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Beaulieu - BV 1998 Napa Valley Merlot
Medium to full bodied with flavors of cherries, licorice and coffee, and a hint of herbs or anise in the finish. From $21.99. Price and availability vary by state.

Clos du Bois 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon
This wine is medium-dark with ruby color, and has cherry fruit flavors with a touch of oak on the finish. From $14.39. Price and availability vary by state.

[Cardio-protective effect of red wine as reflected in the literature]

Lugasi A; Blazovics A; Dworschk E; Feher J Orszagos Elelmezes- es Taplalkozastudomanyi Intezet, Budapest.
Orv Hetil (HUNGARY) Mar 16 1997, 138 (11) p673-8

Many scientific studies have been searching for the reason of so-called Paradox, the anomaly which means that in several parts of France and other Mediterranean countries the morbidity and mortality of coronary heart diseases in absolute value and in consideration of its rate to other manner of death is significantly lower than it is in other developed countries, despite of the high consumption of fat and saturated fatty acids.

The reason of this cardioprotective effect might be among others the typical Mediterranean diet and the regularly consumption of red wine. This conception may be proved since the polyphenolic compounds present in red wine in concentrations of 1800-3000 mg/l are antioxidants, free radical scavengers and inhibit the lipid peroxidation processes in vitro and in vivo, as well. Beside dietary antioxidants such as tocopherols, ascorbic acid and carotenoids, the polyphenolic compounds of plant origin exert favorable effects on cardioprotective mechanisms. Phenolic compounds of red wine (flavonoids and non-flavonoid components) inhibit the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, the eicosanoid synthesis and platelet aggregation and promote the formation of endothel-dependent relaxation factor (nitrogen oxide).

According to scientific results of the last decade it seems to be proved that moderate consumption of red wine - 2-3 unit/day for healthy men, and 1-2 unit/day for healthy women (1 unit = 12 g alcohol) -, cannot be criticised either medically nor socially and have a beneficial effect on reducing coronary heart diseases. (50 Refs.)



Order Chardonnay online
Hess, Clos Du Val, Clos du Bois, Canyon Hill, Chalk Road

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