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In Loving Memory of Shane Edward Jackson
August 2, 1977 - July 5, 2002


This is one of the last photos taken of Shane.

My son loved the Grateful dead band so I would like that as the theme. He also had a daughter that was his biggest love, Kelsey age 5. He loved his job selling Kirby sweepers and was a talker and charmer. Liked fishing and hunting. He was the type of person that if he had his friends and a full stomach
that is all he wanted out of life. Very good hearted person and would help anyone.

This picture shows Shane with the first fish he ever caught.

I found out today that his death was an accidental overdose from taking morphine patchs orally. Until this
I have never heard of kids doing this but evidentally there are a few cases. So I will want to include something about what can happen when taking these drugs , a warning to other kids. I love my son and won't be ashamed of the way he died and need to tell others what can happen. He was not a drug addict and although I know he has tried other drugs. He was down that night and wanted to feel good
and made a fatal mistake.

Some helpful links ~
The Chris Farley Foundation

Mom and Shane in Florida.

When God Called You Home

A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place,
No one else could ever fill.
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
For part of me went with you,
The night God called you home.
~ Author unknown

Young Shane in school photos.

This is another one of Shane's last photos.

He Only Took My Hand

Last night while I was trying to sleep,
My son's voice I did hear
I opened my eyes and looked around
But he did not appear.

He said "Mom you've got to listen,
You've got to understand
God didn't take me from you, Mom
He only took my hand

When I called out in pain that night,
The instant that I died,
He reached down and took my hand,
And pulled me to his side.

He pulled me up and saved me
From the misery and pain
My body was hurt so badly inside,
I could never be the same.

My search is really over now,
I've found happiness within,
All the answers to my empty dreams
And all that might have been.

I love you and miss you so,
And I'll always be nearby.
My body's gone forever,
But my spirit will never die!

And so, mom, you must go on now,
Live one day at a time.
Just understand-
God did not take me from you, mom,
He only took my hand.

Written by Susan R. George Shipman,
From her son Timothy.

On the left is Shane at 18 years old, and on the right is Shane on his 16th birthday.

Shane with Santa at his second Christmas.

This is the first picture of Shane with his daughter Kelsey, shortly after she was born.

Here is a picture of Shane's son, born Jan 31, 2003 - 7lb 2.3oz. Named Shane Edward Jackson, Jr.
His Dad probably jumped up and down in heaven about having a boy.
He looks so much like him, I wish Shane could have been here.

And can it be that in a world so full and busy,
the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart,
so wide and deep that nothing
but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!
---Charles Dickens

This is Shane with his daughter Kelsey when she was 3. He looks so blissful getting that kiss.
It's one of my favorite pictures.

Shane's mom made the image above as part of her scrapbook for Shane.
Thank you to Jackie for adding the text to this for Shane's web page.

This image above is a birthday gift to Angel Shane from Karen Lyn Jenkins, Mother of an Angel with Pink Wings
^i^Geoffrey P. Edwards^i^

Shane's Family Album Page

Shane's Goodbye Page


Please click the button below if you wish to email Shane's mom ~

Because Shane loved The Grateful Dead, the song playing on this page is one of their best-known songs, Not Fade Away.

Remembering is a dream that comes in waves. - Helga Sandburg

Thank you to my bestest buddy, Rosemary,for help with the music, some graphics and
re-sizing some photos for Shane's pages.

Dear Missy and ANGEL Shane

Please don't think of your ANGEL Shane as gone
He is just away for a while
He has flown his way Into an unknown land
With that special smile of his
And a wave of his hand
Just open your Eyes and Heart
Through that special star up above
He will be blowing kisses down to you
And sending you all his love

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

Michael David Sullivan

"I am so pleased to present you with my "Award for Eternal Love"
for so much love that you have shown to your Angel Shane.
I read your letters to Shane and they touched my heart so much.
He was so very fortunate to have had such a loving family around him,
and such a wonderful and loving mother.
May God bless you and walk with you every day of your life."
Ann, Laurasmom

In Loving Memory of Laura Ann Kimble

Andrew... Our Miracle, Our Angel

These are two beautiful gifts to Angel Shane from my dear friend Carol, mom to Angel Michael.

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Shane Edward Jackson
on September 19, 2002
Last updated: August 3, 2009
© 2000 - 2009

Visit Maria's pages for her little Christopher at
Maria's Tribute to Christopher
Angel Christopher
My Tribute to a Very Special Boy