ShadowFox5004's Oh So Kool Anime Site!!
ShadowFox5004: Welcome!!!! This is ShadowFox5004's Oh So Kool Anime Site!!
Kaorie: I'm ShadowFox's lovely assistant, Kaorie!!! *batts eyelashes*
ShadowFox5004: Please Kaorie, I'm trying to talk.
Kaorie: Kay...*sniffle*
ShadowFox5004: Ya. So anyway, this is my little place. What makes it "Oh So Kool" you ask?
Kaorie: 'Cause you get to see us get into funny convos with anime charries and fights, and you can read fan-fics, and send things in....
ShadowFox5004: I've finally finished Symbol of Silence, and at the moment I'm redoing the site a bit, so be patient.
Kaorie: Symbol of Silence's ending isn't posted yet!!!
ShadowFox5004: Yeah...she's right...Well, go see the rest of the site now!!!
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