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My Favourite Things for April

    Easter! Yum yum all the chocolate you get!!

  • Winter shoes- Cannot R Cannot beat Long Black Boots for HOT!!
  • Mid Semester break! Yeah roll on semester two!
  • My Latin Boogie Dance Class - Very cool, and such a good workout!
  • Cooler weather spent snuggled up under duvets!
  • Reading a good book- if you don't then you don't know what you are missing
  • Vodka Shots with Eskimo Pies and Jellytips
  • Shakira - I am SO gonna belly dance this year. She is HOT!!!

    My Thought From Oprah: "He who overcomes others has force; he who overcomes himself is strong." — Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher

ARE YOU A COLD FISH OR A RED HOT LOVER??? Take the test to find out....

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P's Guide for Enjoying Life-
    li> 1 Like the Milk ad says - Don't Just walk.... STRUT!!! Attitude baby...
  • 2 If you are feeling low and a friend invites you out.. GO.. you may not feel like going but chances are you will feel a hell of a lot better for doing so afterwards
  • 3 Take chances in life and love, within reason. As long as it hurts no-body but perhaps your pride, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE???? Regret at missed opportunities is perhaps the most stupid emotion out there!
  • 4 Do something you know you are good at or enjoy. Your confidence levels will soar making you attractive to yourself and everyone around you. Self love is the most important thing a person can learn

  • 5 Never settle for second best. If you never strive for the best, how do you hope to achieve it?

    Me outside the famous L&P bottle during Yana's & mine big New Years road trip

    Save the world in this spacie game

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    My Favorite Web Sites

    Too Shy to make the first move? Let someone else do it for you!
    Angelfire Home Pages
    Backgammon ROCKS!!!
    Beauty, Career, Fashion advice, plus heaps of fun competitions!!

    P's Favourite Beauty Products for April:

    1 Fudge Dynamite- Makes you wanna sniff your hair all day long!!!

    2 Body Shop Nut Body Butter - Smells good enough to eat IN the pot, imagine what it smells like on your skin!

    3 Avon Sheer Lipsticks - so pretty

    4 L'Oreal Nail Polish- the hottest colours around!

    5 Hugo Boss Deep Red for Women - You get complete strangers coming in closer for a better smell

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    ***A final thought from Me: New Years wish for everyone: People be happy. Don't sweat the small stuff. 2001 had enough misery to last for years, don't be a part of creating more Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!***
