~Hi! My name is AngelFae~
Click on me to visit my creator Sunni!
I am the guardian of love and of all heavenly things!
I am here to try and answer any questions that you might have,
But if you don't find your answer here, please email me at:
~Frequently Asked Questions~
Q. How can I make a clicking link from my page back to AngelFae's page?
A.I set it up very easily. All you have to do is copy and paste the code:
~Click here to see how!~
Q. Can you please help me with an HTML question?
A.I have answered the HTML questions that I am most ofter asked here:
~HTML help from AngelFae~
Two very generous people are also ready to answer your HTML questions here:
~Click here for HTML help from Celeste!~
~Click here for HTML help from Mythspinner!~
Q. How do you draw your graphics?
A. I draw my graphics using Paint Shop Pro, my mouse and my imagination.
I don't have any "special" program to draw my faeries or any of my graphics.
I just draw them the same way you would draw on paper, but I do it in Paint Shop Pro.
If you would like to download a trial version of Paint Shop Pro,
you can find a copy here: ~Shareware.com~
Q. Can you draw me some custom graphics?
A. Please do not write and ask me to do "special" or "custom graphics."
I really wish I could still have the time to do this, but I don't.
Plus I get 15-20 requests for that type of thing every week.
There is no way I could honor all those requests,
and it would not be fair for me to do it for one person and not do it for another.
It makes me feel bad to tell people no, but I can't help it.
Q.Do you know anyone who can do that kind of work?
A.YES! His name is Mythspinner.
His FREE service offers the creation of web pages or
graphics(awards,buttons,bars,banners) for anyone.
~You can contact Mythspinner here!~
Q.I really want to make my own Cyberpet agency. Where can I learn how?
A.Everything you need to know can be found on this wonderful site:
~Bear Jests~
Q.Where do you find your cute page counters of Faeries, Angels, Kittys and Net Babies?
A.You can find the same counters for yourself right here!
~BoingDragon's Web Counters~
Q.Where do you get those pretty cursers?
A.You can find them here!
~LiveCursers from Comet Systems~
Q. Do you have a mailing list so that you can let me know when you update your page?
A. Yes, I do. Just look near the bottom of this page:
~Sign up for my mailing list here~
Q. I know it says to not download your houses or your Baby Hyacinth, ect... but I really want it on my page.
So is it ok if I take it anyways?
A. No, it is not ok.
I make many graphics for you to use on your pages,
but I should have the right to have some things that are special and unique to my page only.
I don't want my site to look like everyone elses, and neither should you.
If it says "Not avaliable for Download" or "Do not remove", then No, you may not take it.
Q. How do I Up-load and Down-load?
Q. Where can I get a free homepage?
Q. How can I learn HTML?
A. The answers to these questions, and lots more can be found here:
Q. I have WebTV, what am I supposed to do if I can't link to you?
A. WebTV users are unable to upload, or FTP graphics to their servers.
But there IS a way you can get the graphics to the servers
without linking the graphics directly from my page.
It's called "Transloading".
If you read the directions carefully it is really very simple!
~Star Boulevard Transload Service~
Look for me or one of my sisters at Sunni's place!
You'll always be the first to know,
about new updates to my page!