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Lesson Plan-Fractions

Assure Model Lesson Plan Template

Title of Lesson:

Beginner Fractions

Analyze Learners:

General Characteristics

Entry Characteristics

Learning Styles

State Objectives:

Objective elements

Objective Statement(s) The 5th grade mathematics class at Holmen Elementary School will be able to identify regular fractions and describe what a fraction is and what they consists of. These intelligent fifth graders will also be able to identify a numerator and denominator on every fraction and will use that information to add fractions with the same denominator and different denominators. These students will also be able to identify a mixed fraction and use them to add with same denominator. Finally the fifth graders will identify equivalent fractions, compare fractions with same denominators and compare fractions with different denominators. The students will use their notes, computers, projects, construction paper, and group work to study the information needed to succeed. These students will be able to prove that they have learned this information by testing on two proficiency tests and getting 16 out of the 20 questions correct.

Select Media, Materials, & Methods:

List Media and Materials to be used in the lesson:

Utilize Media, Materials, & Methods: I am going to begin my lesson on fractions by showing my PowerPoint presentation so the students will know what to look for in the lesson. That night I will assign the kids to go home and create something that they can put on a bulletin board that they think they have that will represent a fractions or something they already know about fractions. Then I will begin the lesson by using transparencies to give basic definitions, show pictures of certain fractions and give background information on the lesson on fractions and the notes the kids will need in their notebooks. I will allow the kids to explore on the computers to see what they can find out about fractions. I will have each student work in groups of four and create a college about fractions from information or pictures they find on the computers. The next steps I will take is having each child use construction paper and cut out certain fractions that I tell them and compare them to each student (larger, smaller, how much, etc). The next step in my lesson will be to bring in the Pirating Pizza project. I will bring in two pizzas for the class to have for a party; only the pirating pizza eats half every night up to the party. The students will use charts and graphs and add and subtract fractions to find out how much pizza is left for their party. Two times through the lesson, I will give two quizzes and the students will have to get 16 out of 20 or they will keep taking it on their recess time until they do. Finally at the end of the lesson a chapter test will be given to see how much the students know. Periodically throughout the lesson, students will be creating another bulletin board showing what new items they are learning about fractions.

Require Learner Participation: Each student will also be graded partially on his or her participation. I will get these children involved through the projects and games that we will play. The computer collogue will have to involve each member of the group. I will be walking around the classroom observing all members of all groups. The construction paper project will involve each individual person as they come up with their designated fraction and will also involve group work, as they will compare with other people. The pirating pizza project will also involve the students as each member will create either charts or graphs involving the pizza or they will not get any pizza for their party. The reward will be the pizza, which will encourage many fifth graders to participate. There will also be participation while the lecture on transparencies is given as random students will be called on to answer questions or do examples on the board (if needed, with assistance).

Evaluate and Revise: