANY idea what to do? Ai chi, this boy is gonna take some work but I can do it! ...Wait, what do I do?
She then chunked it back and gave a huge (fake) innocent grin to Jesse.

Rei caught the note this time and unfolded it still laying on the sleeping Elijah's shoulder. She picked up her pen and wrote back.
Just chill. Act like you haven't noticed anything and be your sweet self. Elijah's going to work on Jesse, ok?
She threw it back just as the bus lurched to a stop.

Stakey read it and nodded at Rei. They got up and hopped off the bus, running toward the park happily. While they waited in line, Jesse held Stacie's hand. She switched hands so she was using her opposite hand and pulled over so he was holding her waist. He looked shocked at himself and realized this was supposed to be a cute couple-y thing and hugged her this way.

Rei looked up at Elijah. "See, they are improving... kinda." Elijah laughed his adorable laugh and hugged Rei. " So, what do you want to do first?" Rei shrugged. " I dunno"

"REEEEI we're gonna go on the little baby rollercoaster ride!" Stakey smiled, tilting her head towards Jesse happily. They waited to see what the others were going to do first, though.

Rei and Elijah just stared at them. " BABY ROLLERCOASTERS? Goodnesh! WE are going to go on the... Destructor." With those words said, Rei jumped into Elijah's arms. "EEEP!!! Is is scary Elijah???"

"Um well we want to go on it too.." Stakey said, hanging onto the hem of Jesse's shirt. He starting inching away. "No we don't.."

Rei looked at Elijah. "Well, I am going to go on it, no matter HOW bad or scary it may be. Come on Elijah!" Elijah nodded and followed Rei towards the massively huge rollar coaster. Rei looked up, shuddered but kept on going. " Are you guys comin? " She turned around to look at the terrified Jesse and Stakey, clinging on to his shirt. " Are ya?"

"Okay..." Jesse said and started following them. Stacie let go of his shirt and stayed where she was, far too scared to go on that roller coaster. He turned back, picked her up, and carried her in his arms to the front of the empty line. "Look! Line is totally empty! THE SMART PEOPLE HAVE NOT GONE ON THIS!!" Stacie cried, arms wrapped around his neck and in hysterics.

Jesse laughed and kissed her cheek shyly. " But we aren't part of those smart people, now are we? " From in front, Rei exclamed, " Of course not! " She and Elijah hopped into a car and waited for Stakey and Jesse to do so also.

He dropped her in a seat where she immediately grabbed onto the seat belt, buckled herself in, and held onto the holdy bar for dear life. He smiled at her sillyness and put an arm around her, leaning over to see her face which was buried in her hands. "You'll be okay, I'm here." he assured her. "If I die will you bury me o--" "You're NOT going to die!" he said sternly. She nodded and wrapped her arms around him in hopes that would save her from dying. The car then started to move...

Rei and Elijah automatically started screaming just for the heck of it and put their hands in the air even though the car was just moving on a strait piece of roller-coaster strip. In the seat behind them... Jesse held onto the bar with one hand and the other around Stacie. "Look, its ok... its ok. " Then the car went down a huge drop and into a dark tunnel. " NO ITS NOT OK! ITS NOT OK!!!!"

Stacie was now laughing at Jesse, who was gripping onto the bar with both hands and trying not to look at anything. She then realized the scariness and wimped out immediatenly, grabbing onto Jesse again. "AAAHH DON'T TOUCH ME WE'LL FALL OFF AND DIIIE!!" Rei and Elijah were now laughing and having the time of their lives on the rolly, even though they were screaming their lungs out and acting scared like the children behind them.

The roller-coaster now swerved a huge turn and zoomed inside a cave filled with ( decorations of course ) scientific equimpment being blown up ( looking and feeling quite realistically ) Rei screamed and fell into Elijah who was now closing his eyes. Jesse was by this time completely mortified and as Rei thought when she looked behind her, " in a coma ". ( lol )

Jesse opened his eyes when he was suddenly sprayed with a light mist; they were in a tropical looking paradise that resembled Hawaii. The rollercoaster was going a little slower and shiny lights were all around. He smiled, finally something peaceful on the stupid ride. The bright, pretty sky began to darken and a volcano erupted. The rollercoaster started going a little faster and the next thing they knew, they were rolling down a hill that was supposed to resemble the side of a volcano..

Sparks flew over there heads and when Rei turned around she saw that extrememly realistic lava was coming down behind them. " EEEP!!! HURRY YOU STUPID ROLLER-COASTER!!!" She had caught Elijah's attention who looked behind and was soon doing exactly what Rei was doing. Jesse heard a roar coming from the side of them and a ( extrememly realistic again ) T-Rex lunged out, taking a bite from the roller-Coaster car itself. " I DONT THINK THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!" He cried. Rei whipped her head around. " M-Maybe that WAS supposed to happen... yeah, thats it! They have that s-seat off limits for that purpose... OH, HURRY YOU STUPID METAL!!! "

"OH MY GOD!! LET ME OFF LET ME OFF!!" Jesse yelled and the coaster finally stopped. He leaped over Stacie to get off and leaned against the wall scaredly. Stacie got off too, happy with herself for going on it but not quite so happy for picking THAT one to go on. Rei and Elijah happy scooted along. "So where to next?" Rei asked. "Food?" Jesse suggested, thinking it would be safe enough.

Rei smiled. "Oooh! I heard they have this awful roller-coaster like if you were on a plane, and you can eat on it. But then it goes down... your food doesn't fall amazingly. Wanna try it? " But at the look of Jesse and Stakey's faces, she closed her mouth and sighed. " How about Pizza Maniac? Air-Conditioning, hard floor, solid ground, sturdy walls, into the wall seating and tables. No thrill, no kill. " She and Elijah started walking.

Jesse and Stacie followed them shakily. She even forgot to be mad at him for not hugging her until he took her hand and walked with her to the pizza place. The four of them split a large pizza and two drinks. "Safe enough," Jesse thought to himself.

Rei sighed and rested her head on her hand. " Oh, Pooi. You guys are no fun." She flipped through a panflet and smiled. " Hey, there is a love boat ride it says... you get to ride swans and- and you get to go down a GENTLE river and go through crystal caverns that are non-colapsable..."

"Oooh I'd like to go on that!" Stacie said happily. "Me too," Jesse agreed, shooting her a 'bad boy' smile. She blushed for a moment, then went back to eat more pizza as an excuse to not go on anymore rollercoasters for a few hours. Elijah put his arm around Rei to 'read the pamphlet better'.

Rei smiled up at him. This should be pretty fun I think..." Elijah nodded and went back to drinking his coke. Jesse tied his tennis shoes better and soon everybody was just... waiting for Stakey...

Who was, taking as long as she possibly could to eat two more bites of pizza. Eventually Rei shoved the rest in her mouth for her and they headed off to the Tunnel of Love. On the way they had to stop for souvenirs of course...

Rei bought sunglasses and as most girls do, a stuffed animal. Elijah only bought a string to tie his glasses to his neck and recieved a " boring " from Rei. Jesse bought Stakey a stuffed bear but nothing for himself. And the continued down the winding hill until they saw a swan ( fake ) holding a sign that said:
The Tunnel Of Love

"Okay okay, partner up!" a man yelled even though it was pretty much just the four of them in line. Jesse grabbed Stacie's hand. Elijah put his arm around Rei's shoulder and hugged her (sorta). They got in a boat first, then Stacie and Jesse climbed in the one after them. She leaned over on Jesse's shoulder, happy to have some peace at last.

Rei looked at the water beneath the swan boats. " This is actually kinda pretty. " She said. In the seat behind them, Jesse was happily sitting and pretended to yawn ( we all know that old trick ) and put his arm around Stakey.

Stakey rolled her eyes ( also having know that trick ) and scooted closer to him. He moved his arm closer around her. "Agh! Jess.." "Oh!" he laughed and let go a little. They watched the first boat. "Watch, they'll start making out," Jesse teased.

