How Can One Know?


He could feel his head slipping, but it was as though he couldn't stop himself until he hit it hard on his desk. Pain flooded his head, but it was barely enough to wake him up. Sleep... I need sleep. He thought to himself groggily, but he was far to sleepy to drive. Well maybe the cold walk would wake him up. Keep dreaming. It's not about to happen. He pushed himself away from his desk looking at the huge amounts of paper littering it. He was surprised that he had actually managed to hurt himself with all the padding on the desk in the form of undone paperwork. Tomorrow I get this junk cleared off! He knew that wouldn't happen either, but it was a nice try.

Grabbing his keys he headed to the elevator glancing at a clock not surprised that he was up so late. The elevator brought him to the parking lot where he looked wistfully at his motorbike. He was far to tired to try driving it, but how he wanted to ride through the dark nigh like a bat out of hell. He walked the other direction waving at the night watch then stepped out of the parking lot on to the dark street.

"Ah the city of Jubaan." He said to the night waving his arms as if to hug the entire city. He had lived here for as long as he could remember, however long that was, and he knew it by heart. He had a few friends, some teachers he knew from college, and the people from the arcade and even though he had no girlfriend he felt his life was complete. He had his job, his nice apartment, the money his parent's had left him, and friends that would support and help him no matter what. "What more does a guy need?" He asked out loud. What a geek. I've been working to long when I start talking to myself!

The dark night seemed to close around him as he continued to walk lost in thought. A few blocks from his apartment he came to a halt to look up at the night sky. A full moon poured it's silvery light over him and everything else making the world around him seem almost pale. He grinned up at the moon and took a step around the corner.

"Ooff!" He moaned as a body crashed into his sending them both backwards onto the sidewalk. Darien tried to keep whoever it was from smacking into the ground while trying to keep himself from doing the same.

"Damn it." Whoever it was who had hit him swore. It was a female's voice, and not one that you would expect to be swearing. Pushing her a bit away from him he looked up at her and paused his hands convulsively closing about her. She was a gorgeous blond woman with long streaming hair, and smooth flawless skin. Her cerulean eyes seemed to catch the moonlight and hold it there in pools of cool warmth. Her outfit was so strange that it made him pause again. She wore a tiara that looked like gold, and a short skirt outfit with a sailor collar of many colors. She pulled herself out of his grasp and he realized he had been holding his breath. Quickly he stood.

"I am so sorry, but I really have to go." She apologized then took off running toward the park her hair trailing behind her from twin buns. She ran so fast that she was already out of sight before he could get his thoughts in order.

"I am such an idiot!" He yelled at himself. He hadn't even asked her name. Shaking his head, and remembering every detail of that fleeing figure from her long legs to soft curves, he started back towards home until a horrible pain blossomed in his chest. Barely able to breath he fell to the ground.

"Not again!" He cried out before he blacked out.

*~*~* ~*~*~ *~*~*

"Wha?" He asked finally waking up. The pain was gone, and he was lying on something soft and warm. Rolling over he looked at the alarm clock, his alarm clock realizing that he was going to be late for work. He ran into the shower then hurried to get dressed. Gulping down a cup of coffee he managed to find his keys and make it out the door in record time. Down on the sidewalk he dodged people as he hurried through the town. People moved out of his way but some didn't make it in time.

"Sorry... sorry. Sorry!" He called out not noticing who he was running into or what he had actually done until he hit someone head on. He bowled them over landing on top and hearing the thud of their head on the sidewalk.

"OWWW. WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU BIG JERK!" She shrieked from beneath him. He had managed not to crush her, and rolling away, he tried to help her up. His hand froze in mid-air as he realized who it was.

"ODANGO ATAMA!" He yelled. Why did it have to be her?

"YOU BAKA! WHY CAN'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOUR WALKING? MUST YOU ALWAYS RUN INTO ME?" She yelled again. Suddenly he realized that they were drawing a scene and it really had been his fault. He reached a hand down to help her up which she brushed aside glaring at him while she got up herself. Her face was red with anger and embarrassment for practically flashing the entire street.

"WELL IF YOU HADN'T BEEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDEWALK I WOULDN'T HAVE RUN INTO YOU." Oh yeah. That was smart. She didn't miss his mistake.

"WHERE ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO WALK? ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD OR JUST A MORON?" She seemed to be able to yell so that the whole street started watching them. Sometimes I wonder myself. He said to himself then he looked at his watch. Crap!

"I would love to continue to yell at you odango, but I'm late for work." He raked back his black hair trying to keep it out of his eyes just to find her glaring up at him. Her twin odango's were not quite as pristine as they had been, and was that a smudge of dirt on her face? He couldn't help but grin.

"Jerk! Get out of my way. And I don't know what you're grinning at Chiba, but you had better wipe that smirk off your face. I don't appreciate being knocked over every day. You're HEAVY!" She dusted off the back of her short skirt then flounced off. He grinned at her again then turned so he could yell.

"Hey Tsukino... There's dirt on your face!" He shouted over the people's heads. She turned back toward him, stuck out her tongue very childishly, then continued to walk off. Laughing Mamoru turned to continue his run to work when he noticed a bag on the ground. Usagi had forgotten all about her bag when he had knocked her over and picking it up he tried to find her blond head but she was out of sight.

