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Welcome 2 chibi'z home page (enjoy! ^_^ ) or try!

Well, here it is you guys, the probably cheapest and crappiest web page you've ever seen. well, so what? I'm new at this ok? so don't be mean and enjoy what's here. im only doing this for fun so it doesnt really matter and really can't find the time so forgive me =0) But take a look while your here. Maybe it might interest you ( haha,yea right!). But hope u like the pics. (u've probably seen them elsewhere but oh well too bad! :p) I'll try to make this as good as I can (btw, when i actually LEARN how ta make a webpage, this might look a lil betta..)(Well, I guess this page is probably gonna b really bad so... newayz, most of it well b on DBZ (da best!!) note: so far there is nothing yet so if u came here, pleeeaasse don't be disappointed to find nothing..) this page is dedicated to dragonballz 'n gt, and fushigi yuugi, my new fav anime...hopefully this page well look nicer when i figure out how to do that...oh and btw! u kan take any pics or stuff frum the site im koo with dat!!!

damn its almost skoo again!! :< :< :< !! wuah i dunt think i have time to update diz site...i am soooo sorry!! :< but i'll try my best yo! o btw..(i think i wrote this somewhere else...) IF ANYBODY HAS ANY PICS THAT THEY DREW OR WUTEVER..EMAIL 'EM TO ME OR SOMETHIN AND I'LL B GLAD TO SHOW IT OFF ON MAH SITE AIGHTZ?? so thnx! i'll add like a scrap book link or somethin (as long as u guys supply the pics.hehhe) and i'l add some of my own as soon as i get a scanner...:S and thnx everyone that comes to mah site!!! thnx for voting..and thnx for signin my guestbook..u duno how cool it is for me..i got 1430 sum visitors already on my first site..ur now one of them!! thank ya! i've also taken up comic i've said..i might post some of them here when i get a scanner! peace out~ ~小igmasta才
I HAVE GOTTEN A SCANNER! yay! ok now i can post some of my drawings 'n comics on this site! yes! im puttin some on today as a matter of fact...(if i can still remember my codes...) and finish it when i have time. btw..i WILL update my summary pg! (later hehehe ^_^) ~匕iGGy才
skoo starts :< damn. but...I HAVE COMPLETED MY COMICS PG.! IT IS THE BEST! i am happy. skoo...damn.
Sept.16th. 2001
sept.11th-the destruction of America. Damn those bastards for wut they did. pray for america! We care. i posted two more new comics!! yay! go check 'em out!
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Oct.1st, 2001
THNXGIVIN IZ ALMOST HEA! and ..i've posted anotha comic!! yea..dey just keep comin' 'n comin' :)

Oct.25th, 2001
YES! NEW LINK! NEW LINK!! i have added a new link (given pics) JUST FOR UR PICS!! SEND THEM OVER HERE!!NOW! then they can be added into this link! yes!!

Aug. 2, 2002
yeah ok the last time i touched this was ages ago...i've finaly got a bf *cheers* go me go *strut* so heres a coolies thingy me friend made me *Grinz* heres her site:
and heres der coolies banner!!:D:D
And here's the best character of dragonballz, TRUNKS!!

~*~*~ Click on him to see more information~*~*~


Meet my new Saiyan...
aint he kawaii?!!
chibi trunks!!

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This many people came here (sniff so sad!))since Dec.31st, 2000

copyright2000 Chibi4evaz aka Midnyte frost. All rights reserved

copyright2000 Akira Toriyama and Dragon ball, DBZ, DB GT