Cinderella's Treasure

Cinderella's Treasure
BY: Kurisutaru
Timeline: alt reality
Part: 1
Disclaimer: Everyone knows who created Saliormoon, and if I accidentally
copy something.........gomenasai!....Do I really need this?!

> > > > Resume of: Usagi Tsukino
> > Stat: single
> > Date of Birth: June 1st, 1980
> > Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
> > curent address: 2057 sakura lane
> > Father: N/A-- Kenji Tsukino
> > Mother: N/A--Ilene Tsukino, Beryl Negaham
> > Schools: Crossroads Junior High, 1994.
> > Crossroads High, 1996
> > Crossroads Public Collage, 1997 contacts: Crown St. Arcade, part-time waiter, quit.

> > > OJAO's Jewlery Store, sales representative, quit,Tokyo Networking inc, computer programmer, quit, and Fareast corp, vice-president-Technology department, quit.

* * * * *

Mamoru Chiba looks over Miss. Usagi Tsukino's resume again, she had quite a resume. ~But why would she quit her good job at Fareast (his rival) to get a job to be a secretary at Chiba Corp. Perhaps she is a corp spy for Fareast. But she has the best qualifications.~ So he reluctantly calls his temp. secretary,

"Miss. Carra please make a call to Miss. Usagi Tsukino that she got the job for personal secretary."

"Yes sir." replied Miss. Carra.

* * * * *

"Usagi!! Where is my blue tube top?!" Screeched Emerald.

"Usagi! Where are my 100 14X12 posters, my boss wants them." Usagi sighed she loved her siblings but they were too much. So much that she had to quit her life long wanted career to have more time helping around the house.

Usagi was always told by Beryl-mama that Usagi has to take care of family members just like she did. Beryl-mama enjoyed spending money, Usagi was forced to stop her education in the last 2 years of high school because the family needed money. Her teachers however made sure that Usagi continue schooling by correspondance. Usagi was a very bright person and graduated a year earlier than her class. Beryl-mama was very mad at Usagi for spending time study instead of working and didn't let Usagi take the scholarships from the USA. Usagi also helped her sisters get jobs, even though they have Usagi did all the work. Usagi still loves them, even though they do not.

The phone rang. "Usagi, get the phone!" screamed Beryl-mama. tired and sore Usagi takes her neverending energy and sprints for the phone.

"Hello, you have reached the Negaham/Tsukino residance. This is UsagiTsukino speaking, how may I help you?"

"This is Chiba corp. returning your call about the seceratary placement, you start tomorrow, at 8:00am, and hours will end at 9:00pm. Good Luck"

"Thank you very much, I will start tomorrow." Usagi couldn't believe that she had gotten the job so quickly.But she didn't have time to think.

"EEK!!" Usagi jumped up and ran towards Beryl-mama's room. "What is it?! What's wrong?" Usagi yelled.

"Hush child, I just found out that Mamoru Chiba has broken his engagement from Cindy Burns. And is holding a party at the Lunar de Rouge for is 27th birthday. My daughters are next in line for Chiba. I need you to have they're dresses ready, as well as mine by friday. Is that clear?"

" "But Beryl-mama, I just got a new job, I can't make all three dresses by friday, I'd only have 4 days."

"Usagi, you have to make sacrifices for the family."

"Yes, Beryl-mama."

"Now leave, your bugging me." Usagi sighed a heavy sigh. ~Looks I'm not getting any sleep this week.~ and slowly walks towards the basement.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Usagi takes a deep breath, and truged into the building. The building stood 35 stories high, at least a block long, and a cool calm exterior. Usagi walks up to the receptionist.

"Hello, could you tell me where Mr. Mamoru Chiba's office is?" A bubbley blond turns her head.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"I'm his new secretary, Usagi Tsukino."

"Hello, I'm Minako Vensa, welcome to Chiba Corp. His office is on the 35th floor, have a nice day!"

"You too." She truged once again towards the 35th floor. The elevator doors open to the floor and another receptionist.

"Hi, I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm here for my new job."

"Ah yes. My neam is Makato Jupi. Please come with me." Usagi followed Miss. Jupi to a big brass door. After knocking a cool deep voice ansered.

"Come in." Miss. Jupi opened the door and explained Usagi's presence then she returned to her desk. Usagi entered the office.

