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In Loving Memory of
Austin Michael Morse
January 12, 2000 - September 11, 2000

Christmas In Heaven
I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
with tiny lights like heaven's stars reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular please wipe away that tear
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you of the joy their voices bring
for it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I can't tell you of the splendor or the peace here in this place
Can you just imagine Christmas with our Savior face to face?

I'll ask him to lift your spirit as I tell him of your love
so then pray for one another as you lift your eyes above.

Please let your hearts be joyful and let your spirit sing
for I am spending Christmas in heaven and I'm walking with the King.
Wanda Bencke, "copyright 1998"
published by permission
Author's Note: "Lysandra Kay Bencke was my thirteen year old handicapped daughter. On Christmas day 1997, Lysandra had a seizure and was in a coma for five days before she passed away. During those five days I wrote the poem "Christmas in Heaven". I sent it out in belated Christmas cards to over 100 friends and relatives that year. They have also sent it on to other friends and relatives,
thus how the poem has been changed and the story behind it."

Christmas in Heaven

Holidays In Heaven
The Holiday Season is just not the same,
A smile is missing when saying one name.
For parents who’ve lost a daughter or son,
Nothing can bring back the delightful fun,
Of watching them talk, laugh, or just run.
The memories are all that we do have now,
We do go on…..only God knows how.
A New Year comes as midnight arrives,
Our Angels still a big part of our lives.
If only we could trade the presents we receive,
For one more day with those whom we grieve!
But nothing can bring back our beloved child,
The one that laughed, cried, and often smiled.
They are together in a much better place,
Watching us cry…..touching our face!
Although we miss them on Holidays to share,
Be assured their loving presence fills the air,
At home, in church, at New York’s Times Square!
So celebrating the Holidays are now hard to do,
But always remember they are thinking of you too,
Wishing you happiness and showing their love,
Not on this Earth, but from Heaven above!
Written by Dan Bryl, Lawrenceville, GA TCF
In Memory of his daughter, Jessica

We do not need a special day
To bring you to our minds.
The days we do not think of you
Are very hard to find.

Each morning when we awake,
We know that you are gone.
And no one knows the heartache
As we try to carry on.

Our hearts still ache with sadness
And secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.

Our thoughts are always with you,
Your place no one can fill.
In life we loved you dearly;
In death we love you still,

There will always be a heartache,
And often a silent tear.
But always a precious memory
Of the days when you were here.

If tears could make a staircase,
And heartaches make a lane,
We'd walk the path to heaven
And bring you home again.

We hold you close within our hearts;
And there you will remain,
To walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet again.

Our family chain is broken now,
And nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.
~ Author unknown

Our Christmas Angels

This is Angel Austin's baby sister, Alyssa Marie, who was very nearly born on Austin's heaven day.
Her date of birth is September 6, 2001, just 5 days before Austin's heaven day.

Click on the words below to go to Austin's Anniversary Page ~

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Austin Michael Morse
on December 18, 2001
Last updated: December 20, 2008
© 2000 - 2008

Pooh and Friends Snowglobes

Please visit Maria's Tribute to Christopher
Angel Christopher
Two Very Special Angels

Christopher's Christmas Page

Christmas Blessings From Angel Laura

A small Christmas gift for the Morse family. May God bless you always.

Angel Michelle

Ken's Page

My Angel Son Michael

Merry Christmas From Angel Lee!

Merry Christmas From Romelo and JoJo!

Rob's Christmas

Some of the graphics on this page are from ~

Read my Dreambook!
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