Rei leaned on Elijah's shoulder and smiled up at him. The boats began to move slowly and calmly down the sweet wittle river of love. ( ^^ ) The chain of swans came down into a small valley with flowers and they came to a slow and calm stop so the riders could view the serene surroundings and possibly kiss or talk.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Stacie and Jesse chanted just loud enough for Rei to hear and splash some water at them. She turned back to watch the scenery for a moment and looked up at Elijah with sweet little puppy dog eyes.

Elijah looked down at her and kissed her, blushing. They continued doing this ( for a while, how DO they breath )and Jesse looked at Stakey, seeing if she wouldn't mind him kissing her.

Stakey was concentrating on spying on Rei & Elijah and Jesse blew on her face to get her attention. "What?" she asked grumpily. "Oh, never mind." he muttered. He didn't know how to kiss anyways.

Jesse sighed and looked away. "Stacie... I know I have been actin sort of wierd... I just don't know what to do... will you please forgive me? " And in the boat infront... Rei and Elijah are still at it.

Stacie nodded and snuggled up against him. He put both arms around her little body and hugged her tight. He looked into her eyes and then... the ride was over. -.-

Rei and Elijah stepped out of the swan and waited for the terribly frusturated Stacie and Jesse to step out also. " So, did you like the ride guys? " Rei asked, but seeing their faces she shut up.

Jesse let go of Stacie sadly, and they climbed out. "Where to next, guys?" he asked, adjusting his pants. "Jesse, you do know that looks stupid." Stacie commented. "What!?" he asked, looking down. "Yeah. Why do you just tuck your shirt in in the front.." she trailed off as they walked around.

Rei looked at the un-easy couple worriedly. She leaned over and whispered into Elijah's ear. " You know, they would seem like enemies to some people..." Elijah nodded and looked at the couple also. He pulled the park panflet from his pocket and read aloud his suggestion of the next ride. " There is a water ride where we get into logs and go around a water... ride... in logs... in the water..."

Rei suddenly thought up a plan. "LET'S GO!" she suggested, dragging everyone to the log ride. She completely passed it though and went to the floaty ride, similar to the Rio Loco at Sea World. She shoved Stacie in Jesse in, then climbed in with Elijah on the opposite side.

Rei sat beside Elijah and smiled up at him, who winked at her as the little circular tube began to spin. On the other side of the tube, Jesse was sitting grumpily at one end while Stakey sat at the other.

Jesse rolled his eyes and untucked his shirt. He kicked Stacie and she looked up and noticed, then looked away. He scooted over to sit by her and cornered her. "So you're mad at me by how I dress?" he asked. "No." she glared, "You're just not romantic." Jesse nodded. He leaned in to kiss her when they were quickly drenched by.. the waterfall.

Rei finally stood up in the middle of the boat. " I HAVE HAD IT! JESSE- YOU ARE GOING TO KISS THAT GIRL ON THE LIPS AND STACIE- YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE IT!!!" A sudden movement of the boat rounding a corner flipped Rei out of the boat and Elijah jumped in after her, leaving Jesse and Stacie alone.

Stacie and Jesse looked at each other and burst out laughing. He picked her up and threw her in the water, and they both swam out to get Rei and Elijah.

They found Elijah clinging to a side wall looking into the water. Rei was no where in sight, but a few bubbles would come up to the surface sometimes." GUYS! REI CAN'T SWIM!!!???" The water was dirty with an oily substance that was coming from the side of the ride where a leakage had occured. " Well, can't you go and get her? Duh, genious! Stacie, get back into the boat! " Jesse said to Stakey. Meanwhile, down under Rei sat on the bottom of the "dramatic"( as Elijah made it out to be ) 7 foot deep ride with her hand accidently caught on the hooky-belt that helps the boats move. " Is this the end of me? " She thought to herself.

Elijah and Jesse dove in to save Rei while Stakey looked for a boat to hold onto. The ride had just closed though, and their boat was one of the last to be taken in. She swam to the wally thingy and grabbed onto a safety bar. Since she couldn't find anyone she immediately got worried. She walked around holding onto the bar and found Elijah and Rei above water. "WHERE'S JESSE!?" she yelled and they both shrugged.