* * * * *

"Hello, I am Usagi Tsukino, your new secretary." A sweet, light voice explained. Finally he looked up. The most beautiful angel was right infront of him. She had blond hair, done up loosely with a clip, and she was wearing a white blouse and black skirt with matching jacket. She was bout 5'3" and had the most beautiful eyes that coupld pull any soul into them.

Part 2

He got uup and grabbed Miss. Tuskino's hand to welcome her.

"Hello Miss Tsukino. Your desk is right outside, and you will be handling all the cases and clients that i will be working with. Right now my company is working on a merger with the Desert Moon Company. With this merger Chiba Co. will become the biggest company not just in Asio but in North America as well." It is so hard to be seriouse around this girl. There is something about her She cut off his thoughts.

"I understand sir. Shall i get to my dest to start?" She asked shyly.

"Certainly." He replied hastily. This girl makes me feel comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. He shook the feeling away as she walked out of his office.

* * * * *

No wonder Beryl-mama is so obsessed with Mr. Chiba. He is such a hunk! She rarely used that term even in her own thoughts. Mamoru Chiba had midnight hair, the height of 6'2" with cool and calm deep blue eyes.

I have never once flocked to a man before, and i won't start now, but there is definatly something about him, like i know him from somewhere. She reached her desk just in time to take her first phone call.

"Hello this is Mr. Chiba's office of the Chiba Company. How may I help you?" She answered cooly.

"Yes. I need to speak to Mamoru right away."

"May I ask who is speaking?"

"This is Rei Chiba, Mamoru's sister."

"Wait a moment please." She pressed the intercom. "Mr. Chiba, your sister Ms. Rei is on line 3."

"Okay." He answered quickly. Usagi transfered the call than turned on the computer to search around for information about the company and the new merger.

* * * * *

"Hello Rei, how are you?"

"Oh Mamoru, you didn't tell me you were getting a new secretary. Is she cute?"

"Is that all you ever think about Rei?"

"Well brother, most people your age have gotten married with bubbly children."

"I know. Don't you think I want "bubbly" children.?"

"Well, I have taken the opportunity to throw a welcome back party for Chad. You must come, so I can introduce you to some women."

"I will go, but i'm going to bring a date." Darn Rei, of course she'd ask who.

"Why Rei. I'm taking my new Secretary, Miss Tsukino." I hadn't realized that she had walked into the office and I looked up to see her gaping at me.

"that is wonderful Mamoru. I will see you then. Sayonara."

* * * * *

"M-Mr. Chiba?" She had walked in to look over some probosals when he announced to his sister that I was going to a party.

"Miss. Tsukino, call me Mamoru. After all you are attending a social event with me." Why is he so calm? I don't understand. Why would he ask me?

"Mr-Mamoru-san why would you ask me?"

"You happened to come in the room at the right time."

"I'm sorry Mamoru-san I can't go. I have a previous engagement. It is ver important." For a second she thought she saw dissappointment and confusion in his eyes.

"Very well."

"Thank you Mr. Chiba."

"It's Mamoru. I'll pick you up at 6:30 tomorrow, end of discussion."

"If I didn't work fo you I would show you a piece of my mind." Usagi mumbled quiet enoughg so that he couldn't hear. What am I going to do when my family finds out? This is going to be a very.. very long week.

* * * * *

Never in my life has a woman regected me! His ego, which he admitted was to big anyway, was deflated down 10 sizes. But it was worth it for her.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Mamoru turned on his television to watch the early morning news.

"On Entertainment Weekly, we introduce you to Besinne Mon (repeat after me, "Beh-sen-ne"... hhehehehe...)The top model of the year."

He almost dropped his jaw into his coffee. Now that's the girl in need. She looked to be 5'6", a little short for a model. But she certainly had the looks. With delecate features, and increadible body, very long blond hair, and she was in the cutest floral dress.

* * * * *

"Girls, come look at the new model Besinnie Mon. She has a very sophisticated beauty. But don't worry girls. She is nothing compared to you. Alas, Usagi is so scrawny. She is made for hard labor. Right dear?"

"Of course Beryl-mama."Usagi answered in annoyance. "I'm going to work now, and if anyone shows up looking for me tell them to leave a message and leave. I will be very busy working all night."

