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What a hot, hot summer


Welcome to LAM Wing-lui’s Web Site







What a lovely view of Hong Kong at night.  I was born and live here.




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My Schools學校


I studied for some short time at a kindergarten聖潔學校.  Then I entered the Kowloon English School九龍英文書院 in Tsim Sha Tsui as a primary one pupil.  The private school closed down when I finished form four.  I went to the Tak Yan School德仁書院 in Mong Kok to finish my form five.  I studied form six at the Wellington College威靈頓中學.  The school was in Tsim Sha Tsui and my course was to prepare me to get enrolled in the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


I failed the matriculation examination and so could not join the university.


In 1994, I got my Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Information System from The Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong香港公開進修學院 now re-titled The Open University of Hong Kong香港公開大學.  In 1998, I obtained my Master of Arts in Public and Social Administration with Credit from the City University of Hong Kong香港城市大學.  My study at the master’s course was sponsored by my employer the Labour Department.


At Work工作


In 1972, I joined the Inland Revenue Department稅務局 as a general clerical service II.


In 1977, I joined the Labour Department勞工處 as a labour inspector II.  Now, I am a senior labour inspector.


After Work工餘


From 1971 to 3, I served as a volunteer in The Boys and Girls Clubs Association of Hong Kong 香港小童群益會.


In 1974, I became a member of the Industrial Relations Institute (IRI) 勞資關係協進會.  I met my wife there.  I served on the executive committee for many years and held various posts including secretary, treasurer, vice chairman and chairman.  The IRI inspired me to protect workers’ rights.


In 1974, I joined the Civil Aid Services now re-titled Civil Aid Service民安隊 as a volunteer grade I (one) rank-and-file member.  I am now an assistant regional commander of its New Territories Region holding a rank of grade VI (six).  Before that, I served in the Pay and Record Unit, Kowloon East District, Kowloon Regional Headquarters and Cadet Corps.  I was awarded a Civil Defence Long Dervice Medal, and a Civil Aid Service Long Service Silver Medal and a Gold Medal.  In 1995, I received a Commissioner’s Commendation.


I am a member of the Labour Inspectors Association勞工督察會.  I served on the standing committee for many years and held various posts including vice secretary, secretary, treasurer, vice chairman and chairman.


I am a member of the Institute of Civil Defence and Disaster Studies.


Hai Nan Tour 2002 Photos 2002年海南島旅遊照 


Home Sweet Home家庭


I came from a poor family whose native country is Kaiping, Guangdong, China廣東省開平縣/巿, the birthplace of my grandparents and mother.  My father was born in Hong Kong.


My grandfather (father of my father) joined in the Northern Expedition to unite China.  After the war, he became a construction worker in Hong Kong and joined a trade union.  My grandmother (mother of my father) was a hawker selling cigarettes in Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon. 


The father of my mother left China for Indonesia.  He later set up a shop and another family there.  The mother of my mother was a housewife, who succeeded in leaving her country for Indonesia with his only son.  Eventually, they settled in Hong Kong.


My parents were sewing machine operatives.  While my father worked in the factory, my mother worked at home.


I have two brothers and two sisters and I am the eldest.  One of my brothers got a scholarship from his employer the Urban Services Department to get a bachelor’s degree from the Leeds Metropolitan University.  Later, he got another bachelor’s degree from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a master’s degree from the University of Hong Kong. He is an environmental protection officer and a captain of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps.  His wife is a chief health inspector.  The other brother is a driver and his wife is a housewife.  One of my sisters was an office bearer of the Hong Kong Immigration Assistants Union.  She now works as a clerk in a secondary school.  Her husband is an office bearer of the Immigration Service Officers Association.  The other sister is a housewife, who married to a retail merchant.


My wife is a cashier of an officers mess.  My elder twin daughter studies dietetics in England in the same university where one of my brothers studied.  Although she is not a resident British, she is not required to pay any tuition fee.  The other daughter studies translation at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Currently, she is an exchange student in a Japanese university at Nagoya.


Card from Elder Twin Daughter來自大孖女兒的賀卡


Younger Twin Daughter's Japan Apartment細孖女兒日本居所 


An essay by Younger Twin Daughter細孖女兒的一篇文章


Please give me feedback.  Thank you.  請賜教。謝謝。

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Source of images :,  2002

You are the你是第



Web site was launched in September 2002.  網址於二零零二年九月設立。

Updated using Word / WordPad on 31.7.2003 更新