Rei fainted in Elijah's arms and he swam to the wall's edge. " I think Jesse flipped onto another boat!" He yelled over the roaring of the water-fall nearby. " Maybe if you follow this lining of the wall you can catch up to him! I gotta take Rei to some land!"

Stacie nodded and swam along the edge of the wall looking for him. She saw no more boats and figured his had already gone by. She went to the entrance of the ride and climbed out on the platform. It was empty except for Elijah fanning Rei with his shirt, but no Jesse. She sat down on a bench on the other side of the platform and faced away from the park. She shut her eyes and thought about how rude she had been to Jesse and how much she regretted it. She was too scared to look for him anymore and sat with her knees hugged to her chest, watching Elijah being oh so careful with Rei. She sighed, wondering what just happened.

A voice called out. " Stacie..." Jesse was walking towards her, his shirt tucked in all around, but was torn in several places. He limped over to her and smiled. " I..."

Stacie started crying. "Now I'm hearing voices in my head!! JESSE'S VOICE IS IN MY HEAD!!" she screamed. He sat down by her and felt his cold arms around her. "Now I can even feel his embrace.." she said quietly to herself, unaware that there was someone else there to hear her.

"Stacie... I am sorry." He held her in his arms shivering. Across the entry area, Rei was still out of it and Elijah had resorted to dumping liver, onions and fish ontop of her, which just made her condition worse. -.-

"Sorry? For what?" she asked the voice in her head. Jesse was still holding onto her tight, and a single tear came from his exhausted, freezing body. Elijah was still very confused on how to bring the life back to Rei, and he decided the best way to do it was to kiss her! He hugged her for a moment to see if that would work first.

" For everything... I have been a complete jerk... not paying attention to the one I love..." Jesse's weak voice said. Across the platform Rei would still not budge.

"I.." Stacie started, unsure of what exactly to say. "You love me?" she asked and he nodded and hugged her. She shot him a smile and they leaned in to kiss just as before, but this time... Rei interrupted them, coughing and gagging and finally awake. Stacie rushed over to her. "REI are you alright??" she asked, looking at Elijah hoping he knew the answer.

Throught many coughs and hacks the group could make out from Rei, " I... want...a...a...animal baloon!!!" She jumped up quickly still hacking and grabbed Elijah's hand. "And you... you owe me... for not getting to me... sooner!"

Stacie looked alarmed and scooted back, wide-eyed. Elijah took her off to get an animal balloon in hopes to get her back to normal. Jesse walked over and collapsed next to Stacie. They were both drenched in water. He put an arm around her. "Have you noticed that every time I try to kiss you, something happens?" he sighed. "Yeah, it's like we're jinxed or something." she laughed weakly. "Yeah well, some day." he said. "What's stopping us now?"

He looked intently into her eyes and everything around them seemed to fade away and all noises were shut out. The problems, the annoyances ( REI ), the fights, everything suddenly dissapeared as Jesse leaned towards Stacie, weakly.

She put her arms on his shoulders and he just kind of tried to stay balanced. His hands moved from the floor to around her middle as they scooted together and shared their first real kiss - no cheek pecks, but a real one. Interruptions were blocked for almost a full minute as they enjoyed the magic of .. love. (lol i can see you laughing, jackie)

( I don't like you. You can read minds. )
Elijah and Rei however did not know any of this wonderful fuzzy magic for they were at a happy balloon stall with Rei still hacking. " I still... don't... know why... they had... oil... in the ride!" She managed to say hoarsly as she recieved a giraffe shaped balloon. " I don't know..." Elijah said and looked down at Rei.

(lol seriously? KEWL!) Rei was coughing again and squeezed her balloon so tight it popped. She then was totally distracted from her coughing near-death fit and started crying over her balloon.

Elijah ran over to the balloon stall, buying 5 more balloon animals for emergencies. " Its ok, don't cry..." Rei stifled her tears and fainted again leaving Elijah with a heavy girl to drag around and... 5 balloons.