"Arrgg. I'll have to drop it off after work." Not that he knew where she lived, but he could find it. There was the phone book after all. Slinging the black mini backpack over his shoulder he resumed his mad dash to work.


"CHIBA! YOUR LATE!" A voice bellowed at him just as he got off the elevator. His boss was standing just outside his office door arms crossed over his chest. Darien stopped by his own oddly clean desk and dropped off the backpack before facing his boss. Kenji tapped his foot impatiently as Mamoru entered his office and took a seat in front of the desk.

"We have a new case for you Chiba, someone else has been assigned the one you were working on, and they've already taken the paperwork. On this assignment there will be no paperwork, and you will only report to me." Kenji told him in a low voice. The thought of no paperwork was to good to be true for Mamoru, but at the same time it meant something covert.

"What's the assignment?" He asked simply in the same low voice his boss had used. He leaned forward so he could hear better.

"There have been quite a few reports of odd occurrences around Jubaan lately ones that don't quite seem normal." Kenji spoke like he didn't realize what he was saying or he didn't want to. Mamoru thought back to the unearthly woman who had run into him the night before and wondered if that had anything to do with it.

"Odd in what way?" It was the obvious question.

"People suddenly becoming weak and blacking out is the most common one."

"What's so odd about that? It happens all the time in this heat." Mamoru sat back in his chair watching Kenji look over his reports stalling for time.

"It's odd because it will happen to everyone in the radius of three blocks or more. Also there are burglaries that will occur but nothing is stolen. One of them was on the 12th floor of a skyscraper where the only access was a window facing a 200 foot drop. No normal human can do such a thing." He looked at Mamoru who's eyes had widened and was now sitting bolt upright in his chair.

"That is odd. And there are no leads whatsoever?" He already knew the answer. If there had been any leads, he wouldn't be here, but he wasn't sure how he could help any or even get started.

"No. That's why I've called in the psychic. She'll help you as much as she can, although I don't know how much that will be. Ah.. This must be her now." He stood up as a shadow crossed the door pausing by it's side. Mamoru stood up too and leaned against the desk while Kenji went to open it. The woman outside seemed oddly familiar.

She was a tall strong woman with waist-length black hair and red-black eyes. She wore a simple black dress suit that accentuated her lean body. There was a fierceness in her eyes that triggered Mamoru's memory, and he remembered her fighting with someone...

"Mamoru Chiba this is Rei-" He drew a blank on the last name.

"I just go by Rei Mr. Fugimia. And Mr. Chiba and I have already met." She reached out to shake Kenji's hand then Mamoru's. That's when he remembered.

"Oh yeah. You were odango atama's friend when you guys where in middle school. I remember you two always fighting. It sure has been a while." He shook her hand but didn't say much more even though they had supposedly once dated. He had just thought of them as friends having fun, and she hadn't.

"Yes. It has been a while. Well, I've already been filled in on the case, so should we get started? My car is in the parking-lot downstairs. We need to visit the scenes." Rei took charge and Mamoru just nodded. At this rate I won't even get to do anything. Charge ho here will do it all. The thought wasn't very nice, but then he didn't think Rei was all that nice either. Sure she looked great, but there was something about her that warned him. It was like she was ready to explode or spontaneously combust or something.

"Good. You two get started, and Chiba, I want updates whenever you find something out." Kenji ordered sounding his bossiest.

"Sure chief. And say hi to Makato too. I'm sure that wife of yours needs a friendly hello every once in a while." Mamoru told him. Rei stiffened at the mention of the name. Good one Chiba. He remembered to late that Makato had been Rei's friend once upon a time too. There had been five of them in all, but something had happened and they had split up or something. I guess growing up does that to people.

Rei drove and Mamoru played the dutiful cop answering questions and taking samples. He even pulled out a little camera and took photos of a few things. All in all he wasn't all that interested in this case other than curiosity which was bad, he knew, but maybe it was because he kept seeing the beautiful woman who had come crashing into his life. He didn't even know who she was, or even her name but it didn't matter. After eight or so hours of driving around Rei dropped him back off at the police station. He grabbed his keys, and the backpack and headed toward the parking lot.

"Hey Chiba! Isn't that a little big girly for you pal?" A cop from homicide called out to him. Mamoru recognized him a bit but not enough to remember his name.

"I thought maybe it would help me get a girlfriend. Chicks dig these things." He joked back hoisting the bag onto his shoulder.

"I hate to break it to you, Chiba, but it's gonna take a bit more than a backpack to get you a girl." He shook his head at the little backpack and grinned.

"How's your wife doing?" Mamoru remembered that much.

"Ami's doing great. Talk to you later Chiba." He walked off and Mamoru pushed the button on the elevator. Ami... that sounds familiar. Another one of Usako's friends? He didn't even realize he had used his private nickname for her. He hadn't even thought of it for years and it had been how long since he had run into her? Almost a year now? They always fought like they had just seen each other the day before, but it had been a long while.


"I haven't even talked to her since she turned 18. Not really anyway." He mumbled stepping inside the elevator. She was about 21 now. He hadn't realized it had been three years. They ran into each other, laterally, a couple times a year, but that was it. He had been busy going to college then the academy and she had been going to highschool. He wondered what she was doing now, but it was no more than just wondering. He tucked the backpack under the seat of his bike then drove off to find a telephone booth.