"Whatever." She sighed. Beryl-mama didn't hear a word. She was too busy looking at Besinnie Mon.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

The intercom beeped. "Yes sir?"

"I want all the information you can find on Besinnie Mon and give it to me ASAP."

"Yes sir." It was noon and time for lunch.

"Hey gal! I made lunch for a bunch of us. I want to introduce you to them come on." Mako-chan held a basket of food in front of my desk while she spoke.

"I'm not sure if I can come to lumch Mako-chan."

"Why not?"

"Mr. Chiba just asked me to find info on Miss. Mon ASAP."

"He seems very preoccupied today. I don't think he will notice if you went for lunch. Now hurry up. I've got people waiting." With no time to respond, Makato grabbed Usagi's hand and started running towards the roof.

* * * * *

"Usagi-chan this is Ami Mercado."

"Hello. Nice to meet you Usagi. I hope we become great friends." The shy pleasent girl was head of Technology at Chiba Co.

"I'm sure you have met Minako."

"It is good to see you again Usagi-chan."

"Sure is. now let's eat!"

"Usagi! All you think about is food."

"Darn right!" *^-^*!*

* * * * *

"Sir. I have the documents you wanted."

"Bring them in." Usagi quickly got up and headed into Mr. Chiba's office.

"Sir, i hate to disturb you but why do you need Ms. Mon's data?"

"I plan to incorperate her into one of my projects. As well as invite her to the party tonight."

"If she is your date, does that mean I do not have to attend?"

"Date?! I have no intention of making her my date, or my girlfriend."Perhaps not yet.

* * * * *

Darn that man! "Very well sir, but I still cannot attend."

* * * * *

Why is she so stuborn? Maybe when I pick her up, I'll find out. "So plans are still the same. See you at 6:30 and you may leave the office early today."

"Yes sir."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

6:30 p.m.

Why why why?"Good-night Beryl-mama, I am going off to work."

"What about dinner?"

"It's in the oven." I am so dead...

* * * * *

He rang the doorbell.

"Usagi!" A shrieking foice shouted. Then a woman's mumbling voice came through the door. "That girl-lazy...where.." The woman sighed and the door opened. He was faced with a woman in her 40's with blood red hair that reached to her waist. She had odviously had multiple plastic sugeories and didn't show it well. She gasped when she saw him.

"Mr. Chiba!"

"I'm here to pick up Usagi."

"Usagi?!" Her eyes widened in shock, a look that did not do anything for the wringles on her face.

"She is an employee and she must attend an event."

"She vanished out of the house a minute ago."

"Have you any idea where she went?"

"I have no idea." The woman's face turned deadly mysterious. "But if you need a date, I have two lovely daughters who are willing to attend in her place."

Run, Chiba, RUN! His mind told him and that is exactly what he did. Without saying anything more he hopped into his convertable and drove off. Usagi? What was she doing to me? Who was that witch? She seemed shocked that Usagi was asked to go to a social even. Usagi what are you hiding from me?

* * * * *

She had hidden this place from everyone even going so far as to trim the leaves to balence the look. It was a garden in the middle of the park. Hidden behind the bushes, it had always been her place. She had set lights around it using a strand of soft Christmas lights. In the pale glow she could see the garden with all kinds of roses, and you could tell the love she put into the garden.

Also there were two cats, one black the other white. She named them Luna and Artemis. The names seemed to fit them well. Even though she was in such a beautiful place she couldn't help but think of Mr. Chiba, Mamoru. She felt guilty for ditching him like that but she knew he could get any girl at anytime to go out with him. But still she couldn't help think of him.

* * * * *

He decided that now he was officially a dateless Mamoru, he would go for a walk in a nearby park. He left his car on the side of the road and started walking untill he realized he was lost. Well that's what I get for thinking about Usagi. He started walking faster and reached what seemed like a dead end. When he looked closly he could just make out a dim light beyond the bushes. He gave into curiosity and ruined his good tux going through the bush. At the end he found that ruining the tuxedo was worth it.

* * * * *

Usagi thought she heard a sound and looked around to see if someone had found her. She turned her thoughts back to Mamoru. He was looking for Besinnie Mon, which was only found when she showed up. No address, phone number or any trace of her past. How was he going to find her? She heard the sound again only to discover that someone had found her.

"Mr. Chiba. What are you doing in here?

