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Hey everybody! I'm Crono-kun, and this is NAUSICAA AND HER MEHVE HQ. This is all info on the manga version of the story, but you anime fans will find loads of stuff here too. I got everything on my own, not from other websites (unless i mention it specifically), so please do NOT steal my stuff!!^.^

Just click on the area of my site you wanna check out and VROOM yer there! ^^;;

Nausicaa's story
Characters of Nausicaa
The History of Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
Animated GIF section
Message Board
I finally got an award! ^_^ Thanks Nuku-chan!!

August 22nd, 2000 This isn't really an update, but.... due to some sabotage (or you can believe her .. um.. excuse), the frame is gone. But in better news.... I got another award Here thanks Ceraine ^_~

January 19th, 2000 Gomen-nasai! I haven't updated in a verrrry long time, but it was all worth the wait. I added the Message Board section, along with the Archive section, which is full of new Nausicaa pics ^^. Also, I changed the layout and frame a bit, added a counter, added minor character section and did a comprehensivestory explanation, full of spoilers ^^. It's not complete though. Later!

December 24th, 1999 Merry Christmas (eve)! I totally fixed up the Images part of my page, so check it out. I also added a bunch to my animated gifs section.

December 21st, 1999 I added my animated gifs section and the profile for Miralupa.

December 20th, 1999 I haven't been doing much lately... sorry 'bout that. But I did add a few things to the images section and to the History section, including two articles and two character galleries.

December 8th, '99 As you can probably see i ADDED A FRAME!!! It has a few bugs in it though, so just be careful ^^. Also, I added to the Characters page, and to the Images page. And I created the Links page. Phew, well, have fun! ^^

The midi you *should* be hearing came from here. Arigato!
This page has been up and running since November 28th, 1999 -Crono

I've had hits since March 10th, 2000

& BaNnNeRs

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and here is my friend Moondust's page, Angel of the Moon Nebula

Here's the page of a friend of mine, called Dick Saucer's Anime and Manga Countdown:

Also, here is the banner to my page, made by my really really good friend nukuNUKU, who also helped build this page!! ^.^

type in this if you want my banner on my page, and take out the periods after the <.s;

<.a href=><.img src="" border=0><./a>

oh yeah and here's all my other banners for my page, they're all working so you can pick whatever one you like best; banners

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