WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS FOR BOTH ANIME AND MANGA. Although these are summaries of the manga, the anime for the mostpart follows the manga basic storyline. As I have said in the introduction page there are quite a few significant differences. So whenever possible I will point them out. I also assume that most of you guys are familiar with the characters and anime. There are a lot of pages on character profiles and what not. One of my favorite sites on Utena and probably the most complete woud be the The Utena Encyclopedia
I have decided to concentrate on the last three Manga volumes (3,4 and 5). There are already pages with complete translation on the first two volumes. I feel it would be a waste of my time to give a summary on these two volumes since they have been translated by someone else (plus I'm too lazy) Here is one of them Ohtori Online Also the following are some translation links I found on the web for the First two volumes:Volume 1(Part1) (Part2) and Volume 2 can be found at the Sunny Garden Translations. I've read over the translations and they seem pretty decent (just thought you'd like to know :).
Utena Volume Three
Utena still has doubts whether or not Touga Kiryuu really is the prince she met long ago when she was just six. However, this internal conflict is all Touga needs to strike the final blow. In the rose garden he once more feeds her his lies slowly forcing her to accept the fact he might just be the one she have been looking for. "You came to this school just to find your prince... Just to meet me." Somehow, Utena still isn't sure because her prince seem much older than her, not to mension he had dark hair and complexion. Touga, being the smooth operator he is, explained that it was an event that transcended time just like the time the power of Dios came into existence! "I called you here because I wanted you; you have become the girl I've always desired you to be." Just then Anthy walks into the garden to water the roses. She apologized for interrupting but Utena tells her she's not disturbing anything. Touga is quick to remind Utena that the bride of the rose (Rose bride from here after) has no feeling and is good for one thing only: being faithful to whoever owns her! Utena angrily responds,"there's no way any girl could like playing the role of the rose bride" She also insists that Anthy is a "normal" girl. Soon after she grabs Anthy by the hands and leaves in a haste. Touga calmly watches the two girls flee his presence. He's determine to have his cake and eat it too (Utena,the power of Dios, and perhaps Anthy :P)
Utena is determined to prove to herself that Anthy indeed is a normal girl...For this she tells Anthy to stop referring to her as "Utena-sama" and also seeks the help of her bestfriend, Wakaba, to help Anthy make friends. Wakaba at first is reluctant but than agrees because it's for "her" Utena. The three girls are outside having a picnic when Utena spots Touga with a horde of girls at his heels. This irritates her a little (since this playboy is supposedly her prince). Anyways, the picnic doesn't seem to be working out: Wakaba thinks Anthy is "strange" because she rather talk and play cards with Chuchu (her pet monkey/mouse) Wakaba declares she can't stay around her any longer and leaves. Utena is confused and mortified that Wakaba would be so rude to Anthy. Anthy doesn't seem to be bother by the incident one bit.
That night Utena wakes up in sweats after dreaming of Touga. Then she realized that Anthy was not in her bed! The next day, during breakfast, she inquires about Anthy whereabouts the night before. Anthy replies that she didn't go anywhere and that she probably dreamt the whole thing. The same night Utena again spots Anthy leaving the room and heading towards the Ohtori administrator's building. She follows Anthy and ends up in the school's planetarium. Here a mysterious man grabs her by surprise. Anthy arrives to see her brother on top of Utena (that's what it looks like to me) Anyways the young men is Akio Ohtori and Anthy's brother. He's also the acting Ohtori administrator and engaged to the real administrator's daughter. Akio is happy that his little sister has made a friend and asks Utena to visit once in awhile. Utena and Anthy head back to the dorms. Utena is quite impressed with Anthy's brother. Anthy thanks Utena for not mensioning her role as the rosebride to her brother and promised to do her best to make friends. This makes Utena extremely happy.
So the next day Utena and Anthy have another picnic with a group of girls. Wakaba is also present but not at all pleased to see Anthy in Utena's company. She jumps on Utena's back (like she usually does!) and demands to know who Utena likes best: she or Anthy. She then adds that Utena has been hanging around Anthy too much lately. ***this scene is really cute; note that Wakaba's dislike for Anthy stems from the fact she's intruding on her friendship with Utena and not so much because she's the object of Saionji's affection; in the Anime Wakaba feelings for Saionji were much deeper and her antipathy for Anthy stemed from this very reason. Remember she became a black rose duelist and fought Utena in order to kill the rosebride and hopefull erase her from Saioji's mind. Well this doesn't happen in the manga*** Utena assures Wakaba that she's her bestfriend. "well then, what is she to you?" Utena replies that Anthy is like family; when she's around her and Chuchu she feels relaxed... To Wakaba that sounds like a nice "little family" and she goes into a jealous fit.
In another scene we see Touga in the Kendo Club room? picking up a sword. Saionji walks in and ask him whether he's planning on dueling Utena. Touga simply replies that the time has arrived to defeat Utena and grab the rose bride and the power of Dios. He leaves a worried Saionji and head to challenge Utena.
Utena is not pleased at the prospect of a duel with Touga. After all he's her "prince". But most importantly, she has no intention of setting Anthy up as a trophy for the victor. She protest the duel but both Touga and Anthy remind her that the rules of the rose signet dictates that the duels be fought until the final word comes from the "end of the world". Utena reluctantly accepts the duel.