* * * * *

He could almost feel the steam coming from his ears he was actually embarrased. "Usagi, why?" He used her first name. Bunny. Such a cute name.

"Mr. Chiba I'm sorry. It is just that my family doesn't like me attending any social events."

Ah yes. The woman at the house was very surprised that Usagi was invited. He looked down at her. She was wearing baggy with a big fleece pullover top. Her hair was up in the usual, a messy bun. He realized for the first time that she wore glasses. He was so pulled into her eyes that he had never noticed the silver frame around them. Well I'm going to show Rei that I don't have a standard in women.

"Usagi, I'm sure your family will understand that you are an employee and you must attend. Now let's go." He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the sitting position and started dragging her towards his car, or where he thought it was. He ignored her complaints.

"Mr. Chiba! Please let go. I can't really go to your party..."

* * * * *

It took a while for Mamoru to find his car, but he never let go of Usagi. She had to come up with an excuse fast. "Mr. Chiba, I can't go to the party wearing this!" She was right and they both new it but the took a careful look at her. To careful for her liking. At last he spoke.

"You are perfect."

We arrived at the largest house she had ever seen with the lot the size of a 18 hole golf course.

* * * * *

Whether Usagi knew it or not, she was gorgous. Unlike the "made" beauty other women he knew had, she had a natural beauty. He looked at her the whole car ride which is something he would never admit to any living soul. He gave the car keys to the valet parking attendant and led Usagi into the room where the party was. Then he endured the usual compliments.

"Mamoru it's good to see you!"

"You are looking well Mamoru."

"You look wonderful tonight."

Oh please Then one young woman walked up and said the unexpected. "Mamoru, would you like me to show the hired made to the kitchen?"How could she say something like that? He looked at Usagi and she looked back with pleading eyes that said, "Let me go home." He only gripped her arm tighter.

"I'm sorry Miss. but this young lady is my date for tonight." Shock hit her hard. I watched her fall, very hard. That was when his sister came along.

"Mamoru, I haven't met your date."

He smiled knowing that Rei liked Usagi. "This is Usagi Tsukino. Usagi this is Rei Chiba, my sister." He watched in delight as Usagi's eyes lit up.

"I met you over the phone, it's so good to finally meet you in person!" Rei's smile was even bigger.

"It's good to meet you too. Tell me Usagi, how long have you been going out with my brother?" Rei, why did you aske that! Usagi's face fell.

"I just met him."

"Any dirty secrets? We can trade" Usagi's face lit again. Odviosly deflating Mamoru's ego was a lot of fun.

* * * * *

Rei is such a nice person.Unlike her brother she was witty and charming.

"So Usagi. Tell me about yourself. I want every dirty detail." Usagi took a deep breath hoping she wasn't about to do something stupid.

"Well, I am Besinnie Mon." Rei's eyes grew dangerously big, but before she could respond someone tapped Usagi on the shoulder. She turned almost running into Mamoru.

"Hello Mr. Chiba."

"Usagi, please call me Mamoru."

"Mamoru, did you want to speak with your sister?"

"No, I wanted to ask you to dance. So will you?"

"Certainly." She took his hand a felt the strange tingling she had felt every time they touched.

* * * * *

Though he was talking to many people, all he focused on was Usagi. He watched her twirl her loose hair with her finger and he watched her laugh while she talked with his sister. All he wanted to do was put his arms around her but he knew that he couldn't. So he decided to ask her to dance which was even more dangerous than withing to touch her. So close yet so fat was the perfect term. He fough the urge to give her the sweetest kiss he would give anyone. But then she curled up against his ches and closed her eyes. He gave in and bent to kiss the angel sleeping in his arms.

Part 3

I feel so warm and comfortable in Mamoru's arms. Why do I feel like this? But I never want it to end. She snuggled closer and closed her eyes wishing. She thought it sounded silly but it was like being held by a big teddy bear, like the one her father gave her when she was 3 only warmer. He felt closer to me than anything in the world, like he was the only thing she would ever need. Then she felt his arms pull her closer and something very soft and warm brushed against her lips. (Kurisutaru sighs...It sounds so sweet... I wish i had a kiss like that.. NEways... back to reality.. hehehe) She opened her eys to see Mamoru's forhead against hers with his lovely eyes closed and his hair falling into hers. But then she remembered..This isn't a dream

* * * * *

He was so comfortable, then she pushed him.. HARD. he almost fell on his butt. Her beautiful eyes were scared.

