OpenCanvas, Version 1.1: An Online Guide

OpenCanvas, Version 1.1: An Online Guide

[Getting Started]
[What's In Your Toolbox?]
[Viva The Color Palette!]
Go, Go BrushInfo!]
[Making Use Of Layers]
[Main Menu Mania]













    OpenCanvas is a wonderful program to edit and color pictures with, for something that's under a megabyte in size. Here in this guide are essential pointers and instructions for those who've just gotten started with OpenCanvas. It's VERY detailed (Well, as detailed as I could make it) and so you should have no trouble acquainting yourself with the program.
    It has a lot of capabilities like layers, cropping, rotation, transparency, etc. It takes no time at all to edit a picture and color it as well. I use it all the time with my tablet. It's my primary program to use when drawing digitally. This guide will help you and I hope you grow to love openCanvas 1.1 as much as I do!
    Let's go!

Getting Started
The first and simplest step in the program.

What's In Your Toolbox?
Descriptions of all the tools in the toolbox window and what they do.

Viva The Color Palette!
Everything you need to know about the color palette and getting the right color for your needs.

Go, Go BrushInfo! The BrushInfo box is very important. So in this section are the functions and sections of the window and what they do.

Making Use of Layers
Just about damn everything on layers. I've learned a lot about layers, and with my knowledge you can too!

Main Menu Mania
This is just about all the options under the main menus and what they do. File, Edit, Show, Window, etc.

This section covers how to network with friends over the internet! =O

This section covers various tips, including Photoshop tool comparisons and ways to make custom brushes.

    If you have any tricks, tips, additional questions or any other things about openCanvas 1.1 that you think I should know, please contact me at queengodzilla[AT!]