A GUID TO TELNET BY:Unlight Greetings people , this is a Straightforward Txt about Telnet Directed to the newbies , basic Use & whats it good for ;) What is Telnet simply a Terminal Simulation program , simulates a Terminal window just like the old days of The Internet Before Nice Guis were made, provides a method for Communication Between two machines Client > server & executing some Commands, the Client Runs on your Computer & the server is the Daemon you wish to connect to over the Network , you can Telnet To many ports 21(Ftp) ,23 (Telnet),25 (Smtp),79 (finger) ,80 (Http) ,110(POP3) , basically any Kind of Service /Daemon running on any port will give u some sort of Response if u connected to it with telnet,u can Even use Most Trojans over Telnet if u know the Right commands :) how? Start menu > Run >Telnet , Windows Telnet Client is Just too damn Dull , I suggest you search for something Called Putty its propably the best Telnet Client , got some Extras also , Putty has some nice gui thats very much Self Explanatory yet u still have all the advanced features, Some Very nice Telnet Clients Can be found at www.download.com just go &search for the Words Telnet clinet Absolute telnet is a good one too, I ll go thru the windows Telnet Program instead , I am Currently Using Windows Xp so I ll Describe the Xp Client , it Just looks Like a Command Prompt u type open Hostname port number , a good Place to Start is your Shell account , if your Isp is a Self Respecting Company they should have one for u , just call & ask , they might want to know why u need it (My Own Isp did) ,just tell them u re Trying to learn More about Unix , this should shut them up , now once u hit enter with The hostname & portnumber written (with telnet (23)u dont need to type the Port number!) u will be asked for a Login ,then a pass ,if its a shell account u should have a Login/pass of your own, if not try typing Guest as Login , then You@fakeemail.com as Pass this should work .btw on Older Versions of Windows Make sure you have enabled the option Local Echo or Else you wont See what you re typing, check this out too in other Gui for Telnet u may want to try . What then? Once Connected type Help The help command Gives u a list of all the commands available over the Server you are Connected to try ,Start Playing around with the available command , of Course you will mess up , but you will Receive error messages that ll help u understand what u ve missed & Do it the right way , I could ve Listed a command list or something for the most used commands but its better u see for yourself;), After u ve played on port 23 (Default For Telnet) try Connecting over a different port say 21 ftp , this is a Command lined Version of an Ftp session Just as if u are Browsing an Ftp site , u could try some anonymous Ftp site or whatever The help Command still works & you will Find the commands slightly different from one System to another Depending on the Daemon / Operating system its running. Anything else? well thought I might point a Couple of things about some ports -Port 79 Finger is Very Useful if u need to break into a system or Crack an Account u can Get legitimate User names (supposedly emails) on that Machine helps u to Brute force that account or search for Further Exploits - Port 25 smtp Can be successfully Used to Send anonymous Emails , many programs Can do that for u , But Its reccomended that u send at least one fake Email using telnet to Understand how things are going , I might write a Text About that Later, the daemon used for that service is called Sendmail which is a Favourite among hackers coz some versions of it Had Some FATAL Security flaws that Could allow a User to Root the system even (I m sure many systems are still Vulnerable) Thats all About it For now , hope someone Might find it of any use , Greetz to erdem , Trojanman ,ISO ,Kers0r ,jojo & All Other TrojanForge Members , Peace Guys :)