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All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
Chi-Chi-Chi-Chip and Dale's MMORPG!
Elian! Everyone remember him and how the American government treated him? Well, here's EXACTLY what happened, with commentary by Castro even!
Which is it? Can you guess? I bet you can! But can you guess right?
Now for the Xiao Xiao!
The most well known, Xiao Xiao #3!
Xiao Xiao 4! Woo! Shoot things, testosterone and all that! Woo!
I'd show ya number one, but I only have it in .avi format, which I'm not going to upload because I'm a bastard.
My 10 best friends no particular order...except Blogg
Hey everyone! This is my site...geez, haven't done html since...geocities bastard...anyways, here's my site. Also, I will take over Nauru. The third smallest country in the world, and an island, half of it will become a mosh pit. Any objections from you Nauruans out there? Didn't think so. If, by any chance, you ARE Nauruan and you dislike this idea...or if you have any opinion at all, feel free to eMail me at this address. Well, that's over, here is an animation I enjoy, because I'm a geek:
OK, this is just damn funny...well, if you're a Simpsons/Final Fantasy VI fan.
Swords Online. Go through this link when you buy a sword, and I get 10% of the cost! Shweet, huh? C'mon, you know you need a else are you going to cut bread and spread butter?
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Hear you me...
This site last updated...uhhh...what's today? Ummm...Saturday...well, that doesn't's the 8th of December I think...or something like's like 11:07 in the morning...