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The wrath of Ice Myril!

Izzy was typing away at his computer when he got an e-mail. "Hey guys! I got an e-mail from!!!!!!!!" Yelled Izzy. Tai and Matt gathered around Izzy's computer in surprize. Izzy opened the e-mail. It read: "Dear digidestined, You are probally surprized that I wrote you but this is an emergency! Myril has come back and he is keeping slaves!!! He is trying to get the crest of darkness which is a crest that can give Myril the power to Digivolve! I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that I said that Myril can't digivolve! Well with the crest of darkness Myril can digivolve. Better hurry! Myril already has the tag. I will transfer you to the demidigiworld at 6 o'clock tonite. Hopefally not goodbye," Matt then said " Tai, what time is it?" Tai replied by saying exactly 6 o'clock. Suddenly Matt, Tai, Izzy, And thier digimon were transported to the demidigiworld. They then saw Atomon. "Atomon where are the slaves?" Asked Izzy? Atomon said" right below." Suddenly Matt, Tai, and Izzy fell into a deep hole. There they found digimon being whiped and doing work that was way too hard for them. Izzy said " I got an Idea! We can use Wargreymons terra force to tunnel the slaves out! Agumon warp digivolve to... Wargreymon. " Consider it done!" said Wargreymon! Wargreymon then used his terra force and tunneled all the slaves out. Suddenly Myril appeared. " Long time no see" said Myril. Myril pretended to have a broken foot because his tag was glowing but no one noticed except Myril. Tai the said " Digivolving time!" and all the digimon started to digivolve except Atomon. Wargreymon digivolve to... Cybergreymon. Gabumon warp digivolve to... Metalgarurumon. Metalgarurumon digivolve to... Rabidgarurumon. Tentomon warp digivolve to... Herculeskabuterimon. Herculeskabuterimon digivolve to... Holykabuterimon. Cybergreymon tried to hit Myrils foot with his cyber blast but Myril dodged the attack. Incidently the attack dug up the crest of darkness and Myril said " Thanks! " then digivolved. Myril digivolve to... Icemyril! Icemyril blasted the digidestines digimon with his ice breath attack and all the digimon went back to their rookie levels. Tentomon thought " What are we going to do?" Suddenly Atomon warp digivolved. Atomon warp digivolve to... Dnawariormon! Dnawariormon destroyed the crest of darkness with his dna destruction attack but that did not stop Icemyril. Icemyril used his ice breath attack on Dnawariormon and Dnawariormon went all the way back to a digiegg. Suddenly all three of the crest's glowed and became one digimon called angecrestmon. It became a long fight but finnaly angecrestmon defeited Icemyril. Suddenly Tai, Matt, and Izzy were transported back to the digiworld where they told the rest of the Digidestined. THE END