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the "happy" ending

Tai awoke, a cold sweat on his forehead. Without warning, he began to cry with heart wrenching sobs. "Yamato... no.. " His whole body contorted with each great gasp and bout of tears. "Oh god... not him. Not any of my friends. Please..."


Tai raised his damp face and looked threw the night fire at a tall figure hidden behind the flames. The person stood and walked around the camp fire, "Do you need something?"

Tai sqinted his eyes and caught his breath as the face came into view. Matt kneeled down beside him and looked at Tai with concern, "Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Tai wraped his arms around Matt and hugged him fiercly, "Your alive! Oh my god your alive!" he shouted, miraculiously not wakeing anyone else up.

Matt sat there, stuned, and patted his back as he cried, "Of corse I'm alive, baka. You think I'd go and leave you guys? Ha, you'll never be that lucky. It was just a dream."

"A nightmare." Tai corrected, "It was horrible! Everyone was there but we couldn't save you."

Matt shrugged his shoulders, "Dreams can't hurt anyone. You'd better go back to sleep, Tai. We've got a long way to go tomorrow."

Tai nodded and setled back into his spot. Matt got up and walked back to TK and thier digipals, pausing a moment to brush his brothers hair from his eyes.

"Hey, Matt." Tai whispered, siting up on one elbo, "What were you doing up? You and TK never sleep by the fire but you were there when I woke up. What were you doing?"

Matt sighed, "I had a bad dream too.... about TK."

Alarms went off in Tai's head, "Really... what do you mean.. bad?"

"Call me superstitious but I kinda have this belief that if you talk about bad things, they just might happen... and in this case I'd realy rather not say." he shook the memory away and turned to Tai, "But that's just me, I guess. What about you though? You wanna talk about your dream?"

Tai gulped, "Oh.. uh... Its silly but... I guess I forgott." he lied. It was still all too fresh in his mind.

Matt shrugged, "Well anyways, It'll be morning soon. I can't go back to sleep as it is so I guess I should go out and fish for breakfast. We'll want to get an early start, right?"

Tai shot to his feet like a rocket, "NO!"

Matt blinked at his friend in confusion.

"I mean.. no. I think we should say here another day and rest a bit more. Pluse.. it uh.. looks like rain."

With the stary sky above unlittered with clouds, it was hard for Matt to figure out how he came to that conclusion, "Whatever you say dude. To tell you the truth, I don't think leaving the camp today is a god idea."

"For once, we agree." Tai found he was growing tired and rested his head back against a tree, "Go back to bed, Matt. We're in no hurry today."

Oviously relieved by Tai's desicion, Matt crawled back into his spot and fell imediatly to sleep.

Tai sighed and smilled. For some odd reason, he felt history had in it'self been changed, rewritten somehow. All because he hadn't made them leave the campsite in the morning. Tai closed his eyes and settled in for the rest of the night, sure that somewhere, someone was watching them and looking after them. I don't know who you are but.. well.. thank you. You may have just saved Matt's life. Thank you.... for your message in the night.


So, ya like the alternitive ending better? E-mail me.