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Welcome to The Dragonball Breakdown, the home to the most accurate Dragonball info on the net!

Recent Updates/News

April 18, 2001 1:07 a.m. by:K

If anyone haven't noticed yet, this site isn't really being updated anymore... I pretty much lost my motivation in the middle of creating this website and these days I barely even care about DBZ anymore. (Just look at the counter... 600 hits in 1 year...) I believe the same could be said about my partner Satz. So while this announcement should've come a LOT earlier, like last August, I'll say it now that this site is dead. I'm considering starting over with something new this summer and if I do, I guess I'll post a link here. That's all for now. *laughs at the thought that noone will probably ever read this message*

July 26, 2000 9:20 p.m. by:SATZ- can't whistle if he eats too many crackers

I have about 10 more bios, and another image gallery ready to add in the near future. Also, i'm gonna go fix the saga summaries main page, cause it kinda looks like hell. I'm gonna get the editorials section going, where I'll start by putting up articles K and I have written in the past. Basically, i'm doing a lot of online work today. I also started writing the summary for the first episode of Dragon Ball GT. Whew! Seeya next update, folks. Jesus was made of crackers?

July 21, 2000 12:40 p.m. by:K

Dang I am getting way too lazy! I've gotta get more updates done! But anyways, I've changed the layout of the games section a bit, and have gotten the frames up for all of the seperate subsections for each of the gaming systems.

June 25, 2000 3:45 p.m. by:K

Comedy link on the main page have been deleted, as that section will be abandoned. As soon as I get Satzy's permission, I'm gonna go and delete all and anything that ever had to do with comedy, since it's taking up a lot of space and the only thing it could do is hurt us. Gokouden 1 and 2's screenshots are up. I'm moving to a new computer, and that'll take up a lot of my time, so I might not be updating for a lil bit.

June 21, 2000 10:47 P.M. by:K

The links index on the main page have been updated, and 1 more movie clip have been added to the movie clips section. I also fixed some minor link problems in various sections. I'll probably look over some more Bio's now and maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get screenshots up for Gokouden 1 and 2. Also, I've deleted most of the old updates/news to make room for more. And from now on, let's try to keep our opinions to ourselves on this section, in preparation for the opening of this website.

June 14, 2000 2:28 P.M. by:Satzy, God of Death

Hi kids! How are you today?

I added bios and fixed some links and you know, did the whole "update" thing. Well, I'm starting to work hard again. I promise I'll be doing at least 2 bios a day from now on. I think were nearing the opening of the page to the public. I think we should go for their next link submission thing.

May 15, 2000 8:30 P.M. by:K

The SNES part of the Game section is pretty much complete, pending addition of some more screenshots. Hopefully I'll be able to complete the NES, PSX, and Sega section of the Games section tomorrow, since those won't take as long.


This is merely a fansite, and we have no connection whatsoever to Toei, Bird Studio, Bandai, FUNimation, or any other company that actually owns Dragon Ball. Any multimedia material that we use were either created outselves or was borrowed off of other websites. If you wish to get credit some something you believe that we took from your site, please let us know.
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