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Apple's Page


Take a look around and enjoy your stay.

Projects and Progress


I think I'm going to rat myself out now. It is 8-17-11 and I believe the last update had been 10-10 of 2009 so yeah, I missed a whole year in there somewhere. So yes 2 years since the last update, 4 years since the last Dangerous Bonds Update. On the plus side, two chapters as promised. which is good because I just noticed the newest chapter is about 6,000 words shorter than the previous. Sorry. But here are the Links: Dangerous Bonds and it's two newest posted chapters (Chapter 7 and Chapter 8) and all the other fanfics can be found in the Fanfic Archive which can all be found in the Open Book section of this site... which, I don't know if you've noticed, is the only section I update anymore this past 6 years... so Why do I keep the rest of the site up?

I don't know.
I also Changed the Pic For Now, thus invalidating the entire above statement. Anyway, go look.


I do a really crummy job at updating this site. I added Excerpt from Strange and Digimon Drabbles page. I also added Interlude: Takeru to the page for The Puddles Arc. I fixed a couple of misspellings on some of the pages randomly, I won't even bother to point them out because I didn't do enough to even mention it, except it took two hours so I feel like mentioning it.
ALSO, I have Dangerous Bonds only posted until chapter six... sorry. Chapter Seven has been out since 2007. (that's two years) I would post Chapter Seven right now, only I am slightly out of time, I have somewhere else I need to be. Also, Chapter Eight is in BETA right now... so when ever I get Chapter Eight out I will post Chapter Seven as well.
In the mean time, If you would like to read Chapter Seven you can find it here on my Livejournal Everything always gets posted there first anyway. Additionally, I have gotten a Dreamwidth Journal I just duel post there so use whichever is most convenient. (However I did not repost all of my old Livejournal post there so basically any fic posted before this date is not on my Dreamwidth Journal.
I am really Late... I have to go.


Let's see. It's 2009. Just as a frame of reference if anyone is interested. My New Years gift was to post in the Fanfic Archive. Yeay. I have finally gotten around to starting the Digimon Drabbles, which is of course the companion to the Gundam Wing Drabbles Please keep in mind that these are all 100 word stories and there is absolutely nothing attached to them, so if you want anymore information about what these stories are about, check out my livejournal. Specifically, the digidrables tag or the gwdrabbles tag.
That is all.
For now.


Right, Here I am again... At least I'm getting a bit faster at getting these things up on the webpage, even if I'm not doing any better writing faster... anyway. Part 9 of Strange is up in the fanfic section of this site which is in the Open Book Section. ^_^ that was quite a handfull of links. ^_^ I can't see how anyone would have trouble navigating.


Hey! Here is Chapter 6 of Dangerous Bonds which can be found in all the usual places.


Ummm I'm in a rush. Places to go people to see. ^_^ Cruel Intentions and Remix the next of the Gundam Wing Drabbles is up on the site in the Fanfics Archive and every where else my fanfics are stored. As usual with this series, check my live journal for more details on this drabble. Enjoy.


Hmm, I just put up The Destroyer. The Next Drabble in the Gundam Wing Drabbles found in the Fanfic Archive. I also fixed the formatting errors in Dangerous Bonds, Strange, and Writing Lines. Funnily enough, they weren't visible from my boyfriends computer so I suppect the question mark thing had something to do with the versions of IE I was running on my old computer vs. what I'm running on this one. Oh yeah, I'm in the process of redesigning the page again. I've made a banner and I'm figuring out how I want the layout to look. Pretty soon this will be gone. Though, much like I did with the old version of this site, I'll probably link back to this page from the new one. I'm quirky that way.


OH, my site is truly is disrepair, and yet I just can't find the energy to get worked up over it. I just spend the last, 3 hours in the Fanfics archive fixing stupid things. One thing I have to say is Laziness causes more problems than it solves in the long run and to further that point I would like to say that Copying and Pasting only works if what you Copy is correct in the first place, otherwise everything you paste is just as wrong. Now, having got that off of my chest, I can say I just spend the past couple of hours fixing broken links and apparently the formatting on Dangerous Bonds and Strange is very wrong, and somehow all the ellipses, apostrophes and quotation marks were all turned into question marks, joy. No, really, Joy. This will take hours to fix and as it is now 1:00 and I have to be to work in the morning, I can no longer work on this, nor I have the desire to work on it right now. It's probably been like that for months so, what's a few more days (-_- if I never see another question mark it will be too soon) Anyway, the purpose of this update is to say that I have started a new project, the first bit of it is up the Fanfic Archive, as Gundam Wing Drabbles It's short and won't waste too much of your time so go check it out. Hopefully, Digimon Drabbles soon to follow. But not right now. Right now is for sleep. Goodnight.


Hopefully the next time I post anything to this website, it will be from a new computer, MY new computer. My birthday is on the 20th and it is my intention to have a better computer to call my own by then. But until then, here is is more Strange for your enjoyment. Part 8, go read. ^_^


I've finally updated Dangerous Bonds so that it's caught up to the current chapters that have been posted everywhere else. So, Chapter 2 has been up for a while I just never mentioned it here. But now Chapters 3,4, and 5 can also be found in their respective places in the Fanfics section.
Additionally. Somehow I lost the pages where I uploaded my music, only to find them again, only to find that I had lost most of the passwords to access them. ^_^ So... yeah, sometimes I'm a dumbass. Also, I plan on getting a new computer for my birthday (Mid March) come hell or high water and one would expect that means I will be working on this site again, but I'm not so sure about that. I have a ton of other things to worry about and now that I'm working so much... I dunno when I'll find the time. But, alas, nothing is truely definite... We will all just have to wait and see.


NEW FANFIC! Dangerous Bonds a Gundam Wing Crossover with L.J. Smith's Dark Visions book series. The Prologue and Chapter 1 are up in the fanfics section. It's rated R, kids.