"Gomen, gomenasi." She said then ran faster than anything he had ever seen. He wanted to chase her but he didn't know what to say when he caught her. She was the first woman to feel so alive and...well.. perfect.

* * * * *

"Mamoru, why didn't you go after her?!" Rei had been watching them from the entrance. They looked so beautiful together and she didn't know when she had seen her brother smile like that. Then he kissed her. They were the perfect couple. But she knew Usagi. She ran away. Rei could understand why. She had a strange life. She was sure the fact that she was Besinnie Mon didn't help either.

I hope they will be together. They deserve to so much.

"I couldn't and I can't." Mamoru stated bringing her back to the present.

"OH Mamoru." She couldn't say anymore.

* * * * *

I can't see him again. I just can't. It would hurt to much.

She ran home to find Beryl-mama not looking to happy.

"Usagi, where were you?!"

"What is it Beryl-mama?"

"I had a very surprising visitor when you left."

Usagi gulped inaudibly. It was Mamoru. I just know it had to have been him.


"I don't know Usagi, why don't you tell me?" She was very mad. Very very mad.

"Ah...M-Mr. Chiba?"

"Very good Usagi. Why didn't you tell me that he was coming? Or that you worked for him?"

"I'm sorry Beryl-mama."

"What happened to the higher paying job?"

"I had to quit. I need to have more time to help around the house."

"That's Bull. You get that job back Usagi and you apologize to Mr. Chiba. Don't come back unless you do. Now get up to your room. You have some good thinking to do!"

That was the final staw.I can't take this anymore. I've made my decision....


"Besinne Mon, please reconsider taking the NY modeling job."

Usagi was on the phone in the dark closet of her room. She took one modeling job because she needed the money because she was quitting her job. But all this new attention she was getting had her very worried.

"I'm very sorry sir. I can't. I have family I must attend to here."

"Very well, Ms. Tsukino." They found out. This is the last thing I need. Usagi started to panic.

"Please sir, don't tell anyone who I am." The man on the phone sighed.

"Very well Ms. *Mon* but promise me if you ever decide to go into modeling phone me first."

"Yes sir. Thank you very much. Good-bye."

End Flash

* * * * *

"Good morning Ms. Jupi."

"Good morning sir. Oh you have a message."

Strange. Shouldn't I get messages from Usagi?

"It's from Usagi Tsukino."

"What?!" He grabbed it quickly.

Mr. Chiba.
Thank you for inviting me to the party last night, i had a wonderful time. Unfortunately life has given me some new plans. I will be moving to the US. My resignation is with this letter as well as the information you requested on Besinnie Mon.
Usagi Tsukino

P.S. May you have a very happy birthday!

A happy birthday?! How can i have a happy birthday if you are gone?

Quickly he demanded,"Where did Usagi go?" Makoto looked very bewildered, and a little frightened.

"Sir she went to the United States."

"I know that! Where in the US?"

"I can't say sir. That is confidential information. Since she is no longer an employee we can not and do not won her files anymore."

Oh. Great help that was. But i know who knows where she went. REI!

"Ms. Jupi, put me on a line with my sister Rei. I'll take it in my office." He walked in and slammed the door of his office. then he realized that he had just overreacted about a secretary that was on the job for one day and was now gone. This is going to be one of those days. He sighed.

* * * * *

Rei couldn't believe what Usa had told her the night before. It was too sudden.

I'm going to miss her but I'm proud that she finally decided to live life the way she wants to and not her family's.


"Usagi-chan. It's good to hear from you."

"Rei, you are my only friend. Please trust me when I say this and don't worry about me."

"Worry why should i worry? What happened Usagi?"

"Promise me!" Usagi said aspirated.

"I promise."

"Rei, I'm leaving Tokyo and going to New York in the States to continue my modeling career."

"Usagi, please don't leave."

I have to have a new start. I can't take my life anymore. It's too much. I have to start al over again." It is the only way for her.

"Very well Usagi, I support you. Just promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"You will tell me everything that happens to you no matter what. So I don't have to worry about you. You have any idea what worry wrinkles do to a person's face?" Usagi laughed brightly. She deserves this freedom.

