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About Nuriko:
-Nuriko's name
-Nuriko The Shichiseishi
-Nuriko's Past

-Manga Images
-Anime Images

Fan stuffs
-Webrings I'm a part of

-Nuriko's Songs
-Nuriko Speaks
-Nurko's Seiyuu Chika Sakamoto

-To Nuriko
-To my friends
-Nuriko Webrings
-Other Anime Webrings

" she wears her mask like the good little entertainer she is.Naked eyed smiles painted on with a smile and a scar no one sees the mistakes she’s sorry for."

Welcome to "Totally Purple" your one and only all purpose handy dandy pocket sized Nuriko shrine. Comes complete with pictures, sounds, backrounds, nifty stuff to decorate your computer with, and much much more. But thats not it, the complete "You know you like Nuriko too much when..." list, Now how much would you pay? $100? $300? Now right here at "Totally Purple" you can get it for free, yes, you heard me say it FREE!!! Welcome to "Totally Purple"

02/05/00'-Well, here it is, I finally got it done, Given some parts arn't even close to being compleated yet, but at least its here. The Image Galleries will be up as soon as I finish with them which should be soon scince I usually have all the time in the world ^.~

-Shadow Hitori-