Animazement 2001

   Animazement 2001. It was my first convention. I went with my family. I made a few friends, but they didn't last. Ah, well. For a first convention, it was pretty good. I even got an autograph from Yuu Watase at one of the signings. Ah, joy. Yeah.

   Here is a small gallery of pictures I took at the con. Well, actually, my father took most of them. And, I didn't know how fidgety those damn cameras were about taking pictures and how you needed massive amounts of light to make a decent picture. Well, can't blame me.

   Oh! Not to mention -- These pictures are not in chronological order. Sorry!

Ayashi No Ceres
White Fairy, Others
White Fairy, Others
Original Costume
Best in Show
Best in Show
Original Costumes
Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell
Gundam Wing
Tasuki, Miaka & Chichiri
Tasuki, Miaka & Chichiri
Fushigi Yuugi
J-Rock Group
J-Rock Group
Other J-Rock Group
Other J-Rock Group
Original Costume(?)
Lain Group
Lain Group
Serial Experiments Lain
Miscellaneous Group
Hotel Lobby
Ken, Ryu & Akuma
Ken, Ryu & Akuma
Street Fighter
Yuu Watase
Yuu Watase