"I should have just checked at work." He mumbled to himself as he pulled over. There were two Tsukino's and he guessed it was the one in the apartment. She wouldn't still live at home. A few minutes later he pulled up to a middle class apartment building and parking on the street he took off his helmet and grabbed the bag. He entered the building only to find a fight going on.

"My lease isn't up for two more years. You can't kick me out! It's against the law!" A voice cried with anger and anguish. Mamoru recognized it immediately.

"I own the building and if I say you're out, your out. You will receive your deposit, and any amount you've paid, but you will not stay here a day more. Understand?" Whoever that was didn't sound very nice, and Mamoru waited for someone to come out of the office. Usagi slumped out holding a handful of papers with a notice of eviction on top. She saw him and almost couldn't find anything to say.

"What are you doing here Mamoru-chan? Following me around this time?" There was no feeling behind the words, and they both knew she didn't mean them.

"I came to drop this off but..." He held out the backpack by a strap and Usagi took it from him with shaking fingers.

"Thank you. I'd invite you up to my apartment, but I have to get packing and find somewhere else to stay. I'm guessing you heard?" Her blue eyes were brimming with unshed tears and she looked so downcast, that Mamoru couldn't help but fell empathy towards her.

"Yeah I did. Would you like some help? I'm not doing anything." Good one Chiba. Offer the one girl who hates you help. To his surprise she nodded.

"Actually, I could use some help. I don't have much stuff, but I can't carry the boxes down all by myself. You sure you don't mind?" She looked up at him with those soulful eyes and there was no way he could say no.

"I don't mind, odango atama. Come on let's get started." He tried to tease her but she didn't fall for the bait.

"Alright. This way, and don't call me that." She mumbled and headed toward the stairs. It wasn't until then that Mamoru noticed the out of order sign on the elevator. She started up the stairs her long hair trailing behind her. It took all of Mamoru's strength not to watch her backside since she was still wearing her short skirt. He flushed red, but managed to get it under control by the time they reached the third floor.

"Well now I know how you stay in shape." He remarked as they stopped so she could unlock the door on the stairs. She held it open, then shoved the door jam down so it wouldn't shut behind her. He followed her down the hall to room 113 and waited while she opened the door again. She flipped on the lights and stepped inside. He did too looking over the room at the same time.

It was a one room apartment with a kitchen in one corner and a bed in the one diagonally from it. There was a bathroom across from the bed, but the door was shut. The bed was a mattress on a rickety stand with cute bunny sheets on it trying to hide the fact that it was falling apart. The carpet was a sickly green with a few spots on it and the linoleum of the kitchen was coming up off the floor. The only other pieces of furniture was a makeshift bureau and a small T.V. on top of it. Mamoru felt sick just looking at the room although it was spotless and smelled clean.

"I know it isn't much." She said noticing his reaction. "But for what I can afford it works. I'm not here much anyway." She went to the small closet, and pulled out a few folded up boxes and began unfolding them using packaging tape to hold them together. Mamoru started unfolding one, and when she was done with hers she taped it up. Soon they had about eight boxes. Usagi took the clothes from the closet at put them in two of the boxes and taped them up getting her long golden hair caught in the tape.

"Damn it." She swore softly carefully getting it free. Mamoru looked at her closely for a moment wondering, but he knew it couldn't be. He was distracted when she took the drawers from the bureau and started dumping them in boxes too. He didn't have time to see what the contents were before they were taped up and stacked next to the door. She handed him a box.

"Go into the kitchen and put anything not perishable in a box. There's some soup cans and dried stuff. The milk and juice you can pour down the drain." She didn't wait for his answer and went to strip the bed, packing both the sheets and a comforter into one of the two large boxes. She put a lamp on top of the comforter and taped up that one too, then taking the other large box she went into the bathroom. A few minutes later she taped that one too and set it by the door also. By then Mamoru was done with the kitchen. The whole while he had been thinking.

"Do you have a place to stay?" He asked her softly. She looked up at him and shook her head.

"I was going to try to call someone, but I can always spend the night in my van if I can't find somewhere." She took the last box and went around the room putting anything she had missed into it. Mamoru saw a large stuffed bear disappear into the box and his heart did something it hadn't done for years. He actually cared what happened to her.

"I have an extra room at my place... it's not much, but you can stay there till you find a place." He offered. She stopped in the middle of taping up the last box and looked at him. She wasn't watching where her hair was going and it got stuck in the tape again but she didn't notice.

"Are you sure? I mean we always fight, we have since we are little, and what would you're girlfriend have to say about it? I doubt she would want someone you barely no staying there." There was such hope in her eyes, that he almost couldn't bear it.

"I don't have a girlfriend, and we haven't fought since I got here. I'm sure we can manage at least for a bit." He grinned at her, and for the first time that night she smiled.

"I can't thank you enough." She jumped up to hug him not realizing that her hair was trapped until she yanked it painfully. "Owww!" Mamoru hurried to help her before she yanked it out. Once she was free, she hugged him wrapping her arms around his neck. Mamoru breath caught in this throat as his arms went around her waist. They both felt a small tingle wherever they touched, but neither one thought anything about it.

"Odango... Usagi. Can I ask you something." He whispered still holding on to her. She seemed reluctant to let go, and when he thought about it, he didn't want to let her go either. She leaned back to look up at him, but was still in his arms.

"Sure thing. What is it?" She looked up into his deep blue eyes with her cerulean own watching his face.

"Why are you getting kicked out? Like you said if you're lease isn't up, then you shouldn't be evicted as long as you pay." He saw pain flash in her eyes and wondered what he'd said. She left the safety of his arms and went to finish taping the last box. He wondered if she was going to answer.

"Yoshido down there, the guy I was arguing with, thought he was my boyfriend. I told him I wasn't numerous times but he still believed he was. Somehow he got a key to my room and decided that he was going to come visit one night..." Here she cut off and she looked away from Mamoru so he wouldn't see the tears. Mamoru had a horrible feeling that he knew what had happened, and he moved to Usagi and touched her shoulder gently. She jumped looking at him and once he saw her eyes, he knew.

"O God! Did you can the police?" He was horrified and angry that any man could do such a thing to such an innocent woman. She looked down again as tears escaped her eyes. She nodded.

"Yeah but they didn't do anything. He told them that I was making it up to get free rent when I had already paid till the end of the year. They believed him." She was trying hard not to cry and he could see it. Kneeling down he put his arms around her drawing her into a hug.

"It's okay. I'll take care of you." He whispered. She nodded dumbly then started to cry. He sat down on the floor pulling her into his lap letting her get the tears out. Tenderly he rubbed her back even though his mind was filled with dark thoughts. He wanted to kill the jerk that had done this to her, to strangle him slowly and watch him die. It was a nice thought, but he had more important concerns. Usagi finally managed to stop her crying and she wiped her red eyes with her sleeve.

"I'm sorry Mamoru-chan. I didn't mean to cry." She was more upset that she had cried in front of him than why. He hugged her again then helped her up.

"Don't worry about it. Let's get this stuff packed up and get out of here." He said firmly grabbing one of the boxes then opening the door. She grabbed another one and lead the way out and down the stairs. In the lobby there was no one around as they carried the boxes through the large room and out to the parking lot. Usagi led him to a small Volkswagen van.

"Can you carry two for a second?" She asked him and when he nodded she stacked her box on his the hurried to open up the back. She took the box back and carried it into the van then reached out for the other one. She shut the van and they went back inside for the next load. This time eyes followed them across the room. Mamoru's skin began to crawl but he ignored the man until all the boxes were out. Usagi went upstairs to make one last check of her apartment, then hurried back down.

"It's all empty. I need to get my money back for rent and the deposit." She turned to the office and faced Yoshido. He handed her an envelope which she promptly opened. Satisfied she turned back to Mamoru. "It's all here." She tucked it in her backpack, and went to the doors. She didn't ear what Yoshido said, but suddenly Mamoru moved and the man was on his back hands covering his nose.

"I'll call the police on you man!" He cried out nasally. Mamoru laughed coldly.

"I am a cop moron. Stay way from Usako or you'll get more than a bloody nose." He said his tone filled with ice. Usagi got two shocks in that sentence. One she hadn't known Mamoru was a cop, and two she had never heard him call her that before. She kinda liked the name, and since this wasn't the time to mention it, she didn't say anything. He looked at her and the cruel look in his eyes faded. "Come on." He put an arm around her shoulders and led her out to her van.

"You didn't have to do that Mamoru-chan. He wasn't going to do anything to me." Usagi leaned against him for a moment then got into her van. She held the door open and looked at him. Mamoru shrugged.

"After all he's done, he deserved a lot worse. Now come on. I'm parked out front." He shut her door, and walked around the side of the building to the front and got on his bike. Usagi pulled her van around and waited for him. Mamoru revved the engine angrily, then shot off before he remembered to wait for her, but she had managed to keep up. He grinned at her through his helmet then concentrated on the road. A few minutes later he pulled up to his own apartment building and showed her the way to guest parking. He took the space next to her for his bike, then helped her out of the van.


"We'll take up a couple boxes with us then come get the rest after I get you settled. I wouldn't advise leaving anything out here overnight. There is a guard, but stuff can happen." He told her opening the back of the van and grabbing the box that tumbled out at him. It was light so he handed it to her and took the next one. He shut the doors then lead the way.

The difference between the apartment buildings was like night and day. Where the other on had been shabby around the edges, this one had plush carpets and fresh paint. Flowers is vases where shown artfully around the room and even the elevator had a small plant in the corner. It reminded Usagi of a hotel.

"Wow. I don't mean to sound rude, but you must be rich to live here. It's like a classy hotel or something." Her voice was filled with awe and Mamoru couldn't help but chuckle.

"It does cost a lot, but with what I make on the force, and my inheritance, it's easy enough to afford." They stopped on the twelfth floor and he jammed his foot into the elevator door while she went through. The doors shut quickly behind him. He stopped again at room 821 and leaned the box against the wall while he fished out his keys, opened the door and snaked his arm around to turn on the lights. Then he showed her the way to the guest room. Her jaw dropped in shock as she got a good look around.

Everywhere she looked she saw luxury and elegance. In the living room there was a black leather couch, love-seat, coffee table, and a huge T.V. with surround sound stereo. There was a large cd tower next to a 30 disk juke box type stereo. The next room was like a mini recreation room with a billiard table, low light, and even a dart board against the wall. There was another stereo in here, although only a 6 disk changer. Off that was a small hall with two bedrooms and a kitchen going off it. He led her to the center door.

