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Women For Diego And Zorro

The right woman for Diego and Zorro.

It is interesting to look at the possible women from whom Diego might have chosen. I have wondered as well if the right woman for Diego would necessarily be the right woman for Zorro? Let's look at a few of the women and see how she does with each of them.

Setting aside her affection for Benito, let's begin with Elena Torres. She might have been a very suitable wife for Diego. She is loyal to both her father and Benito, and there is every expectation she would be devoted to her husband. She is brave in her own way, and she is certainly willing to defy convention by loving a man not of her class. At the same time, her very emotional response to the threat against Benito's life would make her a poor candidate for being Zorro's wife. The constant danger Zorro faces would have the poor girl in bed with nervous collapse.

Constancia (the Viceroy's daughter) is one of those idiots who sees Diego as a brotherly type.

Next we have Magdalena Montez (my personal choice as the most appropriate because I think she is already on the road to redemption by the end of the episode). Magdalena is the one woman who immediately is attracted to Diego as a man. There is none of this "brotherly" nonsense as far as she is concerned. She flirts, and Diego flirts right back. They have a lot of fun, and there is great chemistry between them. She is also of his class, well educated, and well traveled.

Magdalena has a sense of fun and adventure that rivals Zorro's own. She is misguided and mislead in her effort to have an adventure, but she is daring and bold, and she would understand and appreciate the risks Zorro takes. There is fire in this woman, and Zorro's wife should have a fire similar to his own. She could have lived with Diego by day and have been as much a helper to Zorro by night as Bernardo is.

Next comes along Rosarita Cortez. She would make a better wife for Zorro than she would for Diego. She is a crusader in her own right and fearless about speaking her mind and jumping into a fray. However, when it came time to pose as Diego's quiet, meek wife, I don't think she could have done it. She would have poked him in the ribs and said, "Dee-aa-go, do something!" and that would have been the end of it.

After Rosarita the Eagle keeps Diego/Zorro too busy to have much time with women until Diego goes to Monterey and meets Anna Maria. This woman is another who views Diego as a friend or brother and never sees the whole, real man standing right in front of her. She fancies herself in love with Zorro, a man she neither knows nor understands. As far as I'm concerned she is self-serving and delusional. She is quite willing to put her desire to be swept off her feet with romance above the need the people of California have for Zorro.

Teresa is mentioned here not as a real possibility because she is of the wrong class, but simply because she is too much fun to ignore. She has the fire and passion Zorro needs in a mate, but she lacks the self-control and manners Diego would require. He is amused by her and obviously very fond of her, but the idea of a romance never crosses his mind.

I like Moneta. She has a quiet dignity and courage about her. She sees a wrong and is not afraid to speak in an effort to correct it. She cares a great deal for Diego and, I believe, could learn to love him. She would be a good wife for Diego, but perhaps a little less so for Zorro. In a way she reminds me of Elena. There is something a little fragile about her that makes me think years of Zorro's near-misses and constant dangers would reduce her to a bundle of nerves.

Finally we have Leonar, and she's an interesting one. She is obviously very enamored with Diego. She also doesn't pay the least bit of attention to Zorro, and considering how many times Zorro saved her father, I find that curious. It leads me to the conclusion that she is also a little self-serving. She can imagine herself married to Diego and building a life with him. Zorro holds little fascination for her. She certainly can't imagine a future for herself with him, and I think she would grow impatient with Zorro needing to be away from her side on too many occasions.

There you have my little analysis. The conclusion is that the Disney writers failed to create the "perfect" woman for both Diego and Zorro. I'm grateful to our talented fanfiction writers for creating the women Disney did not.


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