<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L04S00--> <head> <title>Oozaru and Golden Oozaru</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff" link="#00ff00" alink="#ff0000" vlink="#ffa500"> <basefont size="3"> <!--Header--> <h1 align="center">Oozaru and Golden Oozaru</h1> <!--EndHeader--> <!--Freetext--><!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--ImageGroup--> <img src="http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/7218/vegoozaru.gif"> <p> <font size="5">Oozaru</font> <p> <!--Freetext-->Sayains under the light of a full moon that have tails can go Oozaru. This will increase power level by 10 times and also attack damage and hit points by two times.<!--EndFreetext--> <!--EndImageGroup--> <p> <!--ImageGroup--> <img src="http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Highrise/4652/vegetababygalick2.jpg"> <p> <font size="5">Golden Oozaru</font> <p> <!--Freetext-->Sayains with tails that have achived Super Sayain status have the ability to go Golden Oozaru. This transformation increases power level by ten times and hit points and attack damage by three times.<!--EndFreetext--> <!--EndImageGroup--> <p> <!--ImageGroup--> <img src="http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/7218/turles12.jpg"> <p> <font size="5">Notes of Oozaru</font> <p> <!--Freetext-->Only Sayains with tails can do these transformations. They are as follows. Turlus, Nappa, Gohan, King Vegeta, Bardock, Radditz, Vegeta, Paraguss, Brolly.<!--EndFreetext--> <!--EndImageGroup--> <p> </body> </html>