Elijah sighed and picked up Rei in his arms. He walked around the carnival thingy with her and her balloons piled on top. Eventually he caught up with Stacie and Jesse, who were holding hands and looking a little embarassed.

"Well, Rei passed out again." Elijah sighed. " Are you doing ok Jesse? You looked a little beaten up back there. I never asked but just what happened exactly? " Jesse shook his head. " Must I tell you? " Elijah nodded and sat down at a picnic table, laying Rei along the bench. Jesse sighed and began. " Well, in our search for Rei, I accidently flipped into a passing boat. Little did I know that the couple in there were not both huge but they were making out. That was bad for me... becuase the guy dealt with me a little more harshly then necessary. Well, he chunked me out into the ride again, but instead of hitting the water, I hit the wall and fell into the water scraping along the metal grates. Then I landed onto the platform and well, here I am."

"AWWW POOR BABY!!" Stacie screamed, hugging him and giving him little kisses every few seconds as she investigated how hurt he was. He pulled her onto his lap and hugged her so tight she could barely breathe. "But I'm fine now," he continued. "Say, shouldn't we get Rei to the hospital or something?"

As Jesse said this, Rei coughed some more but still lay unconcious. Elijah looked worried. " I guess we should... but I know she would disagree if she were awake." Jesse looked over at the limp distressed body laying on the bench. " But what if she doesn't ever wake up? I heard that sometimes oil can damage inner organs or the brain... sometimes even the lungs, automatically killing the victim. Of course, that was just a rumor spread around my science class when someone spilled a sample of oil..."

Stacie rolled her eyes and took out Rei's famous Frodo doll from her pocket and waved it in her face. "It'll work, trust me.." she said, stepping back a little bit.

Rei moaned and fell off the bench, still unconcious. Both Elijah's and Jesse's mouth dropped open. " If that didn't work... then... I think we better get her to the hospital!" Elijah moved fast, picking Rei up, who was still hacking and ran towards the exit.

Jesse and Stacie watched them, trying not to laugh at the sight. They decided to stay and cause trouble for a while since they knew Elijah could take care of Rei by himself. Jesse turned on his cell phone just in case, though. He started walking around, wondering what to do for a while.

Jesse looked up at the sky. " Well, we have riden a few rides... is there anything in particular that you want to do?" He looked down at Stacie who was reading the panflet.

Completely indulged in the pamphlet, she ignored Jesse and looked up to see a game with stuffed ferrets stacked on the shelves for prizes. She immediately ran over and pounced on the employee who worked that booth, demanding he give her a stuffed ferret at once. He explained how the game works, "You flip the farmer into the bucket and if you get him in three times in a row, you win a small prize.." he rambled on.

Jesse gasped. " STACIE!!!" He pulled her off the poor old worker saying, " Sorry sir, really sorry. Here, I'll play." He got three farmers and chunked one into the bucket... then the second... in slow motion: "AUUUAA!" As he valiantly chunked the third farmer... and it hit the side and bounced off. " GIVE ME THREE MORE! I'M PLAYIN AGAIN!!!!"

Stakey giggled and watched him throw little farmers in the bucket and always miss at least once. He hopped over the side of the counter and chunked the employee in the bucket. "NOW GIVE ME THE FREAKING FERRET!!!!" he yelled, dumping all of his farmers in the arms of the employee. He took the biggest ferret and went back to Stakey.

"YAY!!!" Stakey yelled and grabbed the ferret. " See, I am an expert at those kinda things!" Jesse exclaimed and the poor worker could only kick and yell, " get me out of here!!!"

They walked around as Jesse watched Stakey cuddle her stuffed ferret. He smiled and pulled on the ferret's tail gently. "NO TOUCHIES!" she said and poked him. He laughed and put his arm around her. "So.. where to now?" "Let's go check on Rei..."

Elijah was sitting by the bed at the hospital with Rei coughing and hacking. The doctors were running around getting tubes and spatulas. " spatulas?" Elijah asked, but pretended not to notice.

One of the doctors shoved Elijah over, who fell on Rei and pushed the water out of her poor little body. She woke up and spit any in her mouth onto Elijah. "Oh, hi honey." she greeted.

Elijah gasped and then smiled. " Rei! " Rei stood up. " What is with this nonsence?" She smacked a spatula out of a doctor's hand. " Honestly! I just had a little water and oil in me. Big deal! C'mon, we're going." She tugged on Elijah's hand.

The doctors blinked, but didn't bother trying to get Rei to stay so they could charge her lots of money for doing nothing. She stormed back to the carnival place, taking Stakey and Jesse along with her. "SKIBALL!!" the girls screamed at once and darted over to the arcade.

Now, Rei sucks at this game, but does not mention it.
"I AM THE BEST AT THIS!!!" On her first ball toss, she misses it. Elijah laughed. " Best at what?" Rei just glared. Jesse was cheering Stacie on as she was swinging her balls at the... little holes.

"Eeeheehehe!! I am the skiball QUEEEEEN!!" she cheered herself on as she missed one. Jesse took some of the balls and stuffed them in the 10,000 point holes for her. He ran back before he was caught and she rolled another in the 5,000 area. Elijah noticed Jesse cheating and dumped a few in for Rei, too.

Rei was apparently very happy and she recieved her stuffed horsy. She thanked Elijah by giving him a kiss on the cheek. "THANKIES!!!" She hugged her horse. Jesse smiled and handed Stacie her prize.

Jesse turned around and gave her a piggy back ride while they wandered around the area. "Oooh.. I want to go on THAT ride.." Stacie pointed to a ferris wheel which apparently dipped into the water and shook or something. The four of them got on.

Rei sat down and looked out. " The view is so pretty-ful!" She exclaimed. Jesse smiled and sat down with Stacie.

Everyone turned around and watched the outside of the ride. "You know, I wonder when we're supposed--" Stakey was cut off as they splashed in the water, soaking them with water up to the seat. Stakey shrieked and stood up on the seat, careful to not get wet. They rose up more and the water drained out.

Rei tried to squeeze out the water on her shirt. She had gotten drenched because she dropped a dime on the floor of the seat. " Now, why did you bother picking that up right when the water was about to come?" Elijah questioned as Rei tucked her safe but wet dime into her pocket. " I can think of ten good reasons why to never let a dime be washed away " Elijah sighed and sat back. Meanwhile, Jesse was trying to get Stakey to put her feet back down on the floor.

"NO!!!!" Stacie cried. After a while of convincing, Jesse let her sit on his lap until the ride was over. "EEEEEE Water bad.. water bad.. bad water..." she cried, practically choking him.

Rei was still squeezing out her shirt as the ride came to a stop and the frantic stakey jumped off before the door was even open. Jesse shrugged to Elijah who shrugged back. " girls "

The girls shot glares at them, and huffed off. "BUMPER CARS!!!" They both screamed and raced the guys over to them. Of course, by the time the guys knew they were racing, the girls were almost there.

Rei had already hopped into a green shiny one exclaiming " imanelf imanelf imanelf " while stakey picked a purple one hoping to get a good ram into Jesse. The guys ran in to eventually, gasping for air since the girls had given them a good run and jumped into cars too. The announcer exclaimed " 1.... 2.... 3.... GO! "

"Wheeee!!! SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! VROOOM!!" Stacie made her own little sound effects (lol i'm laffing so hard i can't spell) while she drove around, crashing into whoever looked funny or was near her.
Elijah got stuck into one of the corners and Rei kept on ramming him furthur into the corner exclaiming " I am only trying to help "

"I'll help too Reeeei!!" Stakey yelled and went to 'help' her before realizing Jesse was sneaking up on her. She quickly whipped around and rammed him to the other side of the arena.

Elijah FINALLY got out of his corner and glared at Rei who smiled innocently. "Elijah Honey?... EEP!!!" As Elijah chased Rei, Jesse turned quickly and accidently smashed an old grandma into a wall.

"OOPS! Wait.. isn't that the point of bumper cars?" Jesse yelled. He turned around and zipped off after Stacie, smashing many people out of his way before he got to her.