"I promis Rei. Thank you and Good-bye."

"good luck Usagi-chan."

End Flash

Be careful Usagi. Be careful.

"Ms. Chiba, Mr. Mamoru Chiba is on the phone."

"Thank you Greta."

"Hello brother." I know why he phoned. It is about Usagi.

"Rei where is she?"

"Quite demanding today brother. Who are you talking about?"

"Who do you think? I'm talking about Usagi."

"Oh yes. She moved to the states."

"Yes and do you know why?"

"Why to get away from here of course."

"REI! I'm very serious."

"She left for a new start."

"Where is she?"

"I told you the states."

"Which one?"

"I can't say."

"You sound like the secretary."

"Oh you mean Mako-chan. She is very nice, and a good cook."


"Look. If you are worried about her, don't be. I'll look after her."

"No. I want to talk to her."

"She is to busy to talk to people at the moment. And look for your all you want I doubt you will find her. She made sure of that when she went for a *new* start."

"Fine if you won't help me than I'll look for her myself."

This is my chance to ask him about her.
"Mamoru, why do you care that she left?"


Gotcha Mamoru
"I see. But if you had a different answer I might have told you where she was."

"I really really care about her! I've never cared about someone like this before. Please Rei tell me where she is."

Good boy. Now the fun begins.
"Look for Besinnie Mon. She will know where you can find Usagi."

"Thank you Rei. And could you-"

"Yes, I will cover for you. But you owe me big since I'm covering for your birthday."

"THANK YOU REI! I owe you. Bye."

Now the goose chase begins. But i have a feeling Besinnie Mon won't be to happy to see Mamoru Chiba.

* * * * *

Mamoru bolted out of his office. "Ms. Jupi, I'm going on vacation. Cover for me. Bye!"

"Men are so weird. Just like my old sempai."

* * * * *

"Hello Ms. Tsukino. It is good to see you again."

"Andrew is that you?"

"Of course."

"That explains how you knew me. You own Moonlight Fashions. I thought you were going into nursing."

"I was , but I found Rika, my wife. I still get to help people. I sponser help homes and halfway houses." Usagi crushed him in one of her famous bear hugs.

"It's good to see you again."

"Usa-p-pleease, AIR!"

She blushed. "Sorry Andrew."

"Now about the job. You will be required to live here in NY. You will be doing things like public appearances, fashion shows, interviews, and commercials. Regular hours start 8 am to 7 pm, but usually days last longer and this is excluding special events. (I don't know how much or how models get paid.. cause I'm not one... so gomen if i'm wrong about this stuff...) How much to you want to be paid?"

"Enough to keep rent, education, and something to send my family."

"We will start with $5000 a month, but I have a feeling that the figure will raise due to your overwhelming popularity."

"I have one request Andrew."

"What is it?"

"I want no one to ever find out who I really am."

"Then we have a deal?"


~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Usagi found a nice cozy apartment in the outskirts of NY. She was accepted with a scholarship to NYU and started her classes the next week. Work went well adn she got a cat with a pretty bald spot in the shape of the moon on her forehead. She named the cat Luna.

* * * * *

Mamoru hopped in a plane and landed in NY 20 hours after he saw Besinnie Mon's second appearance in NY.

I'm tired and hungry and extremely cranky. I just hope I find my Usagi, Usako. But first I'll visit an old friend...

"Hey Lazy Boy! never seen you work so hard before."

"Mamoru! It's good to see you. What are you doing here?

"What Andrew no intors?" Mamoru reffered to the girl hidden behind Andrew.

"Oh yeah. U-eh-Besinnie Mon this is Mamoru Chiba." The girl didn't move but continued to hide. "Heheh, She's kinda shy. Come on U-Besinnie." Andrew pulled her from behind him. She is beautiful, but not like Usako.

She is increadable. She reminds me she can't be...well the only way to find out is to look into her eyes. She looked up for a moment. Her eyes were blue, like Usako's ,no, but with purple in them. She is not my Usako. But she knows where she is.

"Hello." Mamoru offered. She said nothing. He glanced up at Andrew who shrugged. "I need to talk to you, it's about someone you might know." For a moment I thought I saw fear in her eyes. I decided to continue.

"Her name is Usagi Tsukino."

* * * * *