Bronze Zetsuai Image Gallery
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There is only one thing which I cannot give up.
It is without question the one and only very important thing in my life.
Every last thing inside of me is formed from it.
It is an intense passionate idea which I am completely unable to put into words.
I have faith in myself.
I won't let anyone make me lose this idea.
I won't let anyone make me give up this idea.
It's for this idea that I breathe, that my blood flows and I am painting.
Every time that I am painting, not coming close to that idea, I grind my teeth in frustration.
This isn't what I yearn to say.
My own idea isn't at such a simple level as this.
'Crying' one cannot draw close to infinity.
'Suffering','hurting','becoming worn out and 'raging' I continue to exist.
No matter how I rage however, this single thing did not change.
I also have known what it is to be born anew.
If only I could make you feel one ten-millionth of this emotion...

Welcome to my Bronze Zetsuai image gallery. What follows here are the images I have scanned from two of Minami Ozaki's art books, "God" and "Zodiac", along with some manga images.

WARNING!! The manga images are contain plot spoilers. In addition some of them are mildly graphic, so if the mere thought of homosexual love bothers you, I suggest you leave now. love is love

As always if any of the pics aren't working properly, please email me and let me know so that I can get the up as soon as possible. The fan fic archive, Fan art gallery, and the links section are linked to ~*Celebration*~, my Jrock web page, which has many wallpapers for your computer of various Jrock bands. Feel free to check it out!

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook. And above all else-ENJOY-!

ATTENTION!! As of 1/31/2000 my index page of scans from "God", "Zodiac" and the "OVA book" has been deleted by Angelfire. Therefore I currently have no way of displaying the thumbnails until I re-design those pages. Please bear with me until I update...

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