Inside was a queen sized bed although it only had a sheet on it. It looked soft and comfortable and she was tempted to bounce on it. Instead she set the box on it and looked around. Next to the bed which was in the middle was a night stand with a lamp and an alarm clock. There was a closet across from the bed and a desk in one of the corners. She knew it would be perfect for her computer which was still in the car. All along the wall on the far side of the bed, where curtains a deep royal blue. After he set his box on the bed, Mamoru went to the cord at the side and swept them open. Usagi gasped in shock.

"Oh wow." Outside was a balcony which wrapped around the corner of the building to connect to the other bedroom. It also led onto a small part of the roof where a small garden stood. Usagi couldn't help but open the door and look at it. Red roses of every shape and size were planted in raised beds. They were carefully tended and looked beautiful. She leaned against the wrought iron railing and looked back at Mamoru.

"They're beautiful Mamoru-chan. I never knew you liked roses." She leaned over and smelled on breathing in it's wonderful scent. She sneezed inelegantly and heard him laugh at her.

"Yes I do love roses. They were my mother's favorite, I think." He took a pair of clippers and sniped a beautifully budded rose and making sure there weren't any thorns he handed it to her. She smelled it and sneezed again.

"You think?" She already knew what he was going to say but she had to ask again. It had been so long since she had heard the story that she wasn't even sure if it had been him.

"My parents were killed in a car accident when I was six. The same accident gave me amnesia." It had been him. That she remembered.

"Right.. I remember. I'm so sorry Mamoru-chan. I didn't mean to bring it up." She really was sorry and she hoped that he could see it. His voice was incredibly soft when he answered making her look up at him. She so wanted to be able to reach out and comfort him but she couldn't.

"It's okay Usako... I think about it all the time anyway." He looked up really quick when he realized that he had said out loud. Usagi was chewing her lower lip in thought.

"Bunny. I like it. It's much better than odango atama that's for sure." She smiled up at him. He grinned back at her.

"Yes it is isn't it. You still going to call me baka?" It was a challenge and they both new it. Usagi didn't even have to think about it.

"Of corse not Mamo-chan. Come on, let's go get the rest of my stuff. I want to put my comforter on that bed and see if it's really as soft as it looks." She clapped her hands over her mouth embarrassment coloring her face. "I can't believe I just said that. I sound like I did when I was fourteen." She giggled and he took her by the shoulders leading her back through his apartment. He was laughing but trying not to show it in case she would be insulted. Usagi tickled him lightly making him laugh out loud.

"Fourteen or twenty one it doesn't matter. You're still silly." He tickled her back and she swatted his hands away.

"Stop it Mamo-chan." She grabbed his hands so he couldn't tickle her but before she could do anything else she felt her hands and arms tingle. Mamoru felt it to for he suddenly let go.

"What was that?" He whispered under his breath as they eyed each other. She shrugged twisting her fingers in her hair and looking down.

"I have no idea, but I kinda liked it. Anyway come on." She escaped out the door and was halfway to the elevator before he realized she was going. He caught up to her just as the elevator arrived. Ten minutes later all of her stuff had been tucked away around her room, and Usagi went down to get one more thing. Mamoru went through his room and put any bit article of clothing away before she could see it laughing at himself the whole time for actually caring.

"I'm twenty-six for god's sake, not a kid anymore." He told himself harshly as he shut the closet. He looked at his watch and realized that she should have been back already. Out in the hallway there was no one there so he took the elevator down to the lobby, there he found Usagi being escorted out the door buy the night watchman.

"I'm staying with Mamoru Chiba. Why don't you believe me? Look I even have luggage." She hoisted the bag on her shoulder while making another futile attempt to convince the guard. He was holding onto the back of her shirt making it ride up and Mamoru got a nice glimpse of her smooth slim waist. Idiot. He told himself shaking the thought out of his head then chasing them out the door.

"Because Mr. Chiba doesn't have lady guests. I don't know who you are, but you do not belong here." The man replied crisply. Usagi gave appeared to give up in defeat so that the guard let her go, but faster than either men thought possible she was sprinting to the door and hiding behind Mamoru. She grabbed on to his shirt starting the tingling again and quickly let go.

"Nice timing." She told him. He tried not to be distracted by her touch.

"I am incredibly sorry Mr. Chiba but this girl seems to think that she is staying with you. I tried to-"

"She is staying with me. She's my new roommate. Eric Chandler this is Usagi Tsukino." He said trying not to laugh at both Usagi's hiding and Eric's stricken look. Usagi came out from behind him putting down the suitcase sized bag and holding out a hand to the man. Usagi realizing that he was American had done just the right thing for he took her hand and shook it gently.

"My apologies Ms. Tsukino. I honestly had no idea." He said gravely bowing a bit. Usagi was instantly charmed.

"It's okay, I understand completely, and I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused both of you." She looked at Mr. Chandler then at Mamoru and bowed her head knowing she was a problem.

"You look like I'm going to yell at you Usagi. It's okay. It wasn't your fault." Mamoru told her quickly and she looked up to make sure it was true. He gave her a reassuring smile then picked up her bag. It was heavy but he still put it on a shoulder then grabbed her hand to drag her back inside. This time instead of just a tingle it was a complete shock. They drew back eyes looking at each other for answers but finding none. Mr. Chandler coughed breaking the tension and they all went into the lobby.

"Mr. Chandler I guess you had better know that it's my van in the parking lot too. I don't want it to get towed." Usagi told him smiling hesitantly at him. The man, barely older than she was, took the smile for flirting and smiled back at her.

"Don't worry about it miss. I'll keep an eye on it for you." He offered and puffed up his chest standing at attention. She couldn't help but giggle as they got onto the elevator but once the doors shut the smile disappeared. She turned to the wall and banged her head against it. The dull thud got Mamoru's attention.

"Don't do that. You'll get a headache not to mention kill a couple brain cells." He drew her away from the wall paying no attention to the electricity flowing between them. It was hard to ignore, but they managed.

"I'm sorry I've cause you so much trouble Mamoru-chan. You were so nice to take me in and all, I didn't mean to repay you like this." She shook his hands off and looked down at the floor tears brimming yet again. He sighed heavily making her look up at him.

"You are not a problem Usako. It was just a misunderstanding, that's all. Don't worry about it. Besides I think he has a crush on you now." She didn't respond to his taunting voice, but the tears didn't over flow. Instead she took a deep if shaky breath then reached to take her bag from him. He hadn't even realized what she was doing until the weight was gone from his shoulder. Quickly she threw the strap over her head so that it crossed her chest and the bag rested on her hip.

"I would have carried it." He was slightly awed at her strength. She had lifted it as though it weighed practically nothing and he knew that it had to at least weigh 15 pounds. She shook her head and shrugged.

"I'd rather have it with me, I'm used to it. Normally I don't let it out of my sight." She rested a hand possessively on the bag and Mamoru wondered what could possible be in it, but he said nothing.

"Alright. It's your bag." Yawning he held the elevator door open for her on their floor then followed her down to the room. Once inside she disappeared into her room while he went into the kitchen to fix some coffee. Thinking better of it he put a kettle full of water on to boil.

"Do you want some hot coco?" He yelled into the hallway. There was a mumbled reply that sounded something like an affirmative, so he pulled out two mugs, then went to turn on the stereo. "I hope you don't mind classical!" He yelled again. This time there was no answer so he put it on anyway. He hadn't listened to it for a while, but sometimes it helped to sooth his nerves. After all the electricity he'd felt that day, and Usagi's problems it couldn't hurt. He heard a slight noise from the entryway. Looking up his eyes went wide and a soft smile formed on his lips.

Usagi was dressed in cute pink pajamas that full pants and long sleeve shirt her arms hidden in the long sleeves. The shirt was buttoned to the chin and she even wore small pink slippers. Little moons and bunnies decorated the cloth. The outfit triggered a memory of long ago.

"Didn't you run to school one day in an outfit just like that? I think you made it almost all the way there before I finally told you that you were still in your pj's. What were you then... 16?" He watched her face turn a similar pink to the cloth. She smiled ruefully and sat down on the love seat her head in her hands and her hair trailing beside her still in the odangos. After she finally got her color under control she looked up at him.

"Leave it to you to remember that, and no I was 18 and late for my finals. I had to run all the way home, then back again." She rubbed the cloth of her sleeve against her face a sad smile on her face. "I passed all my finals, and later that week I graduated, much to everyone's surprise. Even yours as I remember." She shook her head noticing his face turning a bit pink.

"I always knew you would, but there were times when I wondered if you'd klutz out before you got there. I'm glad to see that you didn't." She giggled at him and he had to laugh.

"I was a klutz back then wasn't I. Even so, you still managed to be the one always running in to me. I'm surprised we never managed to break anything with some of those falls we took." It was true too. Both of them had received some nasty bruises with their falls like the time he had bowled her over into a plant stand. Pots and plants had rained over them for what seemed like hours before they could move safely. The whistle on the kettle sounded and Mamoru went to pour the coco. Usagi tucked her feet under her and looked over the room taking in the wealth.

"He must be rich." She whispered. Remembering something she slipped into her room then back onto the couch before he returned. When he handed her the cup of coco, she handed him an envelope. He set his cup on the table and looked in the envelope. Without saying anything he held it out to her shaking his head.

"You have to take it Mamoru-chan. It may be a while before I can find a place and I know living here costs a lot of money. Plus I wouldn't feel right staying here for free. I wont mooch." She said firmly refusing to take back the money. After a staring contest which no one won, he stuffed it in the back pocket of his black slacks. Sighing resolutely he sat down on the couch and for a second Usagi looked at him funny. His black shirt and slacks matched the black couch perfectly and he looked like he only had a head and arms. She giggled again confusing him.

"What?" He asked trying to understand. Usagi couldn't stop laughing as the disembodied head turned to look around.

"You... you look...the black." She tried to tell him but was laughing to hard. She had to set her coco down without tasting it so it wouldn't spill. She still couldn't stop laughing. It took him a while but he finally understood. By then she couldn't have stopped laughing even if he had dumped a bucket of water on her. She had to lay on her side curled up on the couch she was laughing so hard.

"Well I'm glad you find it so funny odango atama." He said trying not to laugh. He hadn't believed it possible, but she started to laugh harder. Tears ran from her eyes, and her hair was completely disheveled. Mamoru had been sitting across from her, but now he switched sides sitting on the coffee table.

He had realized that she was laughing because inside she didn't want to cry anymore but as soon as the amusement wore off, she would be devastated again. As he watched he saw the change take place. Her laughter stopped, and after a few completely silent moments, the tears started to run again. This time in earnest. She cried silently her eyes closed and her face showing her pain. Gently he smoothed her hair back tracing her face with a light touch. She let out a heart wrenching sob and without thinking he had taken her into his arms and was holding her to his chest like a small child.

He hadn't realized that she was so thin, and as he moved from the table to the larger couch he found out just how light she was. She was strong sure, but malnourished. He felt sorry that she had been forced to live life like this, but his thoughts were pushed aside by her need for comfort. She continued to cry silently but her body shook with sobs as he held her close trying to think of something soothing to say. He gave up, and let her cry.

Somewhere along the way her hair had come undone, and as she began to quiet down he realized just how much of it there was. His hand was tangled in the smooth as silk strands and as he freed it, he watched it's golden sheen in the light from the kitchen. She really was beautiful and had been for as long as he had known her, he had never been willing to admit it before. That and he had been pretty much self centered then too. She had stopped crying while he was thinking and was now looking up at him with much the same expression as his.

"What are you thinking about Usako?" He asked barely above a whisper. He didn't look down at her because he was suddenly overcome with the strong desire to kiss her. Without realizing it she had wrapped her arms around him and both of his were around her waist rubbing against the bare skin. Neither of them knew what was going on between them or why, but they felt incredibly close. Maybe too close.

"I was thinking how amazing it is that this morning I was yelling at you for running over me again and now you're saving me from Yoshido. We've never been more than acquaintances, and the cause for bruises, but now I feel like I've known you my whole life. I can't thank you enough Mamo-chan." She told him the honest truth and suddenly Mamoru realized that he felt the same way.

"You're right Usako. It does feel like we've known each other forever, but what's more, I don't know how I could ever have not been your friend. It's just so... so..."

"Perfect?" She offered. He nodded smiling.

"Yeah perfect. I'm glad I got you away from that bastard." His voice changed from soft and sweet to full of anger so fast that she flinched in his arms. His hands around her waist tightened and she relaxed into his hold. Despite the sudden amount of emotion running through them, Mamoru had a sudden awful thought.

"Usako... have you been to a doctor since..." The possibility was just to much for him. He looked down at her in earnest and when she shook her head he was stunned.

"It wouldn't have mattered anyway, I'm not pregnant." She told him sounding completely sure.

"How can you know?" Again he wondered what he had said when she looked away from him. Thankfully no tears were in evidence this time although her voice was still full of pain.

"I can't have children. A couple years ago I thought that I might be pregnant. I went in to be tested and they discovered that there was no way I could. Something to do with the fact that my half of the DNA needed to produce a child is incomplete." It was an old pain and something that she would never get over.

"Oh. I'm sorry I brought it up then." He watched her face, and she seemed to lighten up.

"I'm used to it Mamo-chan. I wish I could though. There's something to be said for children." She was talking to herself more than him, but he understood none the less.

"I could see you with a little girl. Her hair would be put up in the same odangos as yours." He chuckled at the vision then hugged her close. She yawned and as contagious as yawns are, he did too. "Bed time." Without warning he stood up with her still in his arms, and carried her into her room. The pink comforter was at the bottom of the bed and after placing her on the bed he pulled it over her.

"Is it as soft as it looked?" He asked leaning against the bed post. She nodded and tucked it under her chin.

"Thank you Mamo-chan. I really can't thank you enough for all you've done for me today. You didn't have to." She thanked him trying not to fall asleep.

"Don't worry about it. I have tomorrow off, so we can go do something. Maybe we should visit the arcade like we used to when we were kid. My friend still works there." He offered. She nodded sleepily.

"Sounds like fun. Thank you again Mamo-chan. You don't need to." She whispered, then fell asleep. Far to much emotional stress for one day. He thought.

"For some reason I think I do need to Usako." He whispered before shutting the door to her room and leaving his golden girl behind.


For once in a long while it was silent as he woke up. No alarm clock blaring, no telephone ringing to tell him he was late, only peace and quite. Well maybe not so quiet. Dishes clinked softly in the kitchen and he could hear the low hum of a radio, but they were unobtrusive sounds. Not the infinitely annoying ones he normally woke to. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the room and his stomach growled. Grinning he pushed back the covers and got up to get some breakfast. On his way to the door he passed a mirror showing him his mussed hair, and wrinkled sweats. I'll live.

The apartment was dark, as usual, but the kitchen light was on and a plate of food stood on the stove covered by a plate warmer. He sniffed at it apprehensively remembering one of Usagi's last attempts at cooking, but unlike 6 years ago this smelled delicious. Taking a bite he found it to taste as good as it looked.

"I promise I wont try to kill you." A light cheerful voice told him from the doorway, and Mamoru sat down at the table looking over his shoulder at her. His breath caught in his throat and he forced himself to say something to cover it.

"That's good to know." Was all he managed. He still was unable to take his eyes off the woman in the doorway. Usagi wore soft pink short shorts, and a white midriff tank top. Her hair was brushed to a fine gloss and pinned up in her natural odangos. Her blue eyes sparkled and here smile was as cheerful as her voice. She really was quite thin, thinner than he had remembered her being. Luckily for her, her muscle and leanness covered it up well.

"I can cook now Mamoru-chan. I've had lots of practice since I realized that I didn't want to end up killing myself. A friend of my gave me some tips before we parted ways." There was a little bit of sadness there, but she shrugged it off.

"Hm... maybe you can teach me a couple things." He grinned devilishly. "Maybe. I happen to be a very good chef myself." He took another bite of eggs and finally managed to drag his eyes off her.

"I look forward to trying some of you're food then. Are we really going to Matoki's arcade today?" She padded across the kitchen floor in her pink slippers and sat across from Mamoru.

"Yes. I have to get ready, but then we'll go. I have to go shopping too. I don't have food enough for two people." He finished off his plate and put it in the sink. The dishes that had been in there before were gone, and he looked in the cupboard and saw the dishes cleaned. "You do not have to be the maid Usagi." He looked over at her. She was swinging her legs over the edge of the chair like a little kid.

"It's okay Mamoru-chan. It's the least I can do." She didn't look up at him, only at the bunny slippers on her swinging feet.

"Just Mamoru Usagi. Anyway, I'll go get ready. Thanks for doing the dishes." He flashed her a smile as he walked past. She looked about ready to say something, but she decided against it. Once he was out of the room she got up and walked to hers thinking to herself.

He really is handsome, even in is pajamas. She giggled. I just wish I knew what was going on. That weird feeling whenever we touch, how I can usually tell what he's thinking... She opened the door to her room and saw a black flash race under her bed.

"He's going to kill me for not telling him." She whispered. Sighing heavily she sat and the desk and turned her laptop on. She could do a bit of work while she waited. She was pretty far into her work when the black streak landed on the desk. She looked at it with large eyes.

"You know you aren't supposed to come out." She told it frankly. Just then the door opened and it ran out the door past a startled Mamoru. He had come to tell her that he was ready, when he heard her talking to someone. Quietly he opened the door knowing the whole time that he really shouldn't. Something small and black ran past his feet and Usagi jumped to her feet and slipping out the door she ran after it.

"What the hell?" He asked the empty room then went after them both. In the recreation room he found Usagi holding the black thing and giving it a good yelling. It was the black cat he remembered from when she was young and she was yelling at it as though it understood. When she saw him, she cradled it in her arms and lowered her head ready to get in trouble. Instead he reached out and pet the cat gently.

"Luna right?" He asked her. She looked up at him yet again shocked speechless. She nodded and handed over the cat as he reached for it. "What a beautiful cat. At least you match the furniture." He told it in the same manner Usagi had. The cat meowed back at him and he laughed.

"I'm glad you agree. You do have a cat box for her don't you Usagi? That was why the suitcase was so heavy." Again she just nodded watching him and the cat. "And before you ask, we are allowed to have pets here, and no I'm not mad you didn't tell me. After what you've been through I'm surprised you've told me anything." He told her softly gazing back at her with his intense blue eyes. She was suddenly hugging him, crushing the cat between them.

"O thank you Mamo-chan. I was so worried that you'd be upset about her." She murmured letting go when the cat yowled. She scratched the cat's ears. He set her down gently, then drew Usagi to him his hands wrapped around her waist and sending sparks through them both.

"I won't ever get mad at you Usako, not ever." He let go with one hand and used it to push her bangs out of her eyes. "I promise." He told her. Without thinking about it she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him to her kissing him tenderly. When she drew back they were both shaking. Mamoru's hands had found their way back to her waist and were caressing the bare skin while she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Mamo-chan-" She tried to say something, but couldn't. He already knew how she felt just as she knew his feelings. They smiled at each other not wanting to let go.

"Usako, stay here. With me. Not as anything more than friends if you don't want to, but I don't want you to go. I don't think I could be anything but unhappy if you left." He whispered softly almost not able to say it. It was harder than he had ever thought to tell her his emotions but he did it anyway cause he wanted her to know.

I shouldn't... oh I really shouldn't. He'll find out. So what if he does... No, he can't find out who I really am, I've already bumped into him, what if he recognizes me. But I don't want to leave. I want him! She thought to herself almost frantically. She could barely think because of the feelings coursing through here and for the first time they won.

"I'll stay... I don't want to leave, but I don't want to stay as just you're friend either. I'm just not really sure I can be a girlfriend right now is there a between?" She whispered back looking at his chest and not him. He kissed her forehead and she looked up at him.

"That's just fine with me. Besides we have a lot to learn about each other too. You ready?" They really did have to leave now if they were going to get it all done today. She left his warm arms and grabbed her mini backpack. Before slinging it over her shoulder she looked at it funny.

"All this because of a backpack I dropped. Amazing." She looked at him and Mamoru went and took it from her.

"It really is odd. Come on let's go." He handed it back to her then grabbed his keys and her hand leading her down to the parking lot. There he led her to his shining red car. Her eyes widened and she stood rooted to the spot.

"This is yours? My god Mamoru-ch- Mamoru." She could barely fathom how much money this thing had cost. The Ferrari cost more than she did. He laughed at her. He tugged on her hand and she finally had to either move or fall over. He opened the passenger side door for her and she cautiously climbed it. Never before had she ridden in something so grand.

"It's okay Usako. It wont bite you." He laughed again as he shut the door. I've never laughed this much in my life! She must be good for me. He sighed and got in the drivers side. She was still looking at it barely able to touch the seatbelt for fear of hurting something. Mamoru caught her hand in his and she looked up at him. "It's okay Usako. You can't hurt it." Oh... what a metaphor. He thought, but she nodded and snapped the seatbelt on.

"Okay Mamoru. Sorry I'm a bit... jumpy." What an understatement.