Utena is still full of doubts about the duel against Touga because she believes him to be her prince, however, she wants answers to her questions about "the end of the world", Dios and the duels. During the duel Touga senses Utena's insecurity and uses this to his advantage to overpower her and cut off her rose. She loses and Touga claims his prize. Utena can't believe how subservient Anthy had become toward her new "owner". Touga finally confessed that he toyed with her desire to meet her prince in order to win. He also reminds her that she is no longer obligated to engage in the duels and is free to dress and act like a "normal" girl. Utena is absolutely distraught over losing Anthy and falls into a deep depression. As a result of this she starts to wear the girl's school uniform and spend her days daydreaming.
Wakaba along with the entire school noticed Utena's big change. In the meanwhile the Student council has convined to discuss Touga's surprising victory over Utena. Of course, they are all aware of the dirty trick he used to win (praying on an innocent girl's desire to meet her beloved prince :P) Saionji is extremely upset and takes it out on Anthy by slapping her (what a surprise!) Touga seems unaffected but won't have Saionji touching his rose bride. Saionji declares that this is the end of their friendship and storms out of the room.
In the cafeteria Wakaba is still confused over Utena's sudden change. She's accepting love letters from boys and wearing the girl's school uniform. This is not the Utena she knows; not the Utena who always wanted to be a prince rather than the damsell in distress. Saionji walks in and spots Utena still in her depressed, "I don't give a damn" mode. "Tenjo, Strangely you seem to have become spineless. Now you know how I felt when I lost Anthy to you." Touga walks in and sits next to Utena. (The jerk has the nerve to comment on how cute she looks in her uniform!) He then invites her on a date! Just when Utena was thinking that going out with Touga wouldn't be a bad idea, Anthy walks in with Chuchu. Touga tells her to ignore Anthy and respond to his request for a date (nice right?) Wakaba who have been watching the entire scene steps in and orders Touga to get his hands off Utena. She demands that Utena return to being her normals self and quit acting stupid. After this she runs off upset.
Utena is back in her room where she finds a box addressed to her. Inside is a new male uniform with a note. It's from her real prince who encouraged her not forget her pride and noble spirit. She hears a knock at her door; it's Wakaba who has come to apologize for yelling at her earlier. Utena thanks Wakaba and assures her that she has decided to return to the Utena she's always known.
Utena meets Anthy before heading to see Touga. Anthy ask her wether she plans on defeating Touga. Utena smiles and replied that she would try. At the top of a school building she informs Touga that she would be waiting for him in the Arena after school. Touga replies that he won't lose to her because his desire to obtain the power of Dios is much stronger than hers. He gives a passionate speech on breaking world's shell and his desire to revolutionize the world and find himself blah blah blah (the guy is an a-hole...for now). Anyways he also adds that if he wins Utena will become his (girlfriend/ lover?). Chiho Saito drags the duel for a good 8 pages. Anyways, Utena has absolutely no intentions of losing to Touga because her pride and Anthy are at stake. These are the two most important things to her...Finally She overpowers Touga and manages to knock off the rose from his chest.
Utena has won and Dios descends down from the upside-down castle in the sky. This is a sign that she's the final victor. Utena recognizes Dios as the prince she had met when she was a child. Dios disappears back into the sky...Utena vows to reach the castle and see him once more.Touga bows to Utena and declares himself her loyal and humble servant from this day forth. He figures the quickest way to obtain the power of Dios is through Utena. Anyways, he moves in with Anthy and Utena (he doesn't seem to mind being the third wheel!) Utena isn't too thrill with the idea of having Touga around her 24/7 but uses this opportunity to ask him about what he knows about "the end of the world" and the duels.
The next day Touga convines an emergency meeting for the student council. Every member is present including Utena. He informs them that "the end of the world" has declared Utena Tenjo the final victor of the duels. He also elaborates a little about the duels and Dios. Apparently Dios is a young man or illusion that resides in the castle in the sky and has the power to revolutionize the world (I'm not sure what this means; my guess making anyone's dreams/wishes come true). The duels are fought in order to draw the sword of Dios from the chest of the rosebride. Only when that sword is drawn will Dios appear. After the meeting Touga draws Utena aside and confess to her that he plans on betraying "the end of the world" and obtain the power of Dios with her. He also warns her that Anthy is in contact with "the end of the world". He leaves while Utena tries to digest this last piece of information. Anthy walks by and tells Utena that she heard what Touga just said. She warns Utena not to betray "end of the world" or else he might destroy her or Touga. He might even take away something precious from her.
The next thing you know, Wakaba is trapped in a burning building. Utena doesn't think twice to dash in to help her friend. However she's too becomes trapped in the building and is quickly overcome by the smoke. (Click here for Manga image). Fortunately, Akio saves the the day. He rescues Utena while Wakaba is rescued by the firemen. Utena has regain consciousness and thanks Akio for the rescue. He assures her that her friend is safe to her relief. Then she realized that Akio looks a little like Dios. She asks him if he know about Dios. He replies, "No". Utena wonders why her heart beats so fast despite the fact Akio and Dios are not the same person...
The final scene of this Volume is why I think Akio is such a Jerk and A-Hole... The volume concludes with Anthy sitting on her brother's lap playing with his Chest!!!(Note this is still more subtle than the anime scenes e.g episode 31) (manga image) Anthy: Brother you shouldn't expose yourself to unnecessary risk... you could have hurt yourself by causing today's fire incident" Akio: Anthy, there was no other way...I was following the orders of "the end of the world". MY ORDERS....
To VOLUME 4*new*
To the MANGA SCANS for Volume 3
This page was created by